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Everything posted by Enlightenment

  1. What he calls full enlightenment is very different from Leo's version of full enlightenment
  2. Lookism.net basically, I lurk there for lol's sometimes Not only mixed kids. Those are usually immature incels or trolls
  3. Yes, painful to watch like this video https://streamable.com/h65jsx Terrorism
  4. Yes, enlightenment doesn't protect against mental illness like schizophrenia, major depression episodes, bipolar If someone has a genetic predisposition + there will be an environmental trigger = no enlightenment will protect against it
  5. Not in the same way and they suffer less which is already a good reason to pursue it. It's more like metta okayness and peace than happiness. If we take identical twins and one is enlightened and one not, both are suicidally depressed and eventually both commit suicide, I would still much rather be the enlightened one in the prosses
  6. Chemo is very unhealthy for the body, yes But in many cases, it is the option that gives you the most chance of surviving cancer
  7. @Harmony342 Define free will and I will tell you
  8. Kenneth Folk was very depressed for ~5 years
  9. https://implicit.harvard.edu BTW Enlightened people on this test show the same evil tendencies as normal people (not surprising IMO)
  10. @seriousman24 5-MeO is not a good video game performance-enhancing drug
  11. He's playing devil's advocate I actually think this is one of the best interviews with him, high quality, deep questions
  12. In a sense that death would not equal unconsciousness forever 6,5 This seems like a slightly different question to me. To answer it I will assume that there is something real 5
  13. Suffering is absolutely necessary for survival. Even if there would be a pill you can take and never be able to suffer again, you wouldn't survive for long. Death is potentially a permanent end of suffering. As long as you're interested in survival, you should rather ask a question "How to decrease suffering to the point where it's not a big deal anymore and then maintain it"
  14. @BjarkeT High-intensity cardio (not interval). Run/jog for 15 minutes as fast as you can every other day. Intensity has to be high to release endorphins so try to go for a personal record every single time you do it. Eventually, go up to 20 or 25 minutes.