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Everything posted by Jonty

  1. @Someone here Sure, no worries. All good ? Hope you get to the bottom of it.
  2. @Someone here This video might help you. Also, @Nahm once quoted something to me that really resonated. I believe it's a Buddhist koan. "You will never truly see until you realize that you are blind" That one has helped me a lot!
  3. @Someone here All that's happening is that you're superimposing thought over what's here. That's all that time is. I saw a TV show recently where a scientist was arguing that numbers are actually "out there" floating around in the universe. Totally absurd, but her paradigm had her utterly convinced that she was right. Same thing with time. First of all just try to see that your hand can still move from point A to point B without it moving through "time". You could use the word "custard" or "snagglepuss" rather than using the word "time", it's all just concept and thought and comes to the same thing. Just see it blindly, without imposing any thought or judgement on what's happening. Once you see that, the other things pointed to in this thread will start to become more obvious. I hope this post doesn't come across in a patronizing manner, but personally I find that if someone lays things out really simply then it becomes obvious. I'm English...we don't do complicated ?
  4. @Thought Art @Thought Art ?? Yeah maybe a little heavy handed with the word there. All great though!
  5. I've had experience with many different psychedelics over the years. Some suited me, some didn't. I've had my fair share of bad trips, but equally had some wonderful and very insightful experiences. The answer here surely must be to do them if they suit your practice and if you feel psychologically able to cope with both good and bad trips. If not, then try something else, but always use common sense. Personally, I don't drink alcohol, but see why people would want to, it's a choice. Richard Alpert was a huge advocate of psychedelics, Rupert Spira isn't. Same difference. What I'm trying to say is that if it suits you then great, if it doesn't then great.
  6. @justfortoday Thanks for sharing this. Really high quality post. Can't believe I missed it when you first posted it, but never too late to pass on some gratitude! ???
  7. @Dazgwny There's a word that's crept into our culture and seems to be everywhere at the moment, which is "woke" which is being aware of social injustices. I have a friend who thinks that being "woke" and an awakening are the same thing. Seems your mate might have the same idea! I was reading in the paper only the other day that Megan Markle is "woke". She doesn't strike me as a modern day sage though ?
  8. @Dazgwny ?That made me laugh. Its so British. Who else uses the word bollocks!
  9. @Leo Gura It's only a small portion that don't seem to recognise the amount of effort that you go to. On a personal level, this website has changed my life and I'm sure it has done the same for thousands of others.
  10. I used to work for the Police. Even if a victim had no family, someone has to deal with the trauma of the aftermath of a suicide, irrespective of how they did it. I saw suicides too much, perhaps one a week over 16 years in the job. I never knew a single time that it didn't affect someone.
  11. @Mason Riggle That's such a fantastic way to describe it. Thanks ?
  12. @Terell Kirby Did you experience being the "witness" or did you think that you're the witness?
  13. @GreenWoods My difficulty with this was that in the back of my mind I still had a belief that motion was happening in time. When I inspected my belief I saw that time was always part of any theory I came up with, albeit in the background. If you see clearly that time is a total mental construct you realise that there is no other option but that the shape shifting IS taking place, its just not happening in time. This moment is eternal. Its so ingrained into us that there is time and space that we have enormous difficulty shaking it off. Its part of our sub conscious for want of a better phrase. I found the best way to understand is by simply imagining a world where thought doesn't exist. It seems silly, but it works wonders for me. It's then easy to see through so many things. We still perceive the shape shifting, but then to call it motion would be a step too far. In fact, to even consider the problem of understanding this as an issue at all is a step too far! Thought on thought on thought........ Rupert Spira has a great episode on this. I'll try to find it. ?
  14. @machiavelli I live in the UK where, like most countries, murder is illegal no matter what the circumstances. In France there is something called a "Crime Of Passion" whereby leniancy is shown to the perpetrator of a murder if it was carried out as a result of it fitting into this category. For example, a woman may return home to find her partner in bed with someone else and in a fit of rage, kills them. Who's right? British law or French law? Right and wrong come down to our personal interpretations. I might follow a particular political party to someone else, I might feel that Christianity is the one and only religion, I might believe that we should bring back the death penalty in the UK. There isn't a "right" answer. It's all relative. Hitler actually believed he was doing the right thing by carrying out the appalling acts in WW2. We had a serial killer here in the UK who believed he was doing the right thing by killing prostitutes as he said that God had told him to do it. We do things because "we" believe they're right. Our idea of bad or evil is anything that goes against our agenda. Ironically, even if we set out to do something wrong we would be doing it because we believed it was right! ??
  15. @machiavelli Instead of using the word "God", try using the word "existence". It might make it easier to grasp. So, peace exists, love exists etc. There isn't anything that doesn't exist. Existence is all there is.
  16. The Perfume Of Silence by Francis Lucille and The Nature Of Consciousness by Rupert Spira.