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Everything posted by Zweistein

  1. I think I "fixed that issue" for myself with compassion-focused therapy. You can search on youtube for Paul Gilbert, Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer. The idea is simple: nobody in the world will be able to understand your extent of suffering and nobody will be able to show enough empathy and understanding for you - only YOU can do that! You can soothe yourself. Once I found enough love for myself this way, it was easy to have an incredible amount of empathy and love for others. I can also catch myself in the process of judging and remember: everyone is doing the best they can.
  2. My prediction is that once one is comfortable with the emptiness, one will start singing and dancing. And all of a sudden, there is a lot of energy from within us. An unbeatable amount of energy.
  3. Nice - I'm not surprised. Just googled it: I guess Leo's lectures have tought you a lot ;-) There are many consulting businesses out there that are making money with spiral dynamics. It helps tremendously with marketing if you know how your customers think.
  4. Haha, I'm still quite evil and manipulative , but that's so tough to minimize.... lol. I still need some stimulation sometimes... but I don't need approval, fame or success anymore. I'm just being a bit proactive here (maybe not very strategic), but intuitively working towards my vision: a better world with less suffering. So, Leo - I tried to send you this as message, but it didn't go through. Since youtube is demonetizing videos nowadays, I'm assuming that you need to re-adjust your business model a bit. But before you decide to go and live in the woods after your 30-day meditation challenge, I would consider a re-adjusted life purpose with focus in philantrophy and/or effective altruism. So, I'm appealing to your minimized ego and big picture thinking. We love you as a good role model, Leo! You can leave the orange state behind, right? And you can skip the negative issues of green also and jump right to yellow. Look at what yellow people do and you know what to do. Namaste, bro!
  5. @SoothedByRain I wrote: "I suggest" and "that we are ALMOST back to beige...." implying that it's not exactly the same of course. And yes, I like to question concepts, haha. ;-) Think about it, beige is pure instinct. Not much thinking at all. The focus is on the senses - like in meditation, you are "back" to just be present and you are not caught up in thoughts. I like the Spiral Dynamics concept a lot actually, because if you know about it, you have a chance to raise your consciousness quicker - if you want to, I guess. And yes, as you move up the spiral, you wouldn't dare to go back down once you have moved up. I'm just wondering whether anyone around here feels like he/she has arrived or glimpsed at green and/or yellow? If so, let's talk more about narcissism, collective ego, ethics, utilitarism, systemic and holistic thinking, integration and flow, preservation, .... If not, that's fine, too. As I said, I don't need anything. I'm as happy as I can be - after all I'm breathing and I'm alive.
  6. Leo, you know about the butterfly effect and utilitarism, right? Can you question your point system? ? So, killing our knowledge graph is a short cut to enlightenment, but should we therefore skip levels green, yellow, turquoise in the spiral dynamics concept?
  7. So, thanks to Leo, I guess we all understand (more or less) that we humans are stuck as prisoners in our heads (in our thoughts and believes that we think we know something =matrix) and the way out of this prison, which was given to us by Leo in form of a cake (his thoughts/believes) with a hidden file (insight), is the following thought/believe (cake) that will get us through the security checkpoint: that all this knowlegde, all these thoughts/believes and insights don't actually help us escaping the matrix as they keep us stuck inside our heads with even more thoughts. It's like we are addicted to thoughts to gain more and more knowledge, but all this knowledge doesn't help us anything. They only way out is to stop thinking (kill your knowledge graph) and start feeling instead. Feel you are alive by breathing, tasting, smelling, hearing, seeing the world around you ... and with that I suggest that we are almost back to beige in the Spiral Dynamics concept. Strange Loop.
  8. So, you say spiral dynamics is not a tool to develop consciousness? Hmm, is that true? I wonder if Leo gets paid for featuring certain psychadelics No, I didn't say that. Of course, he doesn't. He is a genius! I'm living in the now, in some sort of meditative state - glimpsing the Absolute several hundred times a day (without any drugs), observing my thoughts and actions constantly. I'm completely aware that I'm all and nothing at the same time. And I'm not looking for anything. I don't need anything anymore either.