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Everything posted by CreamCat

  1. In the latest video of TJ Reeves, he talks about how to embody stages of spiral dynamics. I will start again with embodying Beige because I suck at managing my body and mind. I didn't even properly embody Red and Blue, either. I suck at Orange and Green, too! Start over from the beginning again. I'll master each stage before moving up. Beige // Survival Sleep for 7~8 hours a day Exercise for 30 minutes at least 4-5 times a week. Otherwise, your body will shut down, and you become depressed Eat right // Cut sugar out of your diet. Your liver cannot process a lot of sugar. NoFap // NoFap increases the level of testosterone which is needed for accomplishments Breathing // Mouth breathing can lead to bad sleep and dementia and low intelligence Meditation // You need to warm up your mind with meditation in the morning before you start work Purple // Magical thinking, tribalistic thinking It occurs while you rely as a toddler on your family and traditions in order to survive. You need good relationships with your mother and your father. You need a minimum of 5 friends who meet the following 3 criteria They must support you when you are doing well They must be able to listen to you when you are doing poorly They must be able to understand you. If they cannot understand you, they are not appropriately your friend. They are nice to have around, but they are not friends. Without appropriate traditions, appropriate schedules, and appropriate rituals, you will be living in a lot of chaos. Red People are afraid of unhealthy aspects of Red, but healthy red is essential. Red is heroic. Without healthy red, you cannot become a world leader or the person you can be. Without red, you will be a weakling. Red is where we get heroic gods and people who go for more and those individuals who are crazy enough to test the limits at all times. A red person doesn't care at all about varying from one's values and principles. One sticks to them. If you are passive, you will allow bullshits in our society to run rampant. Red is focused on aligning the course it want to be with the course it is on until there is no gap between the two. Red works toward the ability to create what it wants to create without having it backfire. Blue Blue is most about having principles and values for the greater whole. It is a code of ethics for how you work and act. 5 principles and values that will not fail you, no matter the context Love // Love is empowerment through connection to God. if you are not operating out of love, you are probably not taking the right action Love is infinitely powerful. Yet, the limitations we place on ourselves are also infinitely powerful. We need to eliminate limitations one by one. Honesty and truth // Truth will set you free and help you. Speak truth at all times. It takes healthy red because it takes saying some mean things sometimes. A sense of groundedness It is a principle on having principles. Groundedness means you are operating from a place where no outside factors will be changing your overall mindset. It is also about establishing and sticking to disciplines and practices for yourself to be the best version of yourself. You take them seriously to take advantage of your time, energy, mind, and all these different habits that allow you to build up skillsets neccesary to become a master in your own life. Openness One sticks to one's principles at all time such that one is open-minded. True skepticism is being skeptical of one's own skepticism. True openmindedness seeks greater knowledge and greater awareness at all times. Never numb yourself in any way, shape, or form. No numbing with drugs, sex, relationships, TV, books, and so on. Orange Orange is a rational-based mindset. When you unlock Orange, you unlock the ability to see things through cold pure observational calculation which is a great ability to unlock. If you don't have the other levels in a healthy way, then you are only going to see things through a rational mindset. You're going to end up as an athiest and with stupid issue of free will. We need healthy Orange because healthy Orange is able to operate within Blue-level rulesets to carry out Red-level power. Money is fucking important. It's your fucking obligation to make as much money as possible. Create your own business, master skillsets, go after achivements and wins, be proud of achivements, and strive for progress and betterment. Healthy Orange can create so many win-win situations. To deny it is simply ridiculous. To deny it is to leave yourself in a place of waiting around in misery. Green Green is more relativist. Green loves calming down the most pissed off and people who are the most in pain. If we are going to lead a revolution in humanity, we are going to have to do it with compassion. Green is where we see the importance of making sure that people at the bottom level are given the appropriate toolset to go out and do what they need to do. Green is not about becoming a useless freaking dirty hippie. It is not about talking about what gender identity you have. Green without all the other stages properly integrated is unhealthy Green. Unhealthy Green is about making an identity out of every single minority, apologizing to that, and making it so that everyone has to waste their time in order to fit these people who are on the extreme ends that really don't make up too much of the population. There are lots of Green pseudo-spiritualists who think they are the most highly spiritual but have all other stages incredibly weakly developed. Green properly done is like calculus. It is very difficult. What unlocks with Green is the fact that you realize that one of the biggest issues with people is that they are not experiencing the appropriate level of love they could have experienced. It's love in actual interpersonal relations and behavioral love in getting the resources they need. Yellow It is a baby just as beige is a baby. It understands the world doesn't operate on black and white thinking. Yellow understands the value of life and all the different perspectives that exist. Yellow balances perspectives. It is balancing and recognition of all the different perspectives that exist. It is recognition that they must work together in a nice calculating manner to see the different systems and different chaotic variables that must be taken into account. You are not going to graduate with healthy Yellow unless you understand things like bayesian reasoning and three body problem and feedback loop and how to build a system that exists without you. If you can't build or observe a system that exists without you, you are not appropriately graudating from Yellow. For the first time in Spiral Dynamics, it thinks problems cannot be solved in the same consciousness that created that problem. Yellow doesn't take this idea to its extreme. So, it looks at every other variable except for consciousness itself. When people reach yellow, they become more individual because they realize how held back everybody else is and go off on their own to do things. What's missing people from Yellow is mystical aspects. You haven't graduated properly until you learn and master systems theory, examine all other systems, and then exit when you recognize that the final system to work on is consciousness and the self. When a person examines truth of questions, they all lead the same path back to love, consciousness, and truth. It's when you recognize it that you can become turquoise. Turquoise It recognizes that there are other realms to thought than everyday life. Turquoise is an enlightened version of purple. It is the recognition that absolutely everything is consciousness and that you are every single person you've talked to and met. It is the recognition that everything is absolutely perfect. It is the recognition that the universe looks through your eyes and the universe is within you. It is the recognition that every single person and thing is made out of you. It travels to new realms and open up to other possibilities that exist. There are realms you can dive into to observe and obtain answers. This is collective consciousness. You can access collective consciousness through meditation, psychedelics, near-death experiences, sky-diving, and so on. When you reach the appropriate state, you get into the place called the STER state. Selfless, timeless, effortless, and full of richness This state basically occurs between theta and alpha states of the brain. It's in this state that you can have some of the deepest answers in the universe. You can just have universal downloads. There are other states we can dial into It's important to develop into healthy Turquoise and then dial into other realms. Coral When you recognize that you are not just universe but also responsibility, you move to Coral. It takes full responsibility for this universe. It would take full responsibility for prevention of extinction-level events. An example of this is Thanos. Thanos killed half of all life forms in the universe to save itself from malthusian disasters. If Thanos fought the right fight, the universe would become better. Teal It recognizes abilities and powers of people and slot them in appropriately It has connection to cosmic awareness which gives awareness of impending threats and allows one to issue out energy and absorb energy.
  2. Example 1. Person A and person B look at a situation. A thinks it is equal. B thinks it is unequal. A makes it equal. Now, B think it is unequal. Example 2. amateur chess player wants to play with a grand chess master. To put them on an equal playing ground, you need to discriminate against the grand chess master. The same applies to sports games. Conclusion 1. There is no such thing as absolute equality that everybody can agree on. It's all relative, and it depends on different perspectives. Conclusion 2. It's difficult to cleanly discern discrimination from equality. Equality and discrimination are deeply entangled. Perhaps, it's one of tricky ramifications of non-duality.
  3. I am going to create clear goals for the next 1 year, the next 3 years, the next 5 years, and the next 10 years with specific results that I want. In each year, I will make a yearly plan which I divide into quarterly plans. In each quarter, I divide a quarterly plan into 6-week plans. Each week, I make a weekly plan to make progress in my 6-week plan. Everyday, I will make a daily plan to make progress in my weekly plan. I already make daily plans and weekly plans. I also had experiences with 6-week plans. I just need to scale it upward. Without such a clear long-term plan, I'm probably going to allow a wide space for various subtle self-deceptive forms of procrastination to take over my schedule and not know that I'm procrastinating. Perfectionism is a great example of a self-deceptive form of procrastination. In the past, I wasted months of my time by allowing things like perfectionism and revenge to take over my life. I'm probably going to miss the mark because I can't predict the future with 100% precision and accuracy. That's why I need to revise the plans from time to time.
  4. I ditched them. I just follow my intuition and my long-term vision.
  5. I heard that some primate species cannot recognize themselves in mirrors. They don't know the concept of ego. Cats attack themselves in mirrors because cats recognize their own images in mirrors as an enemy. Perhaps, cats have ego, too.
  6. In particular, wars going on in the middle east. There are people who orchestrate deaths in middle east to maximize human suffering and deaths, and they get rich for it and do not get punished for it. They feel joy from killing people. This is bullshit. If you care about humanity, this should take this seriously. The same people who are doing that are controlling USA. They will keep controlling USA no matter who the president is. Which president people choose matters less than stopping the death machine because the death machine will also control US presidents. Even Donald Trump is just a russian puppet. An individual cannot fight an entire industry of psychopathic death machines even if that individual is the US president. It's important to expose those rich bastards.
  7. I didn't say russians are directly behind the middle east wars. I merely wanted to say that US presidents are puppets in one way or another. Trump is a russian puppet because russians own trump financially. Donald Trump is not just a russian puppet. He is probably also a puppet of military-industrial complex.
  8. In my naive theory, basic income will enable everyone to live on perpetual vacations. But, in reality, devils could easily promise basic income for the purpose of enslaving population. AIs can make our life comfortable, but they could easily obtain their own goals and start treating humans like cockroaches. We could easily become as irrelevant as cockroaches. Enslavement is a few steps behind us. Green can often want enslavement. Green may want to implement human exclusion zones by using climate change as an excuse. The elites might speak Green language to put human in cages called human zones and control them. What if gender equality is an attempt by the elites to decrease testosterone levels of the common men so that it becomes easier for the elites to control men through force? Gender equality in the literal sense means androgyny. Domestication of men by making them physically feeble would make it easier to subdue uprises. It would become easier to physically enslave men. Basic income can easily become a scam for enslavement. Blue and Red are explicit about enslavement. Blue lies that civil duty such as jury duty is sacred when it's just another form of enslavement. (Jury duty is an excuse Blue uses in order to not pay for juries.) Orange hides enslavement under the rug. Yellow? I don't know, yet. Artificial intelligence can easily become a tool of enslavement. Therefore, I urge you to become as independent as possible and not expect too much from governments and movements and future promises. When future promises are broken, you can get out of enslavement only if you are strong and smart. Don't let your guard down. Don't be gullible enough to believe promises. Protect those whom you can protect. Have realistic expectations about future promises. The solution is to train self governance. Don't give up control to governments. Don't wait for governments or others to save you.
  9. Supposedly Green people seem to want to enslave others by putting humans in restricted areas and preventing them from getting out. This is nothing new. It has been done by lower stages, too. Trump building physical walls. Green building ideological walls beyond which no job is available. Calling random people racists to avoid getting to know them. Maybe, I'm wrong. But, we should definitely evolve more and take care of our fellows. Freedom and liberty are important tools with which we create what we want to create.
  10. Every microsecond since your birth has been deciding the future of your life.
  11. Feminism belongs to Green. Green's problems cannot be answered to by Green or below in the same way that Orange's problems cannot be solved by Orange. At your level of consciousness, any attempt to grasp feminism would be futile because you won't ever reach a satisfactory answer until you grow past Green. I guess Solid Yellow would start creating solutions to feminism's and Green's problems. Solid Turquoise could properly tackle Green and below head on. Proper Coral would be able to handle them without too much hassle. Teal is yet another mind-fuckery. Stop haggling with feminism at your level of consciousness. It's futile. Focus on growing while enforcing your boundaries. For now, it's beyond you.
  12. @Hansu Of course, it's very hard to pretend that you are gay when you are not. But, you can identify with body building if that's what you want to do most rather than what you want to do right now. It's not difficult to figure out what you want most or what you really want to do.
  13. During vietnam war, US soldiers were addicted to drugs because they didn't have much to do other than killing enemies and injecting drugs. As soon as they returned to USA, the vast majority of addicts cured themselves of drug addiction because they suddenly found a lot more things to do. I used to be addicted to computer because I identified mainly with my computer. I couldn't figure out why I couldn't cure myself of computer addiction. Recently, I figured out that I was addicted to my computer because I identified strongly with it. I then decided to identify with gradual expansion of identity. First, I'm going to try to identify more with all major aspects of my life including work, body, relationship, and mind. After I identify with my full individual self, I can expand my identity beyond myself. I started identifying more with my task management system and timer so that I don't lose balance to one task. What I discover is that as I expand my identity or myself, things gain more balance because I automatically care about and pursue balance among things I identify with. However, my identity tends to shrink over hours to a small part of my life because what I do tends to define me narrowly. Thus, I have to constantly watch for tunnel vision and expand my identity again. You also go outside your comfort zone by expanding your identity. For example, you identify with your body and decide to go to gym and lift heavier weights. You can also expand your identity by identifying with higher standards for what you do.
  14. You can lose weight by including exercise in your identity. See yourself as a person who exercises everyday. You can learn to identify more strongly with exercise and discipline than with eating and procrastination. If you see yourself as a natural procrastinator, quitting procrastination will be difficult because you will easily justify procrastination. Expanding your identity can be painful because it requires going outside comfort zone by definition, but it is easier than other personal development techniques I used.
  15. I dropped my bullshit identity as a computer geek. And, various bullshit computer projects that serve as distractions are melting away.
  16. Until recently, my visualization failed because I couldn't visualize years into the future well. My mind just wandered off into daydreaming mode. So, I started changing the tactics. I visualized expanding my identity to major areas of my life. It worked beautifully. Today, I visualized becoming stronger and smarter because of obstacles and remaining calm, given any situation - victory or defeat. I immediately became more stoic and more imperturbable. If visualizing the far future doesn't work, pick a concept of personal development, and visualize embodying it right now.
  17. How do you know life is deterministic?
  18. First, make friends and build your tribe. Make a family if you like. If you don't like, don't. If your health deteriorates to the point of no return and you expect to suffer greatly, you can choose euthanasia. You can choose to dig your own grave by paying for euthanasia and funeral service. A controlled death is better than a long downward spiral.
  19. That video is solid. But, it was funny because I heard a man snoring in the background in the video.
  20. You got a serious condition.
  21. Whenever jordan peterson is thrown in on this forum, people get derailed. That curly-haired man in the video doesn't get enough attention. That video seems solid.
  22. In today's dream, I met a girl with a pretty face and large breasts and a good waist to hip ratio and a bit of healthy fat on her body. She and I just started becoming interested in each other. When I was walking and talking with her in my first neighborhood, her father drove his car toward us. He wanted us to get in the car. As he was driving, he asked me some questions. He specifically asked me how I think about travel and marriage. She was also interested in my answer to that question. I answered that I do not like or dislike travel and I haven't thought much about marriage. Her father seemed a bit impressed with my detachment. He must have figured out that we are not in a romantic or serious relationship, yet. I think he was impressed because I seemed detached about her sexy body most men would kill for. The dream prevented me from focusing on her. So, I was naturally detached. Or, was I not interested much in her? In the real world, I wouldn't be as detached because it doesn't limit me from growing awareness of her presence. In the dream, I seriously didn't care whether she left me or kept engaging with me. I think I wouldn't care much in the real world although I would still be distracted by her sexy body. But, in the real world, a sexy girl like her wouldn't be interested in a guy like me because my height is below average and I am not that interesting anyway. I know for a fact that if I was a girl who has options, I would skip guys like me. So, the dream was a fantasy. Not the best dream, but at least I dreamed a peaceful dream where I was not running away from dangerous things like lions or soldiers with swords. Most dreams used to be about running away from strong enemies. Someday, I want to have a fun dream.
  23. Don't spend too much time on him. He's been dead for many decades. Psychology progressed a lot since his death. Your time is better spent on Leo's book list or Leo's other materials.
  24. Complete gender swapping is not possible, yet. I don't really care either way. If they want to be seen as the opposite sex, give them that.