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Everything posted by CreamCat

  1. Oh shit. What have I gotten myself into? This god is weird. I can't imagine why god would really want to intentionally split its perception into infinitely many perspectives. This human experience feels unnecessary if I am really god. I want to regain godhood already. Does the bliss of reunion have some purpose? If I was god, why could I not fathom my own intentions? Is it intentional amnesia? Leo is right. I am not ready for enlightenment, yet. I need 10 years of personal development and career development before even thinking about enlightenment.
  2. Does Leo Gura preach Classic moksha enlightenments?
  3. What does it mean to redirect the sexual energy in oneself? Is it like self fellatio or masturbation?
  4. In my forming theory, after physical death, the result is the same for those who were enlightened and those who weren't.
  5. My inner human tells me that it's a terrible idea. I am just curious how spiral dynamics fit into this.
  6. I briefly read and It says Short Summary : Chimpanzees stealing bananas from other poorer chimpanzees? Chimpanzees climbing up social dominance hierarchy? Humans trying to play with variables of others' lives? I can sense a strong smell of the psychopathic Red. I suspect psychopaths captured the regulatory structure of EU. Or, is it blue? That doesn't smell like Orange which would want to promote technological advances through cheap access to information on the internet.
  7. Leo said consciousness is not a biological phenomenon. Then, is it possible for my consciousness to exist as a ghost after death? Or, will my death lead to disappearance of my consciousness? Or, am I already a ghost living in an illusion of physical embodiment? Which is it? Do note that I am not pondering suicide. The opposite is the truth in my mind. I have been pondering what it's like to live forever. But, that question can wait until I obtain some kind of immortality. I'm not even sure if immortality is possible.
  8. Jesus, I can feel my ego burning. It's violently fidgeting left and right. It's trying to escape, but there is nowhere to go. It's an eternal purifying fire.
  9. If Leo was right, then I would expect that consciousness would exist after heat death of the universe. I'm not saying heat death is real. The infinite consciousness staring at heat death would be cool.
  10. This hurts. If there is no me but only consciousness, then I guess human memory fades away after bodily death, but consciousness remains. Or, is human memory archived somewhere outside in some sort of computers?
  11. As a finite ego, I envy infinite consciousness.
  12. Someone on this forum mentioned ryan cropper. I looked into his materials. I was watching which shows me extremely creepy succubus creatures in the astral realm. His images of succubus were the scariest jump scares I've ever seen. I can live with creeps. But, it was very difficult to discern his english pronunciations. Although english is my second language, I can recognize leo gura's pronunciations clearly. But, ryan cropper's pronunciations are often ambiguous. Watching his videos made me frustrated and angry because his pronunciations were unclear although he spoke slowly. Can you hear his pronunciations?
  13. I learned the concept of existential void in one of leo's videos, Overcoming Addiction - The Root Cause Of Every Addiction. After watching the video, I realized that I experience existential void strongly when I start work which will eventually lead to career success. As I get into the flow of work, existential void disappears. I recognized that it was existential void that made me avoid hard work. It seems that work will help me self-actualize. Since I'm a beginner of self actualization, my mind tends to wander when I meditate. Thus, I don't feel existential void strongly when I meditate.
  14. You're living in a virtual reality that your brain constructs from the information it gathers from the body's sense organs. What enters your consciousness is just a tiny fraction of actual reality. That virtual reality is everything you have. If I plugged your brain to a computerized virtual reality that feels very real, you wouldn't notice it. Your brain cannot know the difference between physical reality and virtual reality. In a sense, it is indistinguishable from dream.
  15. Would a psychopath ever want self actualization? Would a psychopath stop actively trying to manipulate or lie to other people to serve one's own needs after self-actualization?
  16. In my opinion, 3. 3 is a good magic number. Anything you want to do someday, you can put in someday list.
  17. I wonder what leo gura thinks about Charles Manson and psychopaths in general in terms of the degree of self-actualization. It'd be interesting to hear leo talk about the relationship between self-actualization and psychopaths.
  18. I never heard that psychopaths are quite self actualized. I also never heard that psychopaths' intelligence is higher than that of neurotypical people. Are there credible evidences for your argument? According to leo gura, less than 1% of people are self actualizing. According to estimations, psychopaths account for 2~4% of all population. If most psychopaths were quite self-actualized, they would account for the vast majority of self-actualized people.
  19. I can imagine an enlightened psychopath who ties a person to a chair and says I suspect self actualization turns a psychopath into a better psychopath.
  20. My knowledge is not advanced enough to fully understand psychopathy as energy.
  21. From an evolutionary standpoint, your needs have evolved through an unbroken line of survivors. On average, your needs suffice to sustain your genes and your body at least until you successfully make and raise a child that would repeat the cycle again. It has been tweaked for survival and reproduction although your needs often contradict with survival and reproduction through excess and unbalance. explains why it is difficult for our primitive minds to cope with modern society.
  22. I started on I watched from the beginning to "Fake Growth vs Real Growth". The ultimate goal of a human being is to increase quality of consciousness and let go of fears about career, relationship, etc, ... After watching "Fake Growth vs Real Growth", I immediately grew a bit and let go of my fears about my career. Perhaps, I'll still pursue my career, but I will let go of career success. But, whenever I envision my career goal, I really want to get the result. It makes me want to pursue external success. I am considering buying life purpose course. The life purpose course will probably enrich my career vision which will make me want to pursue career success. It will make me want to chase external success. Life purpose course seems to be at odds with leo's self developement videos. Is Leo trying to imply that we should pursue career as a professional hobby and stop worrying about career success or achieving my career vision as long as I make enough money from my career? Or, is it about chasing career vision while letting go of success or achievements?
  23. Perhaps, you need to create a gallery where you browse the masterpieces that inspired you to pursue your passion. If you don't browse gallery on a regular basis, you will lose sight of what inspired your passion at the beginning.
  24. That's good to hear, but that does not answer my questions.