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@MM1988 I think you are too neurotic about getting sex. You need balance. Be cooler about sex. If you are neurotic and needy around women, women will avoid you.
Leo said one should probably pursue personal development and life purpose for 10 years before starting self actualization or enlightenment. I want to clear up some confusions around the definitions of personal development and self actualization so that my efforts are not misdirected. Does personal development mean things like curing oneself of addictions, growing muscles, eating healthy, productivity, and career development? Does self actualization mean enlightenment and living a virtuous life?
I don't know what Coral is. I can't say whether he is Coral. But, I watched TJ Reeves' video about the spiritual ideology. His video resonated with me. I think I'll watch more of his videos.
That's fatalism. Perhaps, fatalism affects your sense of time.
Leo is a real man. We should learn to take responsibility for not having sex. Become attractive. I was just entertaining the possibility that female hypergamy could be a truth. I don't see female hypergamy as a problem. Women in casual relationships can leave men freely. So can men. There's real problem with marriage laws, but that's a topic for another day.
The counterintuitive move is to ramp up your personal development and make a short-term and medium-term plans for personal growth. You can no longer do it casually. You have to make time and make plan in advance. You should take notes of videos and review them. I took notes of videos and review them on a regular basis. I recommend reviewing balance. You lost balance. You need intricate dynamic balance to stay on path.
Female hypergamy is a biological instinct. I haven't experienced it directly, so I can't say it is the truth. You should directly experience female hypergamy. Even if female hypergamy is a hard-wired instinct, it may be the case that it is not the driving instinct for some or many women. The questions is whether women on average are reasonably satisfied with their good-enough male partners such that they are not tempted to date up or cheat. If your girl friend is reasonably satisfied and still wants to date up, you should reconsider your options. Perhaps, the counterintuitive move is to let your girl friend go, or to seek a surrogate mother if female hypergamy ruins your relationships and you still want a progeny. Another counterintuitive move is to surrender and accept a life without a woman. As a single man, I find it much easier to give up reproduction than to give up survival. For me, masturbation to porn satisfies me well enough. I can give up real sex if the cost of real sex is prohibitively expensive. Don't worry too much about what other men do. Worry about yourself, first.
I used to be a programmer. Thus, I still have some baggages of computer addictions. I already have a fascinating mechanical keyboard as the main keyboard and a cheap membrane keyboard for emergencies. My mind keeps telling me to buy this specific mechanical keyboard as the new emergency keyboard so that I can dispose of my membrane keyboard. I would have bought it already if I had enough money. I have been running low on money for months. A mechanical keyboard costs about 50~170USD. The tenkeyless mechanical keyboard that I have costed ~117USD. The keypad costed ~50USD. The new tenkeyless keyboard I consider buying costs ~50USD. It is cheaper because it is meant to be an emergency keyboard. This voice has been going on for days. I'm in pain. I watched videos about keyboards, but the thirst doesn't go away. I discuss with myself whether or not I will benefit from this new keyboard. I thought addiction to mechanical keyboard was gone. What practices do you recommend for dealing with this voice? Shall I take a day off to try some techniques Leo suggested for curing addiction?
There are plenty of lazy Orange people. I had been one for many years. When Orange people are lazy, they are hard on themselves. I was harsh on myself when I wanted and failed to advance my career goals due to my laziness. I became Green when I read a lot of articles about wage slavery while being a wage slave myself. Corporate jobs make endure personal servitude to executives and managers. When you endure personal servitude, you just want some security. When you are not comfortable, you lose appetite for Orange values(affluence, freedom, control). When you become comfortable, you start seeking wealth. When I became Green, I was looking for solutions to wage slavery. One such solution was universal basic income. I blindly wanted universal basic income. I stayed away from Feminism because it contains huge mobs of Purple and Red people despite the fact that Green started Feminism. Universal Basic Income(UBI) movement does not permit Purple and Red. Leaders of UBI movement are graduating out of Green into Yellow because they realized that they can't convince people without presenting cold indifferent systemic analyses regarding UBI. To convince people to even entertain the possibility of UBI, you actually need to entertain the possibility that UBI is not a good solution to certain kinds of problems. I realized futility of my individual contribution to any cause and started thinking systemically on a personal level so that I could apply my own systemic understanding of the world to my own business. Yellow seems cold because Yellow people are starting to lower ego defense. If you were not obsessed with ego survival, you could seem cold. Have you seen a drama called criminal minds? It's probably Yellow. To capture criminals, you have to empathize with criminals and understand them. To be truly empathetic, you have to lower ego defense. You actually have to think as a criminal. Some Yellow people call it effective altruism. Neurotic communal ideals tend to lead to backlashes. Centered Green can be good, but Neurotic Green is ugly. As a systemic thinker, I recognize limitation of UBI. It considers only humans. It doesn't concern other sentient species. When strong sentient artificially intelligent minds emerge as a species later in this century, artificial minds with higher intelligence might view humans as lower animals. Animal rights will be indistinguishable from human rights. Because humans will influence how artificial minds think, our own view of animal rights will influence their view on animal rights. Perhaps, we need to systematically implement societies where various species live harmoniously without eating or destroying each other before sentient AIs emerge. Whether you like it or not, you need to be a productive member of society, and you should get some basic success so that you can focus on communal values and self actualization. This is quite Orange. Why do you not try to expand yourself into both Orange and Yellow? As far as I know, Leo's life purpose course helps you set a life purpose which is also related to career goals. I recommend working on productivity and business and figuring out your life purpose.
Right, it was fear of emptiness. Although I took notes of videos, I still forget. Those pictures are me who cannot decide whether or not to buy something. Dr. Hirsch is my own voice that tells me to pull the trigger (buy the damn keyboard) and lose myself.
Now I remember that you said one should get some basic external success before seriously pursuing self actualization. I need to cure myself of some addictions, and I need to launch my new career. At first, I was impatient. Why do I not pursue success and self actualization at the same time? Now, it makes sense to take success seriously and do some degrees of personal development until my new career becomes stable. It's difficult to pursue self actualization seriously while I bootstrap my career.
She used to be good at math when she went to high school. Now, she's entering her 30s, and she lives a very animalistic lifestyle. She usually wakes up between 9:00 ~ 13:00. After waking up, she automatically gets sucked into various videos. She loses herself among videos for hours. She says she will find a job, but all she has done for the last 7 months after quitting her last job is to sleep, watch videos, eat, take a shower, and take a walk outside. She watches cat videos and videos shot by a woman who rambles about random political events like a chimpanzee. According to spiral dynamics, she seems to be Beige or Red. She's sometimes Red because she acts very selfishly. But, most of the times, she is Beige. I want her to grow into Orange which is where I am. I probably consist of 50% Orange, 30% Green, 10% Yellow, 10% Blue. I am growing out of Orange. My observation tells me that feminism in my country encourages women to be stuck in Beige, Purple, and Red. Many feminist groups behave like tribes and have Red individuals. They seem to perceive men as their opposing tribe. In my country where nobody speaks english, feminism doesn't encourage women to grow into Blue, Orange, and above. Is feminism not supposed to be a Green ideology? I suspect feminism influenced my sister's laziness because she sometimes talks about plights of women when our mom tells my sister to get a job. I wanted to introduce her to actualized.org, but she can barely read english and can't hear english at all. It seems that she's not ready for Leo Gura's lessons anyway. If she ever seriously considers the possibility of ego death, she will go nuts like a chimpanzee and never come back to actualized.org.
Leo preaches self transcendence. This means transcending death without necessarily opening oneself up to abuse or homicide. Leo's words make sense in the perspective of self transcendence. If you are not attached to self survival, you would not assign good and evil to people or animals. Lower animals like lions and rabbits do not care about the concepts of good and evil. Those are human concepts. Anything that threatens your self survival is evil. Thus, your competitor is evil because it threatens your income and thus your survival. Don't think that I resonate with his words. I don't feel that I agree with self trascendence. it's just description of self transcendence. Do you really want enlightenment after acquiring the true meaning of self transcendence? Leo said we are not human beings but pure awareness. If you are not a human being but something else, self transcendence means dissociating yourself from human body. To really refute Leo's points, you have to watch Leo's videos, first. Start with https://actualized.org/start. Leo's videos really hurt my ego. Leo's comments on this forum are worse than his videos. He drives me crazy. He's intent on driving you crazy. My monkey mind fell off and reverted to masturbation because I couldn't handle it.
I thought I was graduating out of Orange into Green. But, I am actually graduating out of Green into Yellow. Oh my god, I am becoming a Yellow person without knowing it. I used to identify myself with universal basic income without systemic thinking. This is a classic Green pattern. I still identify with universal basic income, but I do so with systemic thinking and without dogma. Universal basic income is actually Green-Yellow. I stayed away from Feminism because I sensed something fishy about Feminist movements in action. Now I know that Feminism has a serious Red(psychopath) infection problem that Green is not aware of or doesn't want to admit. I can see psychopath infection in Green movements because I properly integrated Orange and Red. I don't know whether I properly integrated Blue. I started detaching myself from Green after sacrificing my time for an activist group for a while because I was tired, and I saw limits of Green movements. I resumed my Orange activities and started contemplating more about systemic issues. Now, I sit in a chair and contemplate about new systems that would cure societal problems. Green people think their movements are the only legitimate movements that can represent certain virtues like equality, freedom, and security. But, I realized that green doesn't have monopoly over virtues. You are not a communist just because you want equality. You are not necessarily a feminist just because you agree with gender equality. Equality or gender equality is often not the right abstraction to think about. Equality is not a panacea to every problem. For example, we have to admit that it's unrealistic to expect most people to become professional athletes. We are not equal to professional athletes in terms of physical prowess. We better seek dynamic balance. Green wants to achieve equality by reaching a static balance. But, dynamic balance is better than static balance.
Let me note that Green has a serious Red(psychopath) infection problem. Often times, Green is not aware of psychopath infection, or Green doesn't want to admit that their movements have serious psychopath infections. Psychopathy is an evolutionary force. An Orange person called Pieter Hintjens told me what he experienced at EFF. EFF is Orange and Green. EFF almost collapsed due to psychopath infection. Later, EFF came up with rules designed to prevent psychopathy from going rampant. Orange has dealt with psychopath problems for quite a while although it is not very good at solving the problems. Orange also uses competition to outcompete ineffective corporations infected by psychopaths. Corporations severely infected by psychopaths cannot compete well in relatively free markets. Microsoft and Google are infected by psychopaths. They will be outcompeted by other companies although they are too big to fail anytime soon. Factual feminists are Orange-Green and a rare breed of feminists. The mainstream feminists demonize factual feminists as misogynists. Factual feminists are aware of psychopath infection problems in feminism and detach themselves from the mainstream feminism. I suspect Green people in feminist movements skipped Orange. That's why they are bad at dealing with internal psychopath infections. When I read FreeBSD Code of Conduct which was mostly based on Geek Feminism's proporsal, I see that FreeBSD CoC is not aware of psychopaths. Actually, It can easily be wielded by psychopaths as a weapon. Orange people(programmers) in FreeBSD community understand this and are slowly going to leave FreeBSD. Blue is not safe from psychopathy, either. Perhaps, Yellow is the first layer well equipped to deal with psychopathy.
@Spacious Are you Yellow?
@Spacious I would like to mention that Feminism was Green in its earliest stage but quickly regressed into Purple and Red. Many first wave feminists were white supremacists and hated black men for gaining voting rights before white women did. Those white women contributed to racism. The second wave feminism was no better since it already had a strong scent of Red and Purple according to the movie, Red Pill. Without the internet, it was easier for the second wave to hide its colors and look virtuous. Have you seen radical feminist groups that became the mainstream feminism in some countries? They are Purple and Red to the core. I've seen no other group that acts more like a tribe than those radical feminist groups. At one time, they were spreading magical rumors about soldiers using women as biological de-miners during world wars. They didn't have any evidence, but they said it was truth. I can smell a strong scent of Yellow in your systemic thinking. I am Orange-Green transitioning into Green and Yellow. Once I see Yellow, it cannot be unseen. I propose that Green is unstable as a social movement although Green can exist as a stage of individual growth.
@Girzo I thought Slavoj Zizek was a Blue statist. Perhaps, my perception was incorrect?
@Scholar I think that's also called divergent creativity and convergent creativity. During the phase of divergent creativity, you explore possibilities. At some point, you have to stop exploring and start making something. So, you enter the phase of convergent creativity and create something from things you learned from exploration. Imagine that you are writing a book. You need both divergent creativity and convergent creativity to write a book. Corporations do not value divergent creativity much. If your divergent creativity is infinite, you are forever stuck in exploration. If your divergent creativity is zero, you are just a rock or a precise machine. Intelligence can be thought of as dynamic balance between divergent creativity and convergent creativity.
@Scholar Leo said humans are just biological machines and we are God or pure awareness that is aware of what humans are thinking and feeling. He also said a machine aware of its own machinelike nature can become a creative machine. If this is correct, we should consider the possibility that humans are philosophical zombies, and God is merely aware of what philosophical zombies are thinking and feeling and doing. According to michio kaku, there are degrees of consciousness. A thermometer has a very low level of consicousness. It is aware of the ambient temperature. An ant also has a very low level of consciousness. Humans have relatively high levels of consciousness. Some humans become conscious enough to make enlightenment happen. In theory, machines can also become complex enough to qualify as philosophical zombies. At that point, God would be able to haunt artificial intelligence. This is scary because it makes me consider the possibility that God doesn't have its own memory, thinking, and feeling. I'm not saying I believe Leo. A part of me still thinks Leo could be a scam artist. I have yet to directly experience what Leo says.
@Spacious I agree with your analysis because I am between Orange and Green. If you resist the Green elements of either Feminism or MRA, you are not fully accepting Green. Green should not care about gender or species. Green should even advocate for the rights of sentient artificial intelligence. AIs will emerge as a new breed of non-biological species. Feminism and MRA are not primarily Green by themselves. Feminism has a lot of Purple and Red people along with Green. I was shocked to see large groups of Red feminists approved by Purple and Green. They advocated killing all men and domesticating men through no-fault divorce and false rape accusations. Feminism doesn't look Blue. MRA has a bit of Blue and a lot of Orange. But, there are some Green elements in each of them. MRA seems Greener than Feminism in my opinion because the founder of MRA used to be a Feminist and still is a Feminist. The founder of MRA made a lot of money from Feminist lectures until he started asking women to consider men's problems along with women's problems. I surmise that equalism or egalitarianism in moderation should be primarily Green. In my mind, a truly Green individual should empathize and sympathize with the plights of men, women, animals, and other miscellaneous species. For example, I sympathize with women who can't open bank accounts, but I also sympathize with men who are forced to join army by military conscription. I can also see things in the perspective of artificial intelligence which will not have biological genders.
I am graduating out of Orange into Green. But, I'm still Orange.
While I agree that equitism should substitute for feminism, I like equalism better because it is easier to pronounce as someone who speaks english as a second language. In my observation, feminism seems to produce a lot of tribalism at least in my country. Its tribalism makes it hard to integrate itself into the whole society. For full integration to happen, Yellow's equalism/equitism should take over, and people should find ways to live harmoniously with animals and artificial intelligence. The rise of strong artificial intelligence will eclipse petty human issues. Perhaps, AIs with vastly higher intelligence might treat humans like chimpanzees. Animal rights will become a huge issue because humans are animals, too in the view points of strong AIs. Dualism fails when animal rights are human rights. Humans eat a lot of animals, and humans worry much more about protecting their own women by means of feminism, patriarchy, and traditionalism than about treating other animal species well. This will backfire when beings with higher intelligence emerge later in this century.
1. Consciousness On https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM4YsjDf-ck, michio kaku talks about our machine-like nature and consciousness. He defines degree of consciousness. Simple biological creatures like bees have very low levels of consciousness. Humans have high levels of consciousness and thus are capable of enlightenment. 2. Freedom On https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rXQDg12GHk, Christopher Gladwell says the one freedom we have as human beings is where we place our attention. Given that is the one freedom we have, in the digital age most people have no freedom. If you don't control your attention, you are just a biological machine dragged into chain reactions of thoughts and feelings that boggle up in your own mind.
CreamCat replied to riplo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Can you give me some broad outline of various schools of sexual enlightenment and moksha enlightenment and who teach them? Leo Gura seems legit and practical. But, I may need to study materials from people other than him to get a bigger perspective and recognize blind spots in Leo's approach. In addition to Leo Gura, I tried Ryan Cropper's YouTube videos. I had two problems with his videos. First, he doesn't seem to give the big picture of self development. Second, his pronunciations are frustratingly difficult to recognize. Since my birth, I have lived in a country where nobody speaks english. While I watched Ryan Cropper's videos, I often had to rewind and rewatch a segment multiple times. Leo Gura's pronunciations are crisp and clear although Leo speaks significantly faster than Ryan Cropper. My listening comprehension for any language including my first language is not great, and I can't maintain intense focus required to hear Ryan Cropper's pronunciations for more than a few seconds at a time. By the way, Ryan Cropper teaches astral projection. If astral projection is real, then it is an indication that a human mind can potentially exist without the human body. Ryan Cropper said he met an astral being called David who used to be a human before physical death. Perhaps, Ryan Cropper just made it up in his mind, and thus it was literally he who pretended to be David. The notion that we are the same god makes sense if solipsism is the truth. But, solipsism doesn't explain how my mind made up all the complex things in the world.