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Everything posted by CreamCat

  1. What is going on here?
  2. Yesterday, I watched the video on and took notes off of it. 1. Minimalism Today, as I laid my eyes on minimalism, I realized that strategic intent is essential for minimalism. Without a strategic intent, you cannot know what to remove or keep. A strategic motherfucker can effectively apply minimalism to one's life. 2. Without strategic intent, you become lazy. Without strategic intent, you cannot know whether something that pops up in your mind is irrelevant to strategic intent or distracting you from your strategic intent. Thus, distractions can easily snatch your attention. It's important to practice evaluating everything that occurs to your mind in the perspective of strategic intent. If every step you take doesn't lead to the next step of strategy, you are probably distracted already.
  3. @Gabriel Antonio Milton Friedman doesn't see that the balance leans heavily on investment. The rich invest money into things, but the rest are increasingly losing money. Soon, the middle class will collapse via automation, and the poor will not have enough money to pay for products that the rich sell. The economy is losing balance. There should be a good dynamic balance between investment and spending. AIs will kill most jobs in this century.
  4. I can understand your perspective, but I think there are nicer ways to deal with the homeless. Perhaps, some cities learned how to deal with them without violence. Assisted suicide is not necessarily bad. People who suffer terminal illness think assisted suicide should be available for them.
  5. @Rilles That's horrible, man. I'll look for some other consequences.
  6. @Leo Gura That's a great definition. But, beware professional victims who are mostly psychopaths. Psychopaths(Red) know how to speak the language of Green. Psychopaths mimick other people by recording their emotions and their words. Psychopaths are intraspecies predators. You probably met them a lot in your life.
  7. Are you really Yellow? A Yellow person would normally not attach such labels to homeless migrants. A Yellow person would be aloof about the homeless. This sounds like a Blue anger.
  8. That's an apt analogy. People shitting with their ideologies.
  9. @Feel Good That's not convincing. Your argument is as conceptual as mine. How do you know your argument is right and mine is wrong or vice versa? I can't trust you for judging your own arguments because that's like judging yourself in your own murder trial. That applies to me, too. Sometimes, one needs to admit that one doesn't know for sure. The fact is that cows are not scared in slaughterhouse. There are two equally conceptual ways to interpret the fact. However many justifications you bring to the table, it is a knowledge graph in the end. A knowledge graph is not truth. This means I don't take my own argument or your argument seriously.
  10. I don't understand this. Does it mean big crunch and another big bang?
  11. I think sentience is different from intelligence. Cows have big enough brains to have ego which is responsible for perception of sentience. Cows do not have enough intelligence to figure out what is going on.
  12. It seems to me that Green still believes some people are more equal than others. Some Orange people think the rich are more equal than the poor in the perspective of the laws. The one with more money wins at the court of law because the rich are more equal than the rest. I used to be neurotic about enforcing equality for all. At some point, you realize that equality of outcome becomes unfair. This made me question equality. Equality is not the ultimate value Green thinks it is. Reality is more complex than equality. Perhaps, equality is just a myth like the myth of physical atom.
  13. I think the claim that Green people are as reductionist as Orange people is quite close to the truth. Yellow people tend to consider multiple factors because they think integratively. Yellow people are systemic thinkers. It seems that Tier 1 stages of Spiral Dynamics are reductionist with different values. I don't know about the rest.
  14. @Revolutionary Think I think this already exists in decentralized forms. Electronics repair experts accept reservations for field trips on the internet. Mostly, adult men visit such a place. If we freed people from the compulsory education, this will happen naturally. There would be decentralized businesses that facilitate field trips. I am an advocate of decentralization. You can even pay for ayahuasca retreats on your own. You don't need schools for that. In other words, decentralized unschooling is essentially just learning on one's own. The infrastructure for self learning will develop in markets after compulsory education is abolished. Perhaps, most parents will just send their children to schools after compulsory education is abolished because they don't want to fiddle with alternative models of education. Texas is known for allowing unschooling. In theory, someone with a permanent residence permit in my country could bypass compulsory education because the laws stipulate that compulsory education applies only to citizens. I think education is the one area where private competition can improve the standards a lot.
  15. In my country, the radical feminists (the radical left) talk about aborting male babies, grinding them in a blender, and eating them with sauce. Cannibalism is justisifed against men. They often threaten and bully women who don't agree with feminism. They even talked about how delicious the male baby was in their mouths. It was probably a fantasy novel, though. It felt weird to see moderate feminists consider those radical feminists as useful idiots. Those moderate feminists didn't seem too bothered with eating babies. They justified those radical feminists for the purpose of empowering women. They justified eating baby because women were oppressed and are justified to take revenge on men. This made me avoid feminism. It seems to me that feminist movements failed to contain psychopath infection. I do not want to associate with them in any form. It would be difficult for most people not to demonize and get angry at such radical leftists.
  16. I think people should experiment both unschooling and prussian education model for decades and compare results. Truths over opinions. Experiments over untested assumptions.
  17. @Leo Gura My experience with public education from kindergarten to high school was very negative. There was a lot of bullying from students and teachers. I didn't learn much from schools. A lot of downside with little benefits. After I graduated from university, I learned a lot in university, but I ended up not utilizing 99.9999% of what I learned from public education and university. Most of the time, human language, basic calculation(addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), ratio calculation, and simple arithmetic equation suffice to deal with my personal problems. My parents mourn because they realized they wasted money and time to only realize that my life purpose has almost nothing to do with what I had learned in prussian education model and university. There's a tiny core of public education that is essential for modern life. Prussian education model isn't the only paradigm that can teach the tiny core. The theory is that if you have the tiny core, you can bootstrap your life purpose. I have pondered unschooling for my future children. I have been exploring self education. My opinion is that stuffing random facts into one's mind is not useful unless one knows its life purpose already. I suspect that after learning the essential core and exploring life or jobs for a while, life purpose should be discovered before deciding what and how to learn. You can save a lot of money and time by skipping prussian education model and university and thinking from the first principles. If university was deemed useful for your life purpose, you could prepare for it.
  18. @Serotoninluv I'm not White. I'm an asian monkey. What are your White privileges? I envy your tenure privileges more than I do your White privileges.
  19. After watching Leo's video about visualization, I tried imagining myself working in a particular sequence for 10 minutes. After doing that, resistance to working decreased a lot. I started working like a crazy monkey. It also helps to visualize for 10 ~ 20 seconds several times a day because visualizing once a day is not enough. In retrospect, I frequently had 10-second visualization sessions when I got results. When I stopped visualizing, I stopped getting results. When I didn't take conscious control of my visualization, I subconsciously visualized YouTube videos and went to YouTube to piss my life away. After watching `How to Get Shit Done`, I realized why I resisted hard work. I resisted success because I subconsciously knew that to get excellent results, I had to hold my feet to the fire of reality and align myself with truths. Aligning myself with truths means shattering my belief system and lowering my expectations, which is very painful. I didn't want to admit that I had to expect less results and more work, so I avoided hard work and success. Changing my belief system and my expectations feels like death to me. I will have to accept killing a portion of myself to succeed. I was motivated to see how leo's life purpose course will take me to the next levels.
  20. For now, I visualize working in a particular sequence. I organize my work in pomodoro sessions. I visualize working for 25 minutes and taking a rest for 5~10 minutes. I visualize meditation, too. I try to imagine every little detail of my work. If you don't take conscious control of your visualization, you will end up subconsciously visualizing procrastination. You will end up visualizing YouTube videos or reading twitter.
  21. Leo said "infinite intelligence is the order of the entire system." Earth is just a big stupid rock. But, the way earth is organized enables human intelligence. The vast majority of YouTube commenters are stupid, but they enable YouTube creators by watching YouTube advertisements and sponsored videos. You can either fall prey to or benefit from YouTube. Stupidity often serves as a platform for higher intelligence.
  22. I wonder who defines rape. Milo yiannopoulos said he enjoyed having sex with a priest when he was 13 years old. He upset many people. Is having sex with a 13-year old a rape by default even if all participants enjoyed the sex? How many were actually violently raped with brute force? How many were blackmailed into sex? How many had sex against their will? What is the degree of psychological and physical damage for each person? How many enjoyed sex? Perhaps, it's time to come up with a more detailed nomenclature for sexual behaviors.
  23. How do you explain what I experienced in the past? I experienced events of yesterday. Your YouTube videos are events of the past. What about the fact that while I am in a spaceship moving at the light speed, I travel to the future, compared to people on earth?
  24. Leo said the past, the present, and the future all exist simultaneously. This sounds like some sort of database.
  25. Yes, he does. Even, rock has intelligence. It's called rock intelligence. Rock is perfect at being a rock. Earth is perfect at being a big chunk of rock that supports human intelligence. Trump is perfect at being trump. In a human perspective, trump still has intelligence. He was smart enough to figure out how to make other presidential candidates look bad in comparison to himself. He was smart enough to grow his business. He doesn't look smart as a president, though. But, he was smart enough to make north korea pretend to give up nuclear weapons without actually starting a nuclear war. I cannot pull off those feats. His IQ seems to be high. I bet his emotional intelligence is not high. Notice that trump couldn't have pulled off those things without the support of his environment. If trump grew up in the stone age, he would become a stupid caveman.