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Everything posted by CreamCat

  1. You're right. However, if you don't keep your practice afloat, you will lose enthusiasm anyway because lack of practice will make you disgusted of your theory or your vision. Practice and theory go together. Practice and vision go together. Also, it's easy to enjoy dry grinding when you're properly putting in your practice. Hard work feels virtuous and good. Living a virtuous life itself is a reward.
  2. Do you think enlightened monks can turn off pain at will?
  3. We definitely have to measure and experiment electromagnetic waves.
  4. Very important insight. Why do you think sticking to a fixed sleep schedule is more important than every project in your life?
  5. Growing spiritually is good, but it takes time. We need a simple process that stops us from distracting ourselves right now. We often waste time by chasing and implementing fun solutions to unimportant problems. Here, I propose a better process to solve problems. Don't come up with fun solutions to random interesting problems. Most of those problems are not profitable problems worth your time. Pick the most profitable problem in your life purpose or your project. Find a minimal solution to the problem, and implement the solution. Go back to step 2. Repeat this process until you run out of time or money. If you find yourself immersed in devising fun solutions to random unimportant problems, you are distracting yourself by trying to solve problems that don't exist or are not important. Stop. Apply the above process. But, applying the process effectively is going to require you to quit addictions and reach a minimal level of personal development.
  6. This is why I think copyright is a bad idea and copyright commercial extension is particularly a bad idea. Patent is worse than copyright. Trademark has problems, but it is not nearly as problematic as copyright and patent.
  7. What about beautiful men? I guess beautiful guys face more difficulties than beautiful women since men are judged more by money and social status. Men can't just get money and social status by having a perfect masculine face and beautiful muscular ass. But, being sexy definitely would help with game.
  8. Tell me. What percentage of plain girls and of very beautiful girls would you accept as your wife? Does beauty have meaningful correlations with personality traits or the level of personal development?
  9. No Pain. No Pleasure. No Pleasure. No Pain. Pain and pleasure come together. If you have neither, you have even-keeled experiences. For example, if you want social approval, you feel pleasure when you get it and feel pain when you don't. If you don't want social approval, it can't make you feel pleasure or pain. Or, take game points for example. If you don't want game points, they can't make you feel pain or pleasure.
  10. By the way, the idea of losing access to the internet makes me want to vomit. I know what it was like to live without the internet because I lived my childhood without a computer. There would be no smartphone navigation for public transport. I heavily rely on smartphone for navigating public transport system. There would be no digital map I use for navigation. All bank transfers will have to be done slowly. I would not be able to read a vast amount of comics for free. I would not be able to watch porn. There would be no youtube that gives me a lot of educational videos. I use youtube for educational videos. Without youtube, I would have remained ignorant. Without youtube, I couldn't have known Leo Gura. Without the internet, I couldn't have known that enlightenment was a thing. If I had no internet, I would still think that psychedelics are for dangerous drug addicts who swing pocket knives for little annoyances. My life purpose would be destroyed without the internet. I will have to find a new one. I don't want to.
  11. It's your responsibility to not allow political correctness to destroy your life purpose.
  12. I think you need to improve your planning system and your capacity to execute your plans. You were probably burnt out because you weren't good at distributing your workload evenly throughout weeks and months and you weren't good at removing shallow tasks from your days. You probably had hard time with saying no to fun projects that are irrelevant to your life purpose. Irrelevant fun projects could take up your schedule and burn you out. If you improve your execution, you improve your practice. If you improve your practice, you improve your enthusiasm. It's hard to stay enthusiastic when you are not properly putting your life purpose into practice. Elon Musk could stay enthusiastic because his practice supported his life purpose.
  13. Women from japanese royal family are not beautiful. They are just plain girls.
  14. @aurum Did you have any luck with having sex with beautiful girls? When I say beauty, I have a high standard. And, thanks for telling us how to access their social circles. I'm not interested enough to abandon my life purpose and pursue really beautiful girls, but it's fun to know such things.
  15. Why would they commit suicide? Enlightenment doesn't equal suicide.
  16. Blue military would be like ancient Roman army. The modern military is probably Blue-Orange. What would Yellow military look like? For example, would it comprise far less humans but more machines and more robots than the modern army? I suspect a Yellow military would possess a very small infantry consisting of hundreds or thousands of soldiers and millions of small flying robots ready to inject poison into human bodies and explode before human faces. It would look and act more like a terrorist group. This is just a guess. I could be very wrong.
  17. By perfection, I don't mean perfectionism which is a neurotic resistance to reality. By perfection, I mean the process of getting better or of perfecting something over time. Acceptance itself cannot lead to progress if you don't try to perfect your stuff. You can accept your pathetic life situations and stop improving. It's hard to accept reality and try to make stuff better simultaneously. Acceptance and perfection can exist together, but they seem to repel each other in my mind.
  18. You are saying as though I would become an immortal human who has no limitation in life span if I became fully authentic. Cancer and heart attack are often natural consequences of aging process. If you cured aging, it would be difficult for you to get cancer or heart attack.
  19. Do you mean you have watched some monks commit suicide?
  20. From a pure economic perspective, there is no distinction between foreign workers and domestic workers. They are just workers. The more people there are in an economy, the bigger the economy becomes. USA accepted low-skilled immigrants because it was profitable to have more low-skilled people in the economy. Nation is largely an illusion. Economy is largely an illusion, too. Debts are an illusion.
  21. is that picture real? Suicide by fire? I don't think enlightenment can help you remain calm while being burned alive. You're going to feel the burn.
  22. Not taking abuse can mean personally blocking someone's forum account.
  23. There was a bit of ego backlashes for a few days. It has mostly faded away. Now, I'm better than before. Today, I realized that I need to perfect my planning system because lack of a good planning system has been the major bottleneck of progress. I have sucked at distributing workload across days and weaks. Thus, I often ended up assigning too much work to myself on a single day. As a result, I tried to do too many shallow tasks and couldn't get important things done. The principle is first things first. I will work on my planning system.
  24. @Mezanti I think your sentences are a bit disorganized. It was hard for me to understand. I'm beginning to realize that I tricked myself into believing that my neuroticism decreased. Maybe, it did. But, I noticed that I was avoiding emotional pain rather than experiencing less neuroticism. From tomorrow onward, I'm going to face emotional pain again without accidentally making emotional pain. I used to rely on emotional pain to increase awareness. In order to increase awareness, I might have increased neuroticism on purpose.
  25. As leo said, don't count on having half a million dollars until you actually obtain it in your bank account. Also, half a milllion dollars will buy you some time to find out and actualize your life purpose. It's not going to set you up for life, but it's going to buy you enough time to find out and actualize your life purpose. Use that money to invest in your life purpose and acquire millions of dollars. Use it as an investment into your life purpose. You should start figuring out your life purpose soon. I guarantee you that if you don't take responsibility for your results, you will bullshit yourself, waste time, and become a 30 year old nobody in no time. Human life span is very short. 100 years = ~36,500 days which are not much.