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Everything posted by CreamCat

  1. If I plugged it up my ass, would there be much less risk of vomitting?
  2. I was diagnosed as according to test. But, that was several years ago. My personality type could have changed. I think Leo is INTJ or something similar. I could have been affected by Leo. Because strong negative emotions come mostly from other people? Did you?
  3. At best, you don't get much out of escaping.
  4. Many scientists think consciousness exists. They just think consciousness arises from brain.
  5. I do not understand what this means. I possess human knowledge.
  6. I stumbled on which was about a mom who is considering divorce. The story was written from her end. The husband seemed like a weakly developed man who is unconscious of his own manipulations. The wife also seemed like a weakly developed woman who doesn't show a sign of responsibility in her writing. She could have worked on leaving the marriage instead of ranting there. Plus, who knows what information she hides or doesn't tell about herself and her husband? It's probably too late to save that marriage. My conclusion is that sadly, a low quality person cannot marry a high quality person. Both sides are incredibly weakly developed and childishly selfish. It's no wonder that it predictably fails in several years. If you think you are weakly developed, don't think about marriage. If you are a weakly developed man, the odds are that you are just going to lose half your wealth and access to your children. If you are a weakly developed woman, the odds are that you are going to become a single mom and ruin your children by underestimating how much effort it takes to raise your children alone. Don't be surprised if your children become lowlives. Don't be surprised if your children cannot become anything more than uninspired corporate drones. Marriage is not for weakly developed people, but weakly developed people are irresponsibly pushed toward marriage. The human population may collapse if irresponsible marriages are not facilitated. But, aside from practicality, I would rather see it collapse than see people torture each other for no good reason. My parents also would rather see me marry irresponsibly than see me remain single. Evolutionary pressure is quite a bitch. The way I take responsibility about marriage is to not marry at all under mediocre or flawed conditions and to not bother women if I'm not ready.
  7. I think that's partially because boys are drugged with ADHD pills at schools. ADHD pills interfere with brain development. That's another reason to not send your children to schools. If I had sons, I wouldn't want them to be drugged with pills that make them stupid. Schools are child abuse.
  8. I don't know much about Elliot Hulse. I just know his name and his face. Taking full responsibility is counter-intuitive. Can you take full responsibility of your life on your end, regardless of what feminism becomes? Whatever feminism becomes, pumping your iron will help you have sex with hot women. You want to win, no matter what. If you are a high quality man married to a high quality woman, you don't have to worry about divorce although there is still no guarantee. You cannot stop feminism in your low state of consciousness. Don't think of it as a war. The solution is not a war which can easily fuel feminism even more by provoking women. The solution is better personal development. Once men and women develop, gender conflicts will become non-issue. Personal development is boring, but that's why it's effective. People do not resist personal development. Stop the war in your mind, and you remove one more person from the war. However, moderators of this forum seem to underestimate radical elements of feminism. I've seen several thousands of radical feminists protest with hateful placards on streets in a neighboring city. I think they are female incels. Male incels and female incels both need proper personal development.
  9. MGTOW was spurred because of punitive divorce payment which is not the central topic of this thread. I understand why they are mad. I feel the same things that they feel, but how I respond to my feelings is different from MGTOW. MGTOW is a way to whine and rant so that men don't have to take responsibility of their lives. MGTOW is an ideological comfort zone. It is men's reproductive instincts given a political tag. Feminism is women's reproductive instincts given a political tag. Feminism is also an ideological comfort zone where women whine and rant so that they don't have time and energy to venture outside comfort zone as much as possible. If you were really trying to venture outside comfort zone as much as possible, you cannot be MGTOW, red pill, or feminist. Red Pill pretends to take responsibility. An average red pill man uses responsibility as an excuse to demonize women. Demonization is not a productive response. A productive response doesn't involve fault, demonization, etc, ... Alpha fucks beta bucks(AFBB) is largely correct. It's how you apply the principle that differentiates a conscious man from red pill. My advice // get outside your ideological comfort zone as much and often as possible, hit the gym, and become an alpha demi-god who is strong mentally, physically, socially, and financially. Then, you will have options. Feminism, MGTOW, and red pill are like facebook because they suck time and energy out of people like mosquitos. You are a cattle whose blood is being sucked out by mosquitos. I don't know Rollo Tomassi.
  10. The report contains motivational phrases and explanations that were enough to guide me in my daily life. I wanted to constantly remind me of which areas of life I needed to work on. Your mileage may vary. TJ created deathproof university to provide people who read SAAFE report with specific instructions on how to improve scores. Personally, I ran out of money, so I decided to not pay $100 per month for deathproof university subscription. You might want to watch some videos on deathproof youtube channel if you want to know why SAAFE focuses on worldly problems. The videos are short and fun. In a nutshell, his reasoning is that if you are enlightened, you would be able to excel in the real world. He thinks pushing yourself mentally, physically, socially, and creatively can push and grow you spiritually. Excelling in the game of life and renouncing the material world involve a similar process. Both push you spiritually. Both require you to clean up your diet and clean up your mind. Deep work is like a form of meditation. Other than that, he just likes personal development which I like, too. If you are not into personal development, he is not your man. If you want to play the game of life well, check him out.
  11. If you have to mindfully suffer the urge to buy milk shake in order to achieve greater health, learn to love the process of enduring the urge and taking action towards exercising and eating healthier food. If you are trying to avoid the pain of being aware of the urge of food, you cannot develop healthy food habits. The same applies to the rest of life. Through love, you develop yourself into a superhero who can deal with various bullshit thrown at you and rise to the top no matter what. Through love, you also learn to discipline yourself despite temptations. By avoiding temptations, you fail to grow discipline. By willingly choosing to suffer temptations, you grow your discipline. Love temptations, and discipline will grow. Leo said love is acceptance. There is more to love. Love is both acceptance and growth through acceptance. Accept challenges ahead of you, and overcome laziness.
  12. I think stock tradings are best done by algorithms. Trading algorithm designers can now step back and upgrade their motivation.
  13. To many people on forum, enlightenment is an excuse to justify their escapism and passivity. They want to justify not doing anything useful in the real world. Most of them are not really meditating much. They haven't used psychedelics seriously. If you raise your consciousness, you can do personal development more effectively. Raising your consciousness can facilitate your personal development.
  14. Most university professors are far less popular than second-rate youtubers. Among them, only a few managed to become popular through youtube and various lectures geared toward the masses. For example, Jordan Peterson, Michio Kaku, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. theRadBrad is more popular than Leo Gura, yet theRadBrad is a low-consciousness person. When you see that game playthroughs are more popular than university professors, you realize that becoming a professor is not a great way to become popular.
  15. It's manipulation by hiding neediness. Women are turned off by neediness.
  16. If that is the biggest problem with your marriage, your marriage is minimally satisfactory. That's how low in quality most marriages are. Uninspiring marriages qualify as minimally satisfactory ones. In a bad marriage, you would wish such a bland problem to become the biggest issue in your marriage. In a bad marriage, other bigger problems dwarf the issue of uninspiring sex or having no sex. You're lucky if your wife lets you have sex with her after years of marriage.
  17. I graduated from Blue many years ago. My parents are Blue. I just stated my honest evaluation of Blue. The fact is that Blue breeds like rabbit. But, I don't like Blue much. In the same way, stating the fact that I'm going to die due to aging doesn't mean I am fond of aging to death. I think I'm between Orange and Green because I care a lot about idealism nowadays. Ideally speaking, most marriages are uninspired as fuck. I wouldn't buy into that. To tap into Yellow, I would need to learn to be intellectual. Yellow is about intellect.
  18. That's probably why Stage Blue will remain dominant for a long time. It breeds like rabbits. Orange is careless. Green is relatively sterile. There are things that are illegal to write in prenuptial agreements, depending on where you live. The government can turn a legal prenup to an illegal one by passing laws. As far as I know, prenuptial agreements can start disintegrating if I don't renew it on a regular basis. Unless the risk of devastating financial blow is reduced to none or a tolerable level and I could marry the best wife beyond my wildest imagination, I am not tempted enough to consider marriage. I was never fond of marriage in the first place. Personally, it's not something I should do if possible. In this case, I see no good reason to tolerate low standard and relatively high risk of failure and potentially irrecoverable financial loss. Mistakes cost too much. Not enough room to experiment without incurring too much cost. You can measure various aspects of people's personal development on the scale from 0 to 100. For example, sleep, alcohol, discipline, intellect, etc, .... TJ Reeves created SAAFE to measure personal development in various aspects of life. I took SAAFE and review SAAFE report on a regular basis to remind me of my weaknesses and where I need to work on. SAAFE is my preferred measure of measuring quality of personal development.
  19. No. I don't hate the animal called Leo. I loved it. It's the same kind of laugh that I had when I watched
  20. Just to clarify, I have no problem with that. You just want to remove totally unnecessary structures that hold us back. I also think that's a low standard. That's not enough to thrive and have a good life. We have bigger fishes to fry.
  21. @ajasatya See above. I added more. In a nutshell, I don't care what feminism is because different people mean radically different things when they say feminism and gender equality. People don't use the same language.
  22. Being a real man does not necessarily involve wanting equal rights between men and women. Equality between men and women is not the same thing as "equality". One can talk about equality of wealth distribution which has little to do with gender. Equality between men and women can be pursued in different ways. I can pursue it in ways that feminists disagree. In reality, feminism entails certain kinds of gender equality. I briefly interacted with anti-feminist groups, and they also pursue gender equality. Different groups view gender equality differently and think different things are gender equality. Gender equality from one side is gender inequality from the other side, and vice versa. Equality is inherently relative to other people and thus flimsy. That's why I don't take equality seriously. I also don't take rights seriously. Equality and rights are fantastical concepts. People are poorly equipped to discern between equality and inequality. Equality can be considered a privilege instead of a right. No one is automatically entitled to a privilege. Things in life demand work from your side. I don't know the core of feminism as Leo Gura knows the core of islam. But, I know many weakly developed women use feminsm for all sorts of weird reasons and manipulative survival agendas that I may not know about. They wouldn't know feminism better than I do, anyway. Just as islam can mean different things for different misguided muslims, so can feminism. I don't care much about the core of feminism for the same reason that I don't care about the core of islam. Most people don't care about the core of anything. That's what matters. People don't care.