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Everything posted by Mvpjouney

  1. He's already posted that he wasn't happy with the video quality this week so he is re-shooting it. Hopefully not to far away!
  2. Thanks for your comments, I really appreciate it. Seems very deep. I'd love to be at a stage where I could see that as fact. Must be a strange experience perceiving a thought with no I / Me involved.. Haha. It's great to have confirmation that how I saw the perception video is at least correct. I feel that dissolving the I / Me may take significantly longer
  3. So perceiving thoughts does carry on? The intention is to remove the "I / Me" from each thought? E.g. I need a new XYZ. But you're saying in the thoughts that come through I'm aiming to experience a situation where the thought is just "a new XYZ is needed" Is that what you mean?
  4. Hi All, im still quite new to enlightenment work so apologies if this question has been asked, I searched a bit and couldn’t find it. basically I understand that I am not my ego-body-thoughts, and I am at the stage of just being an observer of self in a way. I can’t get my head around though that, are all my thoughts predetermind? E.g. my parents put thoughts and ideas into my head, I act on instinct or after some thought based on those ideas/views of life/world. Over time I develop my own thoughts and ideas on the world based on experiences and people that influence me and then make decisions based on that. So really are the decisions mine, or was it only ever going to go this way?? As an observer of thought/“my” life it feels like I am not actually in control, I just act based on my previous experiences (and when I was younger I was essentially acting based on my parents past experiences and view on the world). Maybe im missing something to get me past thinking like this was but I’ve just been a bit stuck. Would appreciate some thoughts on this.