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Everything posted by Taylor04

  1. Good point. Thank you. (Out of curiosity: how does distracting me teach me something?)
  2. Leo is an example of stage green. His analysis is distinctly fawning of green, and disliking of orange. He even ascribes some green attributes to yellow in his spiral dynamics video series, such as belief in warmism. (I suspect so he can pretend his greenness is a higher stage.) Belief in an invisible threat in the sky is tier 1 religion. Tier 2 is no longer superstitious. Yellow is NOT worried about its carbon footprint, because yellow has moved away from the psychological need for such beliefs. Green did not anticipate this (yellow) change, and thus leaves it out and pretends the rest of the spectrum subscribes to it because it is reality. Yellow understands the systemic solutions to for example environmental issues, and therefore does not support tier 1 social engineering. Green only understands social engineering, and therefore thinks all stages must be into it. Greens tend to see orange as controlling everything, while in reality green has been the dominant meme in western culture for decades. It is typically green to overlook their own dominance, and see the last vestiges of orange power as evil right wingers running everything. Also, it is typical for greens to not understand libertarianism and lump it in with "selfish" orange, as he does. Orange is not both capitalist AND libertarian. Orange is only capitalist, and yellow is libertarian. Greens dont understand that distinction because they lack the systemic thinking ability to understand why libertarianism isnt selfish, but just proposes solutions that rely on systemic effects they (the greens) cant understand. And vegeterianism is green. Tier 2 is not malnourished. Edit: And Leo's epistemology seems to be a (more reasonably articulated) version of stage green postmodernism.
  3. Thanks for the responses. I will reply as well as I can. I think one should not be trying to achieve things for the self. Honestly admitting to being a seeker has merit. But it is just like to being a money seeker on wall street. It is an ego desire. An achievement to decorate the self with, like a boat. Wanting a boat is good enough. It's not spirituality. Sure, I will try to define both terms. By "party tricks" I mean funky little experiences of altered consciousness that make you feel like you're on LSD, and make your ego think you're progressing towards some holier state. By "enlightenment" I would understand experiencing the natural state that humans had before the agricultural revolution (probably, or when humans fell from the natural state). I.e. a state without concern for the self or making this self anything. In that sense I believe enlightenment is real, but it is nothing "you" can achieve, because by seeking you're already moving in the other direction of strengthening the ego.
  4. As such I would assume that this is good. Look up hypnic jerks or tremoring. These seem to be natural reactions that we learn to suppress because they're not considered 'cute'.
  5. You don't. Wanting to go zero is just ego pleasuring and not the point of life. It's denying a part of your humanity. Sometimes you're inspired to fap. Three months is actually a very fine achievement. There are people on YBOP that can't seem to get through a week. Trying to repress it is the easyest path to a neurotic counter-reaction from your subconscious. For all practical purposes there's no distinction for you in most moments (remember "be in the moment", everything else is a story) between never doing it and doing it every three months, except that your ego can't tell itself that it quit. Hope this helps. Good luck on your journey.