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Everything posted by astrokeen

  1. I don't want death my 5-MeO, I want to experience bliss. Given that ego-death thru 5-MeO can be horrendously painful and extreme, what would you say is an essential prep to prevent the slaughter. Would AL- LAD, which you had suggested as a substitute for newbies, be hard on one too?
  2. I could level the same accusation at you - very bad thinking if you don't see it as racism. Trump called Nigeria a shit-hole country! So based on his thoughts about certain practices or events within Nigeria, he wrote off an entire nation with many languages, cultures, people of vastly different characters, professions, backgrounds etc. That is the essence of racism. You make negative assumptions about an entire people, e.g., muslims, based upon a few examples of people of that background.
  3. There are some frightful experiences with 5-MeO-DMT on forums. This one for example: It seems that there is no greater certainty about having spiritually nurturing or enlightening experiences with this drug as with any other. I wonder if a survey would reveal that people who have been meditating for say at least a year are more likely to have positive experiences. If these factors co-relate. @Leo Gura , would it be possible to conduct such a survey with members here, by conducting a poll for example?
  4. @phoenix666 , your account of the aftereffects is quite inspiring. Would you say what did you take that caused the DNA trip. Also, are there any types of shrooms which gave you more enlightening experiences?
  5. More gurus from India !!! Most were alive a century or two ago. In my opinion, Sri Aurobindo was a sage whose writings are a cut above the rest. As for people who aren't Indian, what about Neale Donald Walsch. Or Robett K.C. Foreman. His book is marvellous: "Enlightenment Ain't What it's Cracked Up to be: A Journey of Discovery, Snow and Jazz in the Soul"
  6. Where please?
  7. Goodness, all of these are from India. What about people like Thich Nat Hahn or Eckhart Tolle?
  8. What about the ego death? No mention of that here.
  9. @cirkussmile Not sure how your advise can help here. Of course meditation is the best way but for people who have tried meditation for years without major insights, psychedelics are an amazing tool. Even if meditation has been fruitful, the direct experience gained through psychedelics can be transformative in many ways - It is a way of gaining greater insights, expanding ones' experience and, if one is lucky, it could transform our spiritual practices long term. It may be a shortcut if it helps advance the kundalini. Saying that meditation is the best way is not really helpful.
  10. @kateaa , hello. Very interesting to hear how your experience had a lasting effect. I tried Aya just once at a Santo Daime Church gathering in Amsterdam, which, in fact, is not the way to do it if it is one's first time. Could you say where is it that you tried Aya - was it in different settings and with different shamans or guides? Incidentally, have you seen the 5 Meo-Dmt reports in this thread:
  11. @Shakazulu , Could you describe the sensations you are referring to? I experienced gentle currents up my spine when practising mindfulness. Would those be the same? The currents were pleasant and quite mild.
  12. During meditation, your brain activity will slow down, i.e, you are likely to be at least in Alpha - "THETA WAVES (3 TO 8 HZ) Theta brainwaves occur most often in sleep but are also dominant in deep meditation. Theta is our gateway to learning, memory, and intuition. In theta, our senses are withdrawn from the external world and focused on signals originating from within. It is that twilight state which we normally only experience fleetingly as we wake or drift off to sleep. In theta we are in a dream; vivid imagery, intuition and information beyond our normal conscious awareness. It’s where we hold our ‘stuff’, our fears, troubled history, and nightmares. ALPHA WAVES (8 TO 12 HZ) Alpha brainwaves are dominant during quietly flowing thoughts, and in some meditative states. Alpha is ‘the power of now’, being here, in the present. Alpha is the resting state for the brain. Alpha waves aid overall mental coordination, calmness, alertness, mind/body integration and learning." The feeling of depression can be got rid of by by positive thinking in these states. For example by repeating with conviction at the start and end of the meditation: I am at a deep healthy level of the mind. I am feeling better than ever before. I am happy, at peace etc. etc.. I will now count to 5. At the count of 5, I will wake up feeling better than ever before." This, incidentally, is positive thinking or some people will refer this to self-hypnosis.
  13. I am surprised @Etagnwo wasn't offended at this flagrantly racist Trumpish comment. Or were you mimicking Trump in a tongue in cheek way?
  14. @One Maranatha , just curious that you've been here since 2015 and you've only posted 3 other times!!
  15. @The Don Could say what kind of bad dreams? And are they always the same type?
  16. This is the mantra "Om so hum" - I am that. Perfect rendition for transporting to higher states of consciousness .
  17. @now is forever , ah, ok. Yes, I get it.
  18. I tried magic mushrooms for the first time - grown at home using a grow kit from an Amsterdam shop. My only previous experience with psychedelics was a one time session with Ayahuasca at a Sainto Daime church. That did not go well - rather it did not go beyond the purging stage - I felt really unwell, exhausted and miserable while the effect lasted. Having read that shroom experiences were gentler and more positive, I had hoped to make some kind of spiritual breakthrough. I took approximately 30gm of fresh shrooms, alone in a darkened room. This was after setting intention and meditating. Firstly, nothing much happened for the first hour except was some sense of heavy sleepiness. No visuals occurred at all. I felt queasy and uncomfortable. At some point in the night, the experience became horrendously painful, lasting several hours. It was a psychological brutality as I would have never imagined. This is what I felt or realised - there is no god, no heaven or wonderful place to go to. I am of no value, depressed, miserable, uncared for and unloved. No one, god or angels were watching over me - these were illusions that I had latched on to. The love of my family was superficial - I was essentially alone and my life was meaningless. I was overtaken by utter despair - with no way out - death was not a solution, in fact nothing could resolve this. I felt truly sorry for the people I loved - my children who were alive in this meaningless world. I could sense their despair. All the structures that I had built around me were an illusion, things to get by and provide an illusion of meaning. I sobbed and asked for it to end. At some point in the night I also vomited. All the accounts I have read speak of experiences ending in feeling positive and loved. This was not the case for me. I just felt washed out and exhausted and fearful of whether I would now become permanently depressed. Can someone please cast some light on this. Has this ever happened to anyone? I am now trying to understand this and find something positive in it. I don't know what to believe anymore.
  19. What happened next? I mean after you discovered your life was illusory? Did a kundalini awakening follow?
  20. @now is forever , how did you know I have 2 children? Just a guess? I am not sure what is it that you mean by did I know about my 2 children before. But I do understand that one can't know about a dark night of the soul in advance - or it wouldn't fall into that category, i.e., not be so dark.
  21. Great! We're nearly there. There are lots of very informative resources. Just need reorganising in alphabetical order, brief notes/links, labelled glossary and pinned.
  22. @DMM710 and @Quanty , I experienced ego-death, therefore, it follows that I must have been ego-focused. So, "only the ego-focused mind will get visuals" perhaps wouldn't have applied to me. Incidentally, I have been researching the DNOTS experience in the last few days and it is generally known that experiencing meaninglessness is an intermediary stage to experiencing non-duality. I wish I had known of this earlier so that I could've felt less devastated.
  23. @now is forever , thank you :).
  24. @TimStr , thanks. Things seemed to have moved on since I looked into meditation techniques last :). It would actually be very helpful to have a glossary on this site, with brief explanations just as you have presented. This could include names of psychedelics too. cc @Leo Gura