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Everything posted by astrokeen

  1. Thank you! This is really helpful.
  2. @Leo Gura needs to learn from your story. Some advice is not suitable for people. He needs to be amore cautions when dishing out advice based on his own experiences. They may not apply to another and, surely, this case proves it.
  3. I seem to be the only one asking this question, so please excuse my naivety - What is the red pill?
  4. One lesson I have learned from meeting and following a number of gurus is that enlightenment or a higher state of spirituality does not automatically accord people with unblemished ethics or integrity. I discovered that many of my spiritual heros had clay feet. Ashrams, in particular, have very questionable practices which, of course, may be due to the inadequacies of the managers. Firstly, because the state of enlightenment (E) may have provided insights and wonderful experiences, they were not able to integrate these into everyday living and practicalities. The person still must deal with the challenges of the body and mind. Also E can be experienced at different levels, and be intermittent. So, the breadth or depth of E, if one could refer to it in that way, will determine how thoroughly it may change the individual.
  5. Shame that this universal connection is not manifest in overt and physical ways as lives in many parts of the world connive to be violent, painful and devoid of humanity.
  6. You sound depressed not enlightened. You don't have an emotional engagement with the world - nothing that makes your heart beater faster and makes you keenly interested, no passion that you want to explore or accomplish. Your world is limited to your life and work. In order to find out what you want to do for the world, you need to know more about the world - its thinkers, its failures and crisis, of which there are plenty. Find a cause to support which engages you emotionally. Start reading! Read left leaning newspapers and magazines. If the big crisis, such as climate change, don't interest you, find something locally which engages you and you could get involved in.
  7. @Kensho , could you name the shrooms that gave you a strong trip relative to golden teachers. Were any of particular note or worked best for you?
  8. @Recursoinominado , I am envious. Tell us about your experience, please.
  9. Some of the imagery is very weird and sci-fi. It detracts from a sense of calm and peace.
  10. @AleksM , this is fascinating. Where does God fit into this? Or other dimensional beings that inhabit the super-natural world. And where does non-duality fit into this?. Are these ETs also a part for the grand illusion that mask reality or non-duality? Perhaps they comprise a higher octave of the illusory world.
  11. @Cortex , you've asked a question which much of the content of this forum is aimed towards. Look through the Psychedelics threads and meditation threads. That is how mystical states are commonly achieved.
  12. Some people have a soporific voice which tends to be more relaxing to listen to. Perhaps Leo falls in that category. I find many lecturers on You Tube have this affect on me. I use them to help me sleep in case I can't.
  13. That list doesn't include Robin Williams, "What Dreams May Come". I found out about this film in a channelled book. This film bears a close resemblance to what happens after death. Also, 'The Shack' - a story of a guy meeting Jesus, God and the Holy Ghost. They first help him to better understand his life as seen from a much broader context or higher perspective.
  14. @MrDmitriiV , they are whirls of energy in different colours. They spin at certain speeds - slow speeds indicate depression. The clarity of their colours indicate their health. All are open - some more so than others. The kriys yoga you mentioned, firstly, makes you aware of energy flows and currents which arise from meditaiton. There are 3 channels up the spine - Ida, Pingala, Sushmana. Some meditations engage one of these and not the others. Please read Raja Yoga. It is a small very useful primer. 'Hands of light ' by Barbara Brennan shows pictures of chakras and how these alter under different t conditions. Great book. In Hindu kundalini yoga texts, the anatomy of the chakras has been described in detail - each chakra not only has a colour but is likened to a flower so comprises a number of petals. Each has a key sound or Bija Mantra which activates the chakra, as well as a deity.
  15. @MrDmitriiV , I'll try answering your question. In this world, illusory or otherwise, yoga posits the existence of a psychic body. This body has chakras, the study of which has been extensive in Indian Yoga. The ancient books by Patanjali describe chakras in detail. Patanjali was "The compiler of the Yoga sūtras, a text on Yoga theory and practice, and a notable scholar of Samkhya school of Hindu philosophy. He is variously estimated to have lived between 2nd century BCE to 4th century CE, with more scholars accepting dates between 2nd and 4th century CE." (Wiki) I personally have had healers describe the condition of my chakras to me: on one occasion, after a few months following my training with a group of Pranic healers, I visited them. When I walked into the building and met one healer, she told me that my chakras were spinning slowly (which indicate stress/depression). This had occurred because I had recently found out that a close family member had motor neurone disease. A few minutes later, I walked into another room and met another healer who said exactly the same thing. Both these healers were known for their clairvoyance and ability to see the psychic body. This incident convinced me that chakras were very much present and their "health" was representative of our mental, spiritual and physical health. There are dozens of books on kundalini and chakras. Raja Yoga by Vivekanand is a classic. also Kundalini Tantra by Saraswati Satyananda Swami
  16. Anyone read this book? Very helpful and sensible: Enlightenment Ain't What it's Cracked Up to be: A Journey of Discovery, Snow and Jazz in the Soul Here's the writer talking about what it means to be enlightened:
  17. @Pamela Zamora , this site provide lots of advice and info:
  18. @Viking , being able to direct energies towards yourself or another is a powerful thing. You can firstly control consequences by setting a positive intention - even a very general one such as, " all my thoughts/ I will bring about the best outcomes/ healing for myself/another ". Healers follow, in one respect or another, the GAPP protocol - Ground, Attune, Protect, Permission. You begin by a grounding visualisation - e.g., visualise roots growing from the bottom of your feet deep into the ground. Attune to the highest source of healing as in visualise light pouring into your crown chakra from the highest source of healing or set your intention verbally. Protect yourself and the person - affirm that you are protected by light, or the highest source. Finally, mentally ask for permission to conduct healing from the person's higher self. There are many variations on this theme. Incidentally, I always found meditation hard but healing provided an alternative way towards spiritual evolvement which, according to healers, is as affective as meditation. I found it much easier to follow a prescribed routine when healing . This gradually helps to develop your sensitivities and intuition while you also practise loving kindness and compassion for others.
  19. This is absolute rubbish, Prabhaker. Your post needs to be reported.
  20. @Viking , healers use focus or visualisation to direct energy to certain parts of the body. You seem to be applying the same principle - focusing your attention at a part of the body and, thereby, generating a feeling or a concentration of energy. Great skill to have as you could use it creatively. Maybe try it as a tool for healing.
  21. @Ferdi Le , I had a similar experience via shrooms. As time goes past, intergrating this into your daily life is not such a problem. Primarily because one tends to forget the psych experience. However, the insights you had on the unimportance of the ego, which includes everyone's egos, remain helpful. They release you from being overly conscious of yourself and letting go of ridiculous anxieties as in: am I doing the right thing; will I be thought of well, etc. One also becomes more confident and less in awe of people. I feel braver about pursuing my interests and approaching 'hight and mighty' people. Therefore, I am more likely to open doors and encounter more opportunities. If life is a mere illusion of meaning, I can create any meaning I want or enjoy. Overall, it's a freeing experience.
  22. Just wondered if anyone here had developed/had sensitivities or psychic abilities to be able to feel any energies being released by the lunar eclipse today. The lunar eclipse is said to be the the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century. It spans 1 hour 43 minutes. While the shortest total lunar eclipse of this century lasted 4 minutes and 48 seconds. Lunar eclipses are said to be about culmination/ illumination/ completion/ endings. Something will be completed or cleaned up or maybe a decision will be reached leading to new beginnings. So, does anyone feel it so as to lend credibility to this belief?
  23. @MsNobody , that was an inspirational report. The positive long term effects you've talked about are particularly encouraging. I would so like to try 5. Have no idea how to procure it though. Nobody I know is into psychedelics. I'm in the UK, in case anyone wants to offer advice.