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About imitono

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  1. @Jodistrict That is quite encouraging. Thanks!
  2. @Bodhitree Thanks for your suggestion. That is something I could definitely try to do more. There are in fact many solutions to my problem, although they might not be easy ones. It's just that my situation got me thinking. Is it possible to do this work without renouncing some part of the world? (e.g. the noisy street in favor of the park) Is this "renunciation" a form of cheating? Are you mistaking the silence of the park for your own silence?
  3. @PureRogueQ Thanks for your input. It is true that my own condition plays a huge role in this. I guess one of the things I am trying to ask here is, is there a limit where external factors stop being relative to one's own condition? Like what if your are exposed to constant torture. Would your own neurosis be to blame for not being able to practice meditation?
  4. I don't know what you people think of him, but allow me to copy-paste some quotes from an Osho speech here as I think it is very relevant. "The real peace, the real silence, needs to be tested here in the world, in the marketplace. If it is disturbed that simply shows it was very superficial - you have to go deeper into it. And the marketplace is helpful to show you." "Deep in the mountains there is no way to know whether your silence is deep or just superficial. Thu can remain silent for your whole life and die and the silence will be just skin-deep, because there is nothing to disturb it so you cannot see how deep it is." "I want the religious person to be in the world, not of the world, but in the world, because the marketplace is the place where you are tested every moment And you should be grateful to the marketplace because it continuously makes you aware of where you are. The day nothing disturbs you, nothing makes any difference to your silence...and this can be realized only in the marketplace, not in the Himalayas." "In the Himalayas there is every possibility of fallacy - because the silence of the Himalayas will not disturb your silence. The silence of the Himalayas will give you a false notion - as if it is your silence. And you have only a thin layer, poor layer." "I am against renouncing the world. I am absolutely for the world. The world is a great school. Experiment, meditate, and be constantly in touch with things which disturb.One day nothing will be disturbing, and that will be the day of great rejoicing."
  5. Hi, I would like to know if any of you have anything to share on the subject of noise interfering with meditation practice or any kind of esoteric work for that matter. Long story short, I had to move to a new flat last summer. This flat turned out to be extremely noisy at all times due mainly to motorcycles that pass through the road in front of it. This happens almost every two minutes and the noise is so loud that the windows are trebling. Just to get an idea I have tried closed windows (double panel) earplugs and over the ear noise cancelling headphones on top of that, and the noise still comes through. This has interfered with my meditation/inner work to the point where I haven't been able to practice at all for the last few months. Everytime I try to do so I fixate on the noise that makes me jump out of my chair every once in a while. I know the obvious answer to that is "move somewhere quitter", but: Isn't that another attempt to change the external rather than changing the internal?
  6. Hello. I am posting here because I am looking for a specific video on the YouTube channel that I cannot find. I remember that in this particular video Leo goes on to make a quite extensive list of different words from various cultures that all mean "nothingness" or "unity" or something like that. Can anyone help me find this video. Thanks.