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Everything posted by M B

  1. According to the first and third hermetic principles, that everything is mental and everything vibrates and in motion. this means if this is well understood, known and put in practice, one would be able to control his own mental vibration as well as others, not only that but step into the infinite intelligence of the living Mind. I can't help myself but question how far could we unravel the unconscious and become aware of the vibrations to connect with the self, whether it is on an individualistic or a tribalistic level. when I think about it from a Jungian perspective, it all comes down to the nature of things, in other words to the collective unconscious. the idea that everyone is connected fascinates me and terrifies me at the same time, which is the way it should be. it makes me wonder what does privacy mean ?
  2. are we merely living stories made out of the fabric of our collective consciousness ? is that all there is, the mind generates and then attracts a story and lives according to its principles? by principle, I mean an essential story that is taken as a "fact" and it is a primal survival mechanism. is the enlightenment another story we worship and love?
  3. @Saumaya The context bring the content to life. The content without the role of the context is meaningless. The unprogrammed state you mentioned is it Nothingness? I mean sometimes I come close to this experience during my meditation, after that what stays with you is a realisation, for me a temporary change in perspective because I will always think about the world in terms of stories, I guess there is no way around it. so basically every experience that is turned into a story becomes limited and this takes out from the experience's value, all experience behold the same value I guess, and it's up to us on what we observe. although this seems lonely for me, but it totally makes sense, we are urged and it could be an obligation to share half the truth with the other.
  4. I noticed that there are few people in this world, who are so thirsty and hungry for the moment, to experience the now joyfully whatever the inner/outer circumstances are . TO FEEL THE GLORY OF THE MOMENT, this sounds positive and all good, but during shadow work proccess, one would defenitily start recognising how amusing it is to dance with the devils. Especially when one surrender thyself to nature and act intuitively.
  5. @tsuki I like your analogy. solipsism states the uncertainty of the existence of other's minds and the certainty of my own consciousness, it also presents that everything is merely a mental projection of the mind. This resonates back with the principle of correspondence, as within so without, as above so below. I find intriguingly funny how everything returns back to the ancient studies and hidden knowledge of Occult. i.e the hermetic teaching. however, part of me also chooses to have faith and believe that every other mind is with me in the same game, and as you said if I could dissolve and become a superconductor, which I think I had some experiences with, then one could conduct the self to drop the identity and become conscious of the other mind consciousness.
  6. I like your analogy. solipsism states the uncertainty of the existence of other's minds and the certainty of my own consciousness, it also presents that everything is merely a mental projection of the mind. This resonates back with the principle of correspondence, as within so without, as above so below. I find intriguingly funny how everything returns back to the ancient studies and hidden knowledge of Occult. i.e the hermetic teaching. however, part of me also chooses to have faith and believe that every other mind is with me in the same game, and as you said if I could dissolve and become a superconductor, which I think I had some experiences with, then one could conduct the self to drop the identity and become conscious of the other mind consciousness. kybalion.pdf
  7. @purerogue totally agree, also it's a connection on a mental level so the thought of who I think I am would have to make contact with the thought of the other person in mind.
  8. @purerogue yep, it is part of my question, I mean it could be done consciously i guess, and it could be the case that there are no limits to our human connections, and all the boundaries are built and destroyed by us. this could definitely be subjectively true but is it also objectively?