now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. today i was reminded once again of the fact that life indeed is a game, but not one just to be watched and controlled like a video game or a movie. it is there to be acted upon and experienced in it’s true nature - only this way we can be healthy in body mind and soul.
  2. @Gryner for the moment i wouldn’t experimenting with just any even slightly hallucinogenic drug at all. manipulation with substances should be given into an experienced hand. weed can be especially fatal for people with psychotic disposition. anything you need now is more grounding (sattvic) work - you experiencing a melting of your phantasy world with your reality world, you just stepped through a door that links the both with each other. if your phantasy world was linked to games mainly, you’re body feels like it is god because all it ever needed to experience this, was to hold a controller. there are other ways to experience god. i would greatly recommend you to do something in nature with people - something more related to physical productive activity in a social therapeutic or shamanistic context. something like cooking, gardening, building something. you need to relink your phantasy body to your physical body and set some of your concepts right through direct experience of nature or the pure world. it‘s basically as if you flew away without having a mechanism to bring you down to earth again.
  3. so what do i mean talking about stigmatization? if i talk about stigmata i don’t talk only about the visual stigmata - i talk about the voluntary or involuntary separation of one person or group from the herd. the separation sometimes happens because of just visual differences but also in differences that emerge from behavior. to not get the whole thing preconceptive loaded in a bad way - i thought about the artists stigmata, it is a self chosen one. a stigmata we choose because we want to be different and create a difference. it’s a little bit similar to the stigmata of youth cultures. i chose this because i find it to be a stigmata that’s not negative or political loaded and mybe it can help us separating cultural or descendence stigmata from behavioral stigmata, if we reflect on it. it‘s so mutch about group dynamics, too. but i don’t want to talk about groups at the moment. as i can’t change them, i can only change myself.
  4. @Strikr wow, thank you for showing that side, too. did you ever try aswaghanda? it’s supposed to help with adhd and can also stimulate memory etc. it’s an adaptogene so not working psychoactive - so if you just went for the drug... maybe not it?
  5. mhhh, if it’s the only way to handle one addiction to replace it with another one that doesn’t affect you - guess it’s the better alternative. but keep in mind it could be maybe just another addiction. usually there is mutch more to the addiction than only the addiction - what do we compensate? to handle that it’s the mutch bigger part under the surface. i found it quiet helpful to use strong brewed ginger tea when i was stopping smoking - it’s said ginger is stopping the craving. read something about tamarind helping to control alcohol craving - i found the fruit in asian supermarkets. maybe you could make some lemonade with it... don’t know.
  6. ? hehe we had a nice party then here, too. i miss u a little bit. it’s good to know someone more more more more more more more more more more more more more more special got your time!
  7. just went to starbucks, because i’m in a small city right now and starbucks at least has vegan milk alternatives. i don’t drink coffe as mutch as before but today i needed it. as usual the question for my name - sometimes i say peter or klaus. this time i said: just put a star on it - most people put a star like this: * but he put a two triangle star aka david star. i just said oh nice this is an advanced one. while walking around i tried to understand what makes this small city different than other small cities in sense of openness. i also meet people’s eyes so mutch more these days than i used to. so i met the eyes of a woman next to me at the tram stop - both of us smiling. she had her hair covered by a veil. in the tram i passed by two guys in a happy mood speaking french with african dialect, smiling at me. i didn’t meet their eyes for long because i try to not encourage interest, with guys in general. sat down and drank my coffee and saw the star again and noticed what it meant , maybe here at the same place two or three lifespans away. and i started to think about stigmata. about stigmatization of others but also about stigmatizing ourself.
  8. why duality is a tool of survival? a model of an outside world is there to anticipate the outside world to act inside it to manipulate it to find a way in it. who is the shaper of this model? it’s a coworking space. but there is someone sitting inside controlling what is to be let in and what is not. and there is the inside that forms the model. (can it be animated from somewhere else in a distance directly, that would be scary? is it that? or is it animating itself? it is animated by other models for sure though.) NOW in perception only happens if we let it in and let it fill an empty spot. if this worldmodel is complete (it can be complete and not accurate) we can understand what the empty spot means for the perceived outside of the model. one might come to the conclusion afterwards, it is best to stop manipulating and to move outside of the game and only teach from the outside of the game how the path is to be found and walked. but this is only if the word manipulation is a wrong model. manipulation means with the hands - with the own hands - for the enlightened. while manipulation as a brainwashing is very, very dangerous, it is what sects do. if we want to remain inside the world and start to work on it with others, it’s so suffocating so annoying seemingly like a fight against the always unchanging in a person, especially when the other doesn’t move perspectives from the heart. if thoughts are not animated by the love for people and the cause. that’s why i chose objects to manipulate - it doesn’t matter if they break. and i can manipulate them without harming them (they are just objects). and they also don’t reject my help. helping others without forcing ourselves on them while they also have an agenda, that makes us pack our things and walk the streets as monks - helping where help is wanted not where it is lost. (maybe it’s also where all help is lost so it is wanted). getting lost ourselves so others won’t. that’s forcelessness (forceless control, one possible form of non violent codependency to control) that’s why people don’t notice the ones that flower the world. because flowers are the thoughts going unnoticed, the dreams going unnoticed the future we might not have because we don’t notice it. it is not only the now that counts it is the full experience/awareness of the now in anticipation of a better future in sense of less suffering. but yes, ending the suffering in ourselves is the first step into it.
  9. @exhale yes that’s why we have to try it ourselves - but most of them are lies or only partially right. i also go with the plant based theory - my family was in preventive health care for two generations - i know most of the theories. some are hilarious.
  10. thank you @tsuki for making that clear again. control implies division = control effects division
  11. you could say the chance for multifocality!
  12. how did you come to the conclusion i was confused? i am confusion that’s a difference. thank you though. that’s another fragmentation to add to the list. (it’s very close to freud’s iceberg model though, can be understood with it, if you add the factor time - but it’s not the solution it’s the question)
  13. ok, now we are meeting. why didn’t you say so in the thread title? to go back to the model we are very quickly at freuds model of the self, aren’t we? but you are not saying the model is a wrong model, you are saying to see oneself in that sense is fragmentation? that’s why i said we need more organic in skandhas. you are also using fragmentation as a model of thought. in oneself and in a conversation. basically saying we have to see them always in the context of an unity, to not see them fragmented. you are also using fragmentation in the sense of time, but here in the sense of social time. (i have a little different model for that). and in this you are also using fragmentation with a link to society and the fragmentation of unity in a political context, where you were pointing at the greater social disharmony. but it was a question, not an answer! so why are you treating it like an answer already. is this why you talk about control? how can you expect answers if you are treating the question as if it was an answer already?
  14. truth is the unchangeable essence, dynamic is just truth in movement aka time?
  15. whaaaa - well i didn’t read books on that until now - either. well i maybe didn’t get it yet, too. guess i need a little to answer to this... if you didn’t read books where you born with it then? are you able to devide yours from the knowledge of others?
  16. mhhh very interesting question. i bought a book in india - from an us author: david christian. just because the title triggered me: origin story. and i‘m really happy i‘ve bought it because he introduces entropy, as a general universal law. (what would support my model of constant defragmentation) he basically explains, that in our world (earth) nothing is truely chaotic but it tends to go that direction. so everything that builds a structure will stick out from entropy (that’s my conclusion). truth will remain while false will vanish over time. (question is just: how much time...and: every thing is as it is because it happened as it happened.)
  17. this whole discussion, maybe to find out if love is an illusion. is it? maybe brainlove. sometimes symbols are just helpful. enlightenment is an holistic experience. tic tac. does it ring? maybe love can have a multitude of dimensions.
  18. the model of projector/movie doesn’t 100% fit in this case. because the projector is not off yet entirely. it‘s too simple.
  19. hmmm interesting. i have reumathoid arthritis - i mean it’s mostly asleep at the moment because i figured it’s the proteins in milk and also any kind of meat. egg proteins are ok though, also butter is ok. most doctors still believe it’s animal fat acids but that would include butter. so that’s empirically at least in my case not it. i also found out that galacto lipids in the kernels of rosehip can minimize the pain - they are blocking c-reactive proteins. so proteins in general seam to play a roll in arthritis and arthrosis. i‘ll certainly have a look. thank you @Noone Here !
  20. but to transcend love, at least you need to have to experience it. and who says after transcending love, there is no love at all? do you think enlightened people don‘t love anymore? you can easily prove, what is the truth in that, you just need to look into their eyes. if you can’t see it, you can not transcend it, you will not be enlightened. you can’t claim to know the truth of something you don’t know about. (yet)
  21. the clorox is maybe a good idea for the self actualization discussion area... before and after photograph would be nice, too. do you think it could boost consciousness? anyone tried it before?
  22. @Faceless yes, yes, no, yes. maybe! yes, yes, yes, yes - would also fit! but are we talking about the reality of illusion? or are we talking about the illusion of reality? because if you use a model, is there any difference between both? (res.) as in response?