now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. mhhh generally speaking: did you ever wonder why there are dog schools but no parenting schools? instead we only send the children to school. our dogs may be happier than our children sometimes. (this is not about an education style, it’s about awareness)
  2. yes - and there also lies a problem. because we are the grown ups, there is a difference in responsibility. they sometimes are the wiser ones if it’s not the little ego wanting distraction/distruction.
  3. ? it’s so dark, but the twist is so light i really had to laugh! how light is stronger than darkness! even if darkness seems to fill everything! and how it reaches out into darkness. @Zweistein guess you turned the headlights on before driving into the darkness.
  4. uhhh that feels like a spoiler to my life purpose, hahaha - in a little other direction. i‘m not done setting everything up, reality is mutch slower than that. but we can walk talking can’t we?
  5. if the cause is the cause. conflictfear. but conflict can also be because there is no fear conflict/freedom.
  6. just realized: unconditional love is not unconditional it is conditioned - it is something we can learn but only if we are teached. love is not just a belief it is experiencable, watchable, touchable but one thing it is not: calculated - it never can be.
  7. @Good-boy that was creeping under my skin. the problem online mostly is the anonymity and missing out on a hug or a smile. so if it gets really serious what else is there to do than writing? if our mind goes wild we still need to feel our body because it remains - if there is no one to lead us a way back to the body we are so disconnected to it we might want to leave it behind. without understanding it as a home, or a temple. our greatest good. some people only keep it alive to drift away. and some fly because they learn how to treat it and use it wisely. it‘s really sad if someone ends their life - because it’s hopelessness that ends it. it’s not the death itself, who really fears that? but the facettes of hopelessness - and suffering. oneness means in one interpretation unity of body mind and soul - so if we find to ourselves and find we have left one part out of the game we have to reconnect to that part to be truely one, how can we reconnect to love if we miss out on it - love is only found in the most subtle form of existence. how can we prove it is real if not in a human touch?
  8. @Faceless what about observing our selfs-self in the relationship of ourselfs-others?
  9. maybe if you didn’t pursue it in the first place? maybe if you just stumble upon it? maybe if the cause is the cause itself.
  10. fear is if we move from A to B without knowing about C,D,E,F,G... false control is moving from A to B without considering C,D,E... false control is also moving from A to B without acknowledging the possibility of interdependency and a possibility of ....X,Y,Z. control over fear is giving up the ambition to control A,B,C,D...X,Y,Z in the moment while still being aware of it.
  11. wait a minute, that’s hundred years ago - and then it might have been the worst (except for the middle ages) guess thousands of years ago they had their beliefs and their shamans and healers (some more some less) mhhh but they had other blind spots, as we also have our blind spot: online - that is. while the body needs some physical help and support in a social context. (well at least online, is the other perspective). this is still survival mode.
  12. @Feel Good hey - what about this aggression. no hijacking here - this thread is far too serious.
  13. when i had my last spiritual experiences i went to a marma massage specialist, because i had the experience that it helped me to get rooted. the therapist told me the same - you need to come down, ground yourself. feel the earth. feel the limits, and then you can make sense out of it. and maybe start to explore again in a slightly slower speed. i would recommend you something that makes you more aware of your physical body - maybe some art therapy or working on a farm or something that makes you reconnect to life in a productive way. feeling the body after you’ve worked in nature makes you understand your limits - and potentials.
  14. no - children are more important, especially if you are guiding them. they love you and you love them! (also, i miss you from the heart, but it’s ok it‘s not possessive so we are not stuck in this)
  15. i guess this thread shows entropy of meaning. in this it shows what it was about.
  16. now it seams like we are teaming up... @Ingit i don’t think he wanted to be rude, at least not to you. he is just a little distanced, devided. because he wants to control the conversation.
  17. mmmmhhhhhhhh - critics not welcome? if you want to talk to yourself why not retreat to a journal? don‘t get me wrong but it’s kind of aggressive and possessive as well.
  18. @Etagnwo no. he just is confusion. or more: contradiction.
  19. @Faceless hopeless indeed! hoplessly hopeless.
  20. what is the difference in being choicless and not being a choice? what is the difference in choosing to be hopelessly in love and not choosing to be hopelessly in love when you still are? with life that is. what for, all this speech if he wasn’t a dreamer? pursuing a dream implies hope.
  21. @Faceless again, that’s so easy to say, there is different hopelessness. hopelessly trapped in prison, hopelessly trapped in a situation, hopelessly trapped in fear, hopelessly trapped in your own mindloop? are you not contradicting yourself? of course there is also: hopelessly in love with the world, hopelessly in love with the hopeless... but what makes this hopelessness different than the other one? or even the same?
  22. live might be a maze, but subconsciousness is like a magic forest. when we are entering it it’s better going prepared. what really fits, because i‘m at freiburg at the blackforest right now.