now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. @Joseph Maynor well it could make up a good example... but it would be hard on addicts. update: thanks for update
  2. @Serotoninluv it‘s a strangeloop question.
  3. one question. how can someone start doing the inner work without questioning god? saying someone is god without saying someone is not god, would there still be nonduality? not questioning at all is very dogmatic. there is dogmatism in zen without question, but does it have to, if the question is formulated as a question and not as a statement maybe? how can someone enter a path without questioning in the first place? so if someone asks the question. you would say: you are god. ??? but it doesn’t mean someone stopped questioning, did it? and what would happen if someone would say: i am god. ??? what then?
  4. @SpaceCowboy sorry for even mentioning that method! have read about it now and found out: it is not just an impulse it’s a lesion. so it is damaging the brain area and very controversially discussed. so maybe being part of a gay community and finding a very androgyn, young almost or grown up partner who already knows what he wants, if you aren’t already doing that. and if it’s not controversial to your therapy in sense of interfering with the healing process of the inner child.
  5. mh - just realized the article i found was quiet old from the 70‘s. they just „actualized“ it online in an archive. the thought was to give an impulse to the brain area. mhhh - maybe it didn’t work at all then or it really was not healthy... would be interesting though.
  6. i also noticed if one thought/feeling /insight arises for example through communication with friends, i really have to start working quickly on it if not i‘m loosing that cloud feeling and can’t integrate it into a plan or model. models usually stick longer and are like maps.
  7. could you find that dude now? maybe facing the love of your past could bring you into presence? i‘ve also talked to gay guys who where attracted to older men in in their late teens, so if you respect their age and will - and don’t go for the extreme young ones... well. if you feel very bothered and are afraid you might not have control over your doing, did you ever read about stereotactic brain surgery? it is changing the network connection in one area of the brain - sexual functions are not affected. i know they are working on that in göttingen germany - so it’s maybe not to far for you ( don’t know if they work with this in the us) guess it’s quiet expensive though. hope you don’t understand that negativeley, just wanted to widen your options. if it really works. some people even go so far to dream of brain surgery induced enlightenment... or get cut open for lesser reasons like a new nose. and transsexuals are going through a lot more work. it’s something else i know but it depends on how people feel well in a social context.
  8. this was a lost game. but as i am playing against myself - it’s impossible to loose so i won‘t stay out completely. but i will reduce it. so i‘ll try to stay out for another week. does that make sense? guess that’s the problem with all addictions. at least a possibility to understand them better. it’s certainly about consistency of presence. but how to stay open minded in presence and consistent in the past with decisions, it can’t be done if the mind doesn’t take controll over presence and that means loosing out on openmindedness. it can only be done with gradual training or incision. and then gradual training after incision. i feel more like in an addiction programme than in monster university.
  9. @Annoynymous mhhh. for your own development yes. for a country it might not matter if an orange stage is based on a multitude of colors understanding your cultural heritage? i‘m a regionalist if it’s about economy - if you still have values don’t loose them but think global. that’s a cultural heritage of europe.
  10. @Annoynymous mhhh complex. are you sure it’s impossible to start with more green values? i know how the discrepancy between the actual situation and green is. think about some cultural knowledge and how green export could be a way. you see how problematic orange can get if it’s strictly orange...
  11. @Annoynymous well in sense of economics spiral. i assume that you want to go up into orange through economics? because you talked about evolving. just had a picture of the small part i‘ve seen of india in my mind. and wanted to know if there are similarities - it’s a preconception, but maybe a helpful one.
  12. @Annoynymous is bangladesh comparable with india? sorry i don’t know much about bangladesh. even though it’s the 8th biggest country’s in the world...
  13. @TomDashingPornstar how did we come from french revolution to here? the french also had a phase on lolita complex. but french revolution was not exactly a sexual revolution.
  14. in steiner schools they do internships related to age and development stages. some of these are in the social field, for example in 8th or 9th grade (counting from 1 to 12). these experiences are not about sexuality but they relink to reality and form a more down to earth understanding.
  15. @Zweistein ohh, mh. i don’t know if that’s the answer to what was talked about after you posted the educational stuff. but it’s kind of a way to get them to use preservatives at least. chaos queen
  16. @Serotoninluv guess she didn’t talk about discussions, only. but she also didn’t vote for touchunderstanding. well maybe some back massage classes with mixed gender, could be an option. maybe not, maybe separated gender. at least getting some tools.
  17. oh - hope no one got confused. i was talking about teenager education. pedophily is another loop. i guess my thoughts on the problem are more radical so i don’t tell them.
  18. in that sense - sexual education is maybe not completely outdated... question is if it would be sufficient in school? in a blue country it reeks more like biology class, the contrary of sex appeal. so maybe the diy field could get interesting for some people...who don’t watch porn and are in green moving to yellow. a slightly exhibitionistic predisposition could be of advantage.
  19. @Etherial Cat he wants to say porn is an aggression release. he thinks it’s better to release sexual aggression in porn than to go out fulfilling these needs with the next best woman walking around the corner. @CreamCat the problem about that thought is an educational one though if we talk about aggressive porn. coming along with an industry and the problem of media stretching into an do it yourself field. what makes it criminal again.
  20. @Annoynymous good luck! my english is more a denglish. guess yours is better . so maybe all transitions are intersections, if you look over the shoulder.
  21. @Annoynymous mhh yes. well i think french revolution was an incision - because it was a radical shift, but it backlashed. green revolution was a transition with certain revolutionary aspects it also backlashed but less strong and it was a rolling stone. agree with you on the measurement part. i didn’t count in the vietnam war though what was certainly an intersection, as all wars are incisions - whatever they might produce.
  22. (back to topic) really liked the sliced bread analogy what about to see a revolution more as an incision, a more peaceful revolution more as a transition and an evolvement as a transformation?
  23. i really need to pause this because i guess i grasped it all. staying here would be an endless prolongation of not being in the physical space and that is growing over my head if my focus doesn’t return to it. had a very interesting and enlightening time here though. and met a lot of nice people on the surface of my phone some also met me on theirs. everything that counts is meeting at the heart though. and i‘m a person who likes reality too much to play mindgames on a phone - maybe i can start to play them in real physical reality now. i‘ll start with one week of staying out.
  24. yeah that’s where all the enlightened folks sit, until they start reading.