now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. @Charlotte no sorry, no recipes - that’s why i got supplements for now. i always ignore the nutritional yeast ? but i will check out about the things pluto said. maybe the fermentation things could be a good idea. miso etc. maybe i have to roll around the vitamin b shitpill for some more time until i come to a result i‘m happy about. but yeah maybe put it into soup broth after cooking - or even mix it with miso? the taste would be less present - but like miso not heating it too much. into sauces, like salad sauce? mixing it with salt might be interesting too, like gomae (salt mixed with sesame) we could make our own salt with different ingredients... and less salt. how about morninga yeast dried mushroom salt? i get so many more ideas now - like smuggling the yeast into wasabi. yeast is not the most sexy taste of all time unfortunately. and the amount of the yeast in salt would be probably not enough... i think in the end the most interesting question is: which bacteria produce vitamin b12. that counts for the roots as well as the fermentation as well as the nooch, if you want to go without supplements and make sure you have enough b12 at the same time. and then ferment/experiment with the bacteria on your own.
  2. @Charlotte already have it. mentioned it also further above. use to forget the sprinkling most of the time. the nutrition jungle is really one of the maddest jungles of all. so much money involved and so many beliefs
  3. it‘s still very difficult to get bit b12 if we don’t eat all these things, is it not? don‘t get me wrong, i just say you still have to be a very good kitchen alchemist to get b12. most vegans are not when they start out. i’m checking them out! thanks ? (only one remark, coconut is rich in b vitamines but doesn’t contain 12)
  4. @Outer if it where just the iq points...
  5. so just get your blood tested from time to time and know what you test it for. we don’t eat the same way as they do in india. i guess the doctor is still cooking traditonally.
  6. typically responsible women talk to their responsible gynecologist about that, whom they have researched in advance and ask her thrice about supplementation. and folate is one of the first thing that would be mentioned. jodine - can be stored in the body for some time, or not? and if no one launches an atomic bomb that should be fine. so you don’t have to supplement daily - maybe? i‘m not sure how humankind could survive without it through all the time and make it until now. we are really underpopulated because of the lack of so many supplements in our food.
  7. @Outer this is also very contradictory because there are people who say you can overdose and even harm the fetus if you overdose. i guess some vegan sushi once in a while is enough. or using kelp or other saltwater algae for supplementation. of course that’s not perfect because it might be contaminated, but do you know what kind of jodin they use in the salt? these discussions can be endless. you could also use spirulina and try to act agains vitamin b12 and jodine undersupplementation. but then again some new studies say the vitamin b12 in spirulina is not resorpable. veganism might miss out on some things, but if researched thoroughly, missing out is sometimes a little bit better than overdose with all the shit you can get from eating all the industrial artificially produced shit.
  8. @Charlotte you are lost now he will tell you everything he knows. ?
  9. @Charlotte if you still might be interested look for bioactive ones. i don’t want to jump on the same horse. but a friend of mine got really bad problems from a lack of b6 she developed it over years and it was very tricky to find out the cause of the problem. there are some standard supplements for vegans that make some sense. maybe for b12 you can also look for b12 enriched yeast, but it’s a special form of growing the yeast, so it has to be listed on the ingredients. i‘m also figuring out the supplementation stuff at the moment, because i turned vegan about a year ago. what outer said was a good reminder, not letting that slide again.
  10. what should anybody say after lounching an atomic bomb?
  11. about supplementation for vegans - i suggest vegans a vegan specific blood test once in a while. would be good if b12 would be part of it. if you research a bit, i‘m sure you can find a lot of recommendations from vegans for vegans about what to test. @Outer your consistency is kind of cute. kind of caring a little like a small child cuddling his pet a little too much.
  12. about apple seeds, my mom used to peal them for us when we were children, because we didn’t like the peal. there are a lot of secondary plant substances in appleseed. she also cracks open apricot kernels. even though both contain amygdalin - you can buy them in biological supermarkets as nutrition supplement as well. there is a discussion going on if it is anticarcinogen in small amounts. the kernels of grapes are espessially healthy, they supply you with opc, as well as the red shell of peanuts, but better chew them what makes the grape bitter. i don’t think the amount would be signifficant though by just eating some grapes.
  13. jailbreaking not only the mind but the body, too? and your home and your society and the planet so basically: never stop jailbreaking! gradually and then exponentially.
  14. @BuddhaTree if i may transfer that into a logical understanding. becaus it sounds completely logical to bring the whole system in line with the energy flow. everything in the bodyunit is aligned with the energy and the energy is floating the body. into every cell, the heart is pumping the energy better where it should be. and even the training effect to align everything is more holistic. chanting can be a mind blockage because your mind is blocking the flow. means you can’t completely let go of the mind at that moment. if you move the mind concentrates on moving the body completely and therefore the body mind connection gets stronger. the mind is empty to let the energy pass through. thats why i like understanding what the gods speak to us - if you visualize them and understand them not only with the mind but with the heart, too, in the cosmic order while chanting you pray/meditate also with your mind aligned and understand the principles underneath. that’s a meditationl aspect. i think i have to learn chanting now to do the math.
  15. have overthought that. it’s not just about storing it, it’s about learning to channel it. and how hellspeed said, learning to nourish it. but i still think there are more ways to do that - kriya might only be a learning tool. where i‘m pointing at the relational system again. so it’s not just a tool it’s much more than that, it’s part of a very old practiced belief system.
  16. i‘m limited in to many options because i was given too many choices. what is on one hand very productive but in many aspects counterproductive. in that sense i think i was never really limited in the beginning. thanks that was heart opening!
  17. energy is infinite it just gets stored in infinite forms or non formes. if we talk about kriya or kundalini i guess it’s about holding energy in the body to use it on whatever occurs.
  18. is this question a specific question or are you referring to body energy? is this a network question or what exactly does the model stand for? but x to the air y to the eyes z to the ears and if it’s about me...that’s complicated. i would need to reflect about it. guess it changes on what kind of energy you produce with the content of energy. in that sense is energy not neutral.
  19. @Jack River if no one understands the dudledidud how can we explore???
  20. @Jack River maybe i just don’t get your language. but there are people who sit in really heavy bullshit and choose to not choose - and that’s a complete waste of energy for them. not choosing is also a choice. especially in your time/fear hybrid.
  21. learning to choose is not a waste of energy. if you have too many choices it’s just entropy going nowhere. learning to choose means learning to learn.
  22. it’s a matter of definition what is waste energy. there is no way giving something that hasn’t been nourished before.
  23. @Telepresent , it’s not only energy for work. ora et labora? i‘m sure you can guide energy in a way you become a more loving person though or a more aggressive one.