now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. also i think someone who judges over something, someone else or over a situation elevates him/herself over the situation, person, thing - if judgment is not grounded in proper analysis of the situation in advance or reflection in advance, the judgment maybe unfair. the problem here is the conclusive factor (with conclusive i mean the matter then is not really open for further discussions), if we call it judgement it has also often a negative or disagreeing aspect to it. the time factor also plays a certain role. is it pre judgement or judgement after the occurrence of a situation.
  2. yesterday i went to have bioresonance during accupuncture against smoking. it worked better than i thought and less than i hoped it would. but who would think there wouldn’t be no thoughts on smoking at all? it comes only for short moments and i can see the urge arising very clear like a thought. it is also not like before when i really needed a strong will power, just to stop. yesterday directly after treatment i even held my breath when i smelled a cigarette because i was disgusted. i also don’t have the urge to eat something instead, that’s very interesting.
  3. judgements are preconceived or preoccupied statements concluding the situation to be in a certain way, often with a hint to good or bad. analysis is the reflection of all data available at the moment under different aspects or from different perspectives, giving a more wholistic picture of a situation, trying to stay more neutral. all in an everyday context. at court, thats something different of course.
  4. depends on the definition. adaptogens use to have an overall effect on the psyche and the body - in sense of immune diseases and stress, anxiety, depression problems, they are mostly “balancing“ substances. while nootropics work to “boost“ the brainfunction. so it’s a matter of definition if bacopa is an adaptogen or a nootropic. in some sense all adaptogens are also nootropics....but not all nootropics are adaptogens. in ayurveda bacopa/brahmi and whitania somnifera/ashwaghanda are both rasayanas for the mind. there are also other rasayanas like amlaki for the body. rasayanas are herbs, fruits and barks which are used to bring the body into balance not more not less.
  5. @Hellspeed if you don’t eat 50+ beans, how many would you recommend to eat for a day? i started to include them into my diet. well i already ate about ten, because they seem to be yummy even though a little bitter. so where to stop? 50+ beans doesn’t seem to be difficult in the yummy zone, but it might be in the heartrate zone. update: found out 5 to 20 nuts per day are ok. but not every day, as you get tired after a while and like with coffee headache as a sideffect when you discontinue.
  6. @Joseph Maynor yes reality is nuts, we can only crack one at a time. depends on the size of the nut. and the devil is a squirrel ? but so is god. a game of hide and seek. in german seeking would be finding. a fool finds by accident, a magician by collecting discarding and recombining, a shaman through healing, a healer through being.
  7. @Arkandeus ♥️??‍♀️
  8. @Arkandeus is there no destination? enlightenment has a destination.
  9. @Salvijus yes but you don’t know either.
  10. very touching joseph, i became so literal, i wrote every word into my journal, as a reminder. realtopies of today become realtopies of tomorrow animated by utopies and dystopies for the future if your heart touches the mind through the now.
  11. @Hellspeed are you sure? is not the concentration on the breath the technique and everything else the meditation?
  12. are you not trying to debunk him? he even debunks himself. so how to debunk debunkers? 1000years from now who knows if this data will still exist or if there will even be history books about this. so how could anybody debunk it. soorrry i know you try to do speculative „science“. so a thousand years from now what do you think society might look like - either up or down the spiral? or can it develope outside of the spiral - will there be something we can’t even imagine, completely outside of the spiral? will there be books? will we still have technology? will we go back to the woods? will we still exist to check if our predictions where right? the utopy of today might be the dystopy of tomorrow or the dystopy of today might be the utopy of tomorrow. it wouldn’t be the first time.
  13. @lmfao i also watched the video now - and it’s a joke that south koreans eat more salt than we westerners do. maybe kimch is more salted than the rest but it is only one banchan out of minimum three and the food is mostly not bland because of the chili they put basically everywhere - also the amount of salt in kimchi goes a lot into the kimchi water, which is thrown away after the first soaking and then not completely eaten - food in korea is so much less salty, that it was difficult for me adapting to the european salt amount when i came back. and even if it’s more salty - it’s maybe the lesser sugar intake than the salt. they drink water instead of juices or coke or anything, because filtered water is free available in „any“ restaurant.
  14. @non_nothing got kind of interested in the sole drinking morning ritual. what kind of differences did you experience? and how much salt do you put into the water?
  15. so he‘s heading „into“ the woods, letting some fresh air inside the brain. quiet powerful this tree waste energy.
  16. @Hellspeed 50+ nuts? it’s one or two meals... how long does it take to digest the effect out of it? do you eat one at a time or whole handful?
  17. @moon777light you can get a lot of information about ashwagandha (like brahmi) on ayurveda specific web sites. because it’s ayurvedic medicine it’s very good researched. i don’t know so much about the dosage though. and if you can buy it as standardized medication. in ayurveda it’s used either as a powder a liquid or a pill or in massage oil. if you buy it in form of pills, usually the supplier gives a recommendation on the amount. ayurvedic medicine often takes some time to see effects.
  18. grean tea and matcha are more healthy than coffee, because of the other contents in green tea and coffee. matcha contains a range of polyphenoles and vitamins. coffee is acidic. a big plus of matcha seems to be that it’s caffeine resorption takes place in the gut and not the stomach, because the caffeine is bonded to tannins. while coffee is resorped in the stomach. what adds to the smoother feeling of matcha caffeine. so it’s more the overall benefits that make it a nutritional supplement. i always ask myself would we even drink that stuff if it wasn’t for the caffeine? what would it be then? habits, group pressures? rituals? there are so many teas out there. if not for the caffeine but for the ritual, and even for supplementation, why not try something else? lets be honest.
  19. is this 2/3? or maybe it‘s 2/4 it’s only for you though „zweISTein“, because it’s in german. exclusive, sorry. the title is: two stripes: = or I I in the mini me version ii the album is called liquid happiness and he sings: there are things we only grabunderstand if they are not explained.
  20. all salt is cristal. fishermens wisdom.
  21. @non_nothing ? for the sapiens: salt is important, but don’t overdo it. if you eat processed food, like bread etc. they are already containing salt. make sure you get high quality salt. i prefere seasalt - but salt from young mountains is also very good (it’s also seasalt in a way). check out the trace elements and composition of salt. it holds your own sea together. i trust in the health of fishermen.
  22. @XYZ you can’t know. but you can try sensing it. sometimes it needs some time to see.
  23. @Charlotte ? ? and while at practical magic, and talking about thyroid problems - i can just recommend trying ashwaganda for balancing thyroid problems, if there are any. best fresh from the kitchen and certicified without heavy metals (problem if the cook is not chosen wisely) - ayurveda in general is my favorit practical magic - its kitchen magic - it’s old and wise magic. i guess that’s partially why the indian doctor never had to take any supplements, she surely is a good cook/doctor. said the scarab and rolled around shit, the holy pill.
  24. the definition of wisdom is just a wisdom, not a definition of wisdom. wisdom is a word that cannot be defined. that was wisdom as well.