now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. @Moreira no that’s bullshit - no elites ever did that. or is it therefore, vegan food is available everywhere. and it’s so easy to live a healthy diet. elites support massproduction and sugar. that’s the reality. people who are clear in their mind try to find solutions. sorry i got annoyed and carried away. but where to start, with all the so called studies and opinions? there is a reason why a doctor used to analyse every case for its speciffic symptoms.
  2. yes but a tiger is not a monkey from the trees with anal cancer (what happens to the monkey if it doesn’t know how to digest fibers anymore)
  3. @AMS i‘m not getting on a high horse. i‘m mostly aware of the fact that we are living mostly on cost of something or someone. you can’t only live of thin air. if you want to boil it down that direction. and i also think it’s impossible to let the whole world go vegan - but carnivore diet is ego minded and just dumb. and i even explained before that - not eating what makes you sick for a while might make you healthy. but it’s not the food that’s the cure - it’s only a side effect of what’s the real cure.
  4. took 300mg l-theanin this morning did a short meditation and got tired again. so i slept for another hour. not sure if the l- theanin makes a difference in feeling more awake maybe not in comparison to regular tea or coffee? at least not yet. i‘ll see about the craving - have the feeling it helpes for that.
  5. sorry - i can’t write something about data because i really get aggressive here. how can any super ego survive on only meat for 20 years? the animals can’t live as fast as they eat them up how many lives have to die a month for one supposedly healthy stomach? even if it is healthy? there are approx 7 billion people living on this planet and some don’t even have enough to get one full meal a day. but there are people who survive on only meat. while others try to reduce it on the risk of maybe getting problems. yeah why not. crazy mega bullshit. humanly speaking it’s just disgusting.
  6. from the nootropic video i bought 4 substances, all phytopharmaca - 3 of them where new for me. actually i bought ashwaghanda in a an ayurvedic store about a 9days ago for the goldfishbrain - and already felt more sattvic on sunday. so what i bought from the list, of course the one i already knew but didn’t try was brahmi. then very interesting the lions mane. think of buying one for my mom, too. if it’s really good. and the hyperzine a what is called bärlapp in german. and l-theanin even though they found it in green tea, it is also derived from a fungus i think. i was always sceptical about nootropics i guess - and very much into adaptogens - but i like phytochemicals, if they work...and i even will try the modafinil if the netherlands supplier will send it. so now i took more than one substance today - and i can’t really experiment because i took 3 at the same time and ate raw cacao beans, which are (always) fermented. so maybe the next week i will only go with the l theanin, because someone made me aware today that it might help with overcoming smoking addiction - intervening with the dopamine receptors - so i think i will want to test that first. if i‘ll feel less sattvic then, i‘ll just start to take the ashwaghanda again in addition. but i can tell the cacao beans... yummy. in the future i can have spiced kurkuma oatmilk for breakfast and snack on a handful of cacao beans for the kick. (no kitchen at the moment, but soon) i wonder if the story about the magic beans was about these beans.?
  7. @tsuki sometimes if it doesn’t stop ✋ you have to draw lines. but the second part is only something i made up with my sis. it just says the smarter gives in, not to what the smarter gives in i think it is to some kind of reason though.
  8. strange isn’t it? maybe he asked for some kind of border. maybe he can only respect people with seemingly high testosterone level it‘s the old story of marking a territory. you know tsuki in german there is this saying: the smarter gives in. sometimes if someone asks for it even to some kind of reaktion.
  9. @AMS when you have been a vegan what type of carbohydrates did you eat. just generally speaking out of interest. because you know, you have the theory that some humans can digest plants better than others. i ask myself how many plants you did eat when you where vegan or if it even where so many.
  10. @tsuki for me it sounds like the buildup of energy is some kind of urge to say something against a situation that is not judged fairly - it wants to be spoken it wants to find words. so is it wrong to say something against unfair behavior? it might be not the right way to get aggressive, but how to react to someone who gets aggressive first? i think in many situations where people are under pressure situations like this use to build up frustration energy. it’s a chain of pressure given through from the top to the bottom if there is no one to stop it somewhere. so it was a good experience wasn’t it? and you even went into superhero mode tsuki to the rescue! maybe the manager will even be less closed minded next time. or you find a way to handle him better. if you already know he’s ticking ? because the real bomb is not you, you are the one who tried to say something against launching bombs. it‘s all about sensing them eliminating them in advance or letting them implode.
  11. find it very interesting, that l-theanin is helping with stopping smoking. i tried to find out more about it and there was even a study in china where they put the substance into cigarette filters, what decreased the cigarette amount per day to 48% after two month and 31% of the participants stopped. well not that i would try that. but i‘ll certainly try the l-theanin, how practical i already stocked on it after the nootropic vid. so other suggestions: had good experiences with strong ginger tea against the craving. in chinese medicin they say it balances the bitter taste you are craving for if you stop smoking and that worked for me, the first time. but that didn’t work anymore under high stress level. i also realized the first three days are the most crucial. so maybe going somewhere where you just can’t smoke with a lot of distraction for three days, could help to manage. and what i did this time and what very surprisingly helped a lot overcoming the first 3days, was accupuncture on the ear together with bioresonance. but i don’t know if its available where you are. good luck
  12. @tsuki first, congratulations ? to the wedding. and second - is this topic still actual? did you write it down? if i‘m angry like that i use to write those people a letter or e-mail i keep until the next day and i never send them. but while writing the e-mail and by addressing the issue i can handle the situation much better . sometimes it’s not enough organizing our space without taking it all out of the closet. we can put it back in a better order and use it more wisely afterwards. sometimes it’s better addressing the issue, sometimes it’s better to fight back and sometimes not - but best with a clear mind.
  13. @Anirban657 difficult - in what do they clash? in the psychedelics? that’s a very individual perspective in the west, too. what clashes here? spirituality? culture? generation? tradition? health?
  14. @Eyal Bor did you try aha and bha peelings? or something like jetpeel yet? i doubt that relaxing the face would help. but maybe it’s linked to gut bacteria, did you ever research into probiotics? how was it after the antibiotics? did it return stronger or the same?
  15. @Anirban657 because there is the east and there is the west. because everything depends on the perspective.
  16. the home jail breaking is going slowly but steady. i have one big bag with clothes i would not buy if i would have to spend money for them today. that reduced the content of my war(d)robe to half, to two third of what it contained before. shame on me i have friends who still reduced their wardrobe to less.
  17. @Outer i would not bet on that. but you can’t ask them they don’t understand you if you don’t listen. poor lettuce. poor mushroom.
  18. @WindInTheLeaf hahaha - well no not the drunks, except if drunks are like children . children are often very attentive to hurt feelings, so maybe it’s about developing those senses, too. we also can develope to be like a grown up we would have liked when we were a child. especially because we have to spend time with ourselves.
  19. @WindInTheLeaf yes. it’s not only the questioning, it’s also the ability to respond/answer like a child. why? what? where? how? ah like this, maybe not, maybe this oh i like that. look how interesting. can i play with this?
  20. @WindInTheLeaf i once was very fascinated by a boy in the train who couldn’t stop saying with pathos in his voice: one has to be a pig in this world.
  21. @Shiva ok, i try not to use the wording since i was 18though. mind traps and mind uses to trip
  22. @Shiva no it is not non dual -objectivity would really mean taking all data into account - it’s always only an approximation.
  23. @Shiva there is no objectivity even an analysis can only take the data into account which is available at the present moment.