now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. a song for all and none
  2. Volver= to return/turn around/go back/come back(home) I imagine the flickering of the lights that in the distance will be marking my return. They’re the same that lit, with their pale reflections, deep hours of pain And even though I didn’t want to come back, you always return to your first love The tranquil street where the echo said yours is her life, yours is her love, under the mocking gaze of the stars that, with indifference, today see me return. To return with withered face, the snows of time have whitened my temples. To feel… that life is a puff of wind, that twenty years is nothing, that the feverish look, wandering in the shadow, looks for you and names you. To live… with the soul clutched to a sweet memory that I cry once again I am afraid of the encounter with the past that returns to confront my life I am afraid of the nights that, filled with memories, shackle my dreams. But the traveler that flees sooner or later stops his walking And although forgetfulness, which destroys all, has killed my old dream, I keep concealed a humble hope that is my heart’s whole fortune. To live… with the soul clutched to a sweet memory that I cry once again
  3. yes but it also means all the bad stuff sinks way deeper in than by just watching a movie. you click your conciousness off and the game is playing you.
  4. @Shadowraix i don’t like them that way. i liked the essence of truth in them. and i like them as an inspiration on how to scare shit out of shit, if i was a horror movie editor i would make that my hobby now (especially in some of these threads - maybe they would get less) it always is creeping out of the screen. always.
  5. @Shadowraix disgusting - not the stuff one wants to see. but why am i only a little surprised - people share videos of extreme disgusting sexual abuse, too. so, what to do? what does it help, no plaintiff, no judge. is halloween ever really over??? would be interesting to scare shit out of silent watchers - but maybe if there is no one home in them, there is no one to wake up. (the horror movie industry seems to have a diy section, too. and even horror movie editing seems to have a diy section. wonder how much horror a horror movie could contain) i loved the ring - the japanese version. it was the last horror movie i watched.
  6. @lmfao thanks for showing me! it explains some things. ??
  7. @lmfao so it’s supposedly the lack of real information heated by the memories of the cold war, mixed with motion maya ?. how old are they in the cut? maybe it’s really just some sort of youth ignorance? maybe they wouldn’t even talk like that in school. but it’s certainly a platform where they maybe get more radical and earnest on their beliefs.
  8. @lmfao yes to that and the subtile racism. it’s quiet difficult to understand what they are truely talking about, without studying them first the movie is a classic (dystopy not so far from realtopy)
  9. @lmfao yes it’s bitter. do they drink getorade out of toilets? sorry i didn’t know what to say. it leaves me speechless. not that we don’t have some kind of similar problems here. but the nazi discussion is going on - we are somehow prepared.
  10. @Elysian it is evil. i’ve seen it - and i didn’t exclude indian river poisoning through pharmaceutical waste, feces and ashes of burned corpses from the list of evilness just because i couldn’t post the most or every evil stuff on earth. it was not supposed to be: this is more evil than that sort of a thread. i was talking about evil in sense of suffering and in that sense every tragedy that could be changed through a little bit of light, is evil.
  11. @Shadowraix what is there? you mean it’s the anti evil network? an anime network or what? i doubt that ? i thought it might be something else. but people there are surely extremely cute. do you think they eat hello kitty sausage? the diy section is cute.
  12. @Strikr that sounds not so good! did you already draw a point in your face, and look into the mirror?
  13. felt a little down today and listened to one of my most favorite songs of my teens. it’s melancholic and true.
  14. @universe if you’d reached enlightenment you would not want to play video games anymore. i doubt the buddha would have played video games. telling yourself that it’s possible to be enlightened and to play video games at the same time, and telling that to others is a trick of your ego not wanting to give up your favorite addiction, telling other addictees it is ok to have a fix in a while. if you manage to handle an addiction, fine but don’t confuse it with being enlightened as long as you still do it. there are many ways out of addiction, some need a clear cut, while others can take it slow. it’s a matter of how good a player you really are to get out of the game stronger than before. that’s the self actualization part. it’s a choice of the right method.
  15. my conclusion of halloween for now is: evil/horror/suffering has always been better organized than good - it would be nice if history would prove that wrong for the future.
  16. one of the peaks of colonial horrors
  17. @Jol356 watch cat videos instead of porn (sorry i wanted to recommend that just once) if you relapse, there seems to be still a deeper problem you try to coap with smoking. find out what kind of addiction the smoking habit in your case really is. not drinking is very important in the beginning - as you can’t control your volition as good as if you are sober. and try the l-theanin. it works really good for me.
  18. halloween energy is one hell of lethal energy in verbal arguments. pretty self righteous, but also kind of precise.
  19. @Hellspeed yeah, in more than one direction... that brings about many other horror stories. if it’s about science. the world is so full of horror, i don’t understand why people watch horror movies ? maybe to tell themselves: it’s all an illusion. well it is but not that kind of illusion.
  20. and update: if i would paint my face every morning, would that help?
  21. like this: face sausage is equally absurd. isn’t it so cute. the true story behind “it” uncovered. it was all just about food and face.
  22. ? actually i wanted to post some more bloody pictures in the beginning, as a contrast - to hitlers baby pic. but there was an error in the uploading function.... so i decided to stick to the child story, maybe it was even more goosebumps. (do you use that word in english for horror? goosebumps?) what about clown burgers? ? ? sorry really getting to the dark side here.
  23. so please go on with more horror stories i just told the one of the most horrible silent death. please, halloween is not over yet. would be a shame missing out on it.