now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. @tsuki hahaha that‘s because i trust a machine to make my deficits less obvious. it’s not doing a good job. and the more visual it gets in my head the lesser does the machine cover for the deficit. so writing in small letters is helpful for the flow. i love otl aicher for that. and quite/quiet can have such a beautiful meaning, sometimes. like still. if i stop chattering on my own. i also mix up peace and piece - but that’s mastery.
  2. it’s so funny how one vocabulary error can change the meaning of a whole sentence. and if repeated not only that. i constantly get dilution and delusion mixed up and didn’t even realize that i therefore must have meant using the word dilusion.
  3. @tsuki yeah. do you want to call me an ? ? but orange also cares mostly for themselves - i assume that the spiral would also go up in sense of a will to care for a better social system and that is somehow linked to the distribution of money or non money. especially to the distribution of non money. so they can’t be happy with their status in society, not absolute.
  4. @Preetom the truth is that in actuality both perspectives are true. even though science was there to dissolve horriffic malbeliefs in history. the scientiffic paradigm has become a belief and a monotheism on top, the highest god is the proof. and people pay with money to buy their souls free. what do we expect?
  5. it’s obvious why it seems like the non dual teacher has to prove it. because he believes in non duality, that means materialism is also part of it, as long as you are proving you are still dual and in that sense you are showing the dual friend that he‘s right.
  6. @Arthur but then they can’t be far up the spiral.
  7. no seriously - i really try to not perceive the big picture and therefore i don’t get it - there seems to be none. except being a bubble in a bubble in a bubble communicating with one bubble and the bigger bubble in the bigger bubble to set the picture of the bubble right. but i never know which bubble it is at the moment. it feels more like this: communication in the bubble: that would be taking a bath with the sponge ? : maybe a sponge would not be enough - maybe it would be more a straw that would make the bubbles. maybe a whisk...electrical stirring device or an outboard motor would also work.
  8. @Annoynymous hehe in that sense interpretation is an image you produce that reframes the raw material to an essence which is as accurate or graspable as possible in a way the underlying information can be used for further processing often in sense of decision making. misinterpretation is when the picture you frame is not a sufficiently matching image of reality, and therefore in the classical sense not further processable. misinterpretation can be fatal. for example if you misinterprete how fast a car is coming at you. or in situations where many lifes depend on accuracy of interpretation. in everyday life you can use misinterpretation to confuse - or let others in the dark about your thoughts - it’s also a form of humor and can be used as creative method (only use it if you feel safe in it, and don’t confuse it with a lie)
  9. hehe
  10. what kind of pupils are you talking about? these: or these: ?
  11. @tsuki the problem is i’m in the dark, i need some guidelines - how could i ever find back if there wouldn’t be any... but even if it will get darker around me - it’s nice if others are still bright enough to read something into me so i can understand something i would not have remembered without their light. in that sense i’m really clueless. still. shapes are always shifting until they manifest.
  12. more sea preditors.
  13. so all meaning ultimately goes back to this...: question is: what does the sponge want to say??? maybe i took it too literal. can’t perceive it. so squeeze the sponge? or feed it with liquids? or give it a shower? (there is also a version where taking a bath with a sponge could work) at least the sponge is a sea preditor.
  14. sounds really cheesy doesn’t it? but really is love something we only project onto others? is it egoic or what is it - i always thought it was the meaning of life but today i lost my belief so what do you think about it? is it mind over matter? what is genuine love and does it exist? or is the matter so sensitive, can’t be touched?
  15. @lmfao i’m so sorry- would it help you that i was very inconsiderate irresponsible and rejecting towards you? are you so unattached that you want to flip tables? can you be a little more attached to tables to not flip them. it was all just my egoic love who said that ok? i projekted that onto you. don’t forget you are the table. and as i just watched the sponge ? video you are a sponge, too. lots of lovin. forever ever
  16. sometimes i ask myself if it is so clever to give different meaning to words - what if i get old and forget to explain what i mean if i say i’m manipulating? would people still understand? would people think how cute this grany?
  17. @Leo Gura try a tip next time maybe that would work better to get kicked out of the country.
  18. it all depends on the definition. but if it is experiencable not only of one person but of many persons. it can’t be an illusion or every experience is just an illusion. but then the definition of science would also be void. at least it must be a phenomenon.
  19. @Jack River smart dude but you never know. you see understanding that i am still self determined even though i seek oneness with the world is kind of releasing. whatever you think it is i’m laying down. for me it seems more i’m taking something up again after laying it down for a while.
  20. no not completely. it’s just that there are many different kinds of love, not only enlightened love. i mean for example the love between mother and child - it is reciprocal, usually and even if massive shit happens the love still remains, it is only a struggle of the feeling of rejection, always. also being for example the spectator of rejected love in a relationship of your parents or your parents towards you. what i mean is we can only understand the meaning of codependency in seeing the mechanisms of our counterparts love struggles and by also understanding the reciprocal nature of love expectations. understanding what a completely healthy relationship would be made of. and i also just wanted to understand how the love projection mechanism works. it’s surely not the full picture.
  21. the problem is having an infinity loop of veganism against meetarianism doesn’t prove anything - it is like letting them wrestle against each other. it’s not even a real fight. veganism will always loose in the eye of a meat eater - because they just don’t see how advanced vegan nutrition can be if it’s properly planed and grounded on knowledge and self supervision. but yes we have to put some work into it. i’m really thankful for example that i was reminded of vit b12 and vit d and k some weeks ago. and it might be interesting on what vitamins meatarians are missing out. the whole food industry especially how animals are treated and fed with antibiotics and shit is also very contradictory. and how the food chain gets messed up through monoculture of grains, too. what i mean with a doctor used to analyse every case for its specific symptoms relates to these aswell. of course it’s all interconnected but if you have a simple error in the loop, the whole picture gets messed up. and that would also mean to be very honest with one self. i don’t care if creationists get anal cancer. but it would be very sad if it was some smart guy just because of mal information about the non/relevance of fibers in food. about the link - those deficits are repeated on almost every website or youtube video about vegan supplementation - i even take the phosphatidyl choline again (expensive as shit), vit d+k should be enough for the calcium metabolism if you eat avocados and brokkoli. and for magnesium sources check out magnesium oil absorption through the skin. really love that - we had that discussion in another thread: vegans should of course do vegan specific blood checks once a year minimum. knowing doesn’t prevent from not doing. so don’t know, be smart.
  22. @Shin your new outfit is creepy.?‍♂️
  23. @Salvijus what did you fix? must have been something dripping to fix it. ?