now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. staying with the metaphor of bubbles. a balloon ? is always only as big as we inflate it. staying with the metaphor of the balloon. have you ever been confronted with a situation where you were holding a balloon, already anticipating that it will be burst. question is just how?
  2. @Charlotte yes of course one that is linked to the english culture
  3. @Rilles @Charlotte it feels a little bit more like the cult of the mushroom heads.
  4. @Charlotte actually that’s exactly why you shouldn’t.
  5. @tsuki hahaha - i didn’t see it was a journal - sorry. have fun. (beuys once said: never again without disturbancies, distractions, disruption or disorder, depends on how it’s translated)
  6. @tsuki i don’t get what you are saying completely. i don’t think that short circuiting is falsehood - it is just a perspective and an interesting one, too. sensation for me points to a quality and to an intensity of the sensation - so watching the different chanel’s of sensation is interesting as you get aware of them. is there something bad in being a paradox? life is a paradox. why should you be a false assumption??? because no one perceives you the way you do yourself? or because you can’t locate the i somewhere in the body, like the soul or the chemistry/alchemy of sensations? what do you mean by “false” is it something like an error? or is false just a perspective? or are you saying you feel this is like the devil of your true self? you say you are masking something - is there a way in not masking? is there a way in being less obvious by being more obvious?
  7. @tsuki the short circuiting is interesting - it was especially interesting that the thought thought: there is no thought.
  8. It is a sensation. I cannot explain it in terms of anything else. yes it is a SENSATION. and what does a touch depend on? thank you for the practical advise and explanation of short circuiting - i’ll try that. and tell you! (don’t forget there is not only electricity and physics in the loop, chemistry is also a part of it)
  9. @AleksM regarding the conciousness density model, i thought conciousness can’t be risen at all because it only is - but awareness can. the explanation of conciousness density sounds interesting especially because you say a low density is more translucent. so even in this the term of awareness would make sense, as you would have situations with high or low conciousness density but the awareness in you or inside of someone else or more importantly together awareness might differ. so what was “raising your conciousness” would be “raising your awareness” and “raising conciousness” in general would mean changing the density of conciousness so it could be accessed better, or be more “ translucent” or trans vibrant. but a higher conciousness density could be interesting, too. high awareness is access even to space of dense conciousness.
  10. @tsuki short circuiting? i really wanted to answer, but it would be too rational. can’t bring it about. what is a touch tsuki?
  11. @Zweistein answering your question partially: maybe we have to tip either the body or the mind to move from translation to transformation. but i think that would be something more like loops than circles. coming soon: lost in transformation.
  12. this is not an answer to the last post. but it could be interconnected... it was just a wordplay. thought about the avoidance of the void and the avoidance of the non void and the existence of the invisible. and how the invisible gets covered by the visible and uncovered by the visible. and the visible gets uncovered by the invisible. @Zweistein i‘ll try to answer to your question later. but it will be something like being lost in transformation.
  13. @Aquarius thank you i find it somehow interesting. especially the symbols and maybe i‘ll have a look into how it works again. maybe not using it for psychological issues but more to understand psychodynamics i could get friends with it again. but then i would stay clear of identifying with any sign... i believe in the self fulfilling prophecy- and that’s something very powerful and very dangerous to play with. i have more respect of that than i have respect for the possible accuracy of a reading.
  14. @graded24 you are going to deep into the picture of the sponge. it is more about the properties of a sponge and how the properties of bubble and sponge are interchangeable.
  15. @rNOW i would start to learn a language by learning to read the signs first. so i’d start with pure vocabulary.
  16. yes, a lot of them just revealed themselves. but it doesn’t mean i have solutions yet the mind is mostly faster than the body - when it’s about doing. and with experiences it’s the other way round, isn’t it like an approaching and disappearing sound.
  17. so you mean it’s more like a guiding system, than something that predetermines us? except for moon cycles, because they really have a major impact like weather and sun cycles? but then i would guess that it’s kind of important to do the astrology for ourselves... if not, the interpretation of someone else might influence us like a planet or even more, therefore the magician has to be chosen wisely and even the planets are only reflectors. or is there something i‘m missing?
  18. does entropy also account for the cold?
  19. @Zweistein nice. ice is such an amazing molecular state. how was it, very cold? i‘m happy this video is not 11hours - it’s maybe more like a bladder training. great sound
  20. @Shin you deserve to be oiled or waxed. and if you would say now: jesus! i would say: yes, he was a carpenters son.
  21. @Leo Gura closing troys door. ??? the problem is: if the horse is already inside...
  22. @DrewNows ugh it „was“ kind of funny until „you“ licked the middle finger. you literally became a coffee table. i mean you ate it.
  23. ??????????‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️
  24. is a rainbow dual in its colors, so where is the opposite of the rainbow?
  25. @Arthur yes, even if they are conscious (even on the spiral) and don’t care about money, they might not be far up the spiral. i didn’t say anything against ? i love oranges.