now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. @tsuki no it’s ok - i made myself dumb. the thing is, math as a discipline sometimes acts as if it would exist without the phenomenon it was derived from - but then the discipline forgets math is just a language to describe something that is, or to use something that is differently. without the phenomenon math is like old greec or latin.
  2. @tsuki do i seem that dumb?
  3. @Consilience maybe because on a basic level you can have experiences without being much aware and having awareness without making it out to be an experience. both have very different qualities. also you can experience let’s say an elephant or you can be aware of it. or you can do both at the same time, the quality always changes - it’s the aligning of both what brings the difference, they have a dynamic - or what did you want to say? you could also maybe say, nonduality means there is no separation between consciousness and the content of awareness - but in this the awareness of consciousness itself or even in the awareness of experiencing consciousness itself.
  4. i don’t talk about the mathematics because it’s very ambivalent - i mean i didn’t learn some math but then i learned design. so it feels more like design than math. so i won‘t use it to solve math problems. funny, look what’s written on the back:
  5. mh it‘s more like basic problem solving. it‘s more it’s more like an observation method, a basis for experimenting. it‘s actually a book for teachers. it‘s explaining heuristic methods.
  6. bought an old math book last week. it’s really amazing - there is almost no math inside. as you can see, a little bug has been feeding on it. it‘s really basics but i like it.
  7. @TheSomeBody have a look at this - i would maybe recommend you to try triphala before anything else. and maybe drink strong almost spicy ginger tea in the morning. or i would try golden milk - best with fresh turmeric, ginger, kardamom, cinnamon and (important) pepper. i would ad a little honey too, for the taste. if you don’t drink milk - try any vegan milk you like.
  8. once more, lost in translation, even though i said transformation was coming soon. but let’s be honest, we are constantly lost in both.
  9. @TheSomeBody are you only getting tired after food or also dizzy?
  10. @TheSomeBody oh god, i would get completely hypochondric with that. did you know that doctors and also psychologists ask themselves if they have illnesses just because they see some symptoms, while studying the exact illness? don‘t wanna doubt that book but... phiu
  11. @TheSomeBody i don’t know this book, is it a multiple choice test or something like chinesiologic test? not sure if i would trust on only that. but of course the b vitamins are all somehow related to the neuronal network, folic acid included. you could try a supplementation with these. but really if you have a vitamin deficiency and it’s showing like that - i would go to a doctor for a blood test on those. because if it’s showing like that it must be seriously low. if it’s about food intake - i would more look into the whole digestion and metabolism stuff. might be you are getting tired because the blood is going to the digestive system? can also be about sugar metabolism or could be about gut bacteria or fungus. in ayurveda they would surely say it’s low agni (digestive fire) or maybe even too much - i don’t know what would work for you, for me ginger works well. i take ginger tablets - but then you could also try triphala. see it’s not that easy.
  12. did you try some of the nootropics? i mean - could be anything. for adhd i would recommend trying ashwagandha and bacopa/brahmi.(it’s what they use in ayurveda) low energy could mean everything, you need to go deeper into the symptoms and where you got them from - it’s not enough taking some vitamin pills. maybe you could describe it a little better?
  13. @tsuki you certainly can’t mean you want me to dress like that? or did you want to say, you want to dress like that? i mean that’s what you are referring to with the absurd isn’t it? it‘s so absurd just look at it: i don’t know if that would move anybody, though. coincidences can result in strange strangeloops, when they are strangers strangeloops.
  14. think vitamins is critical- as it’s better to take them in a bioavailable form (some vitamins as supplements can even be bad in combination wit smoking f.ex.) - what means better from plants and natural sources. minerals is another construction site (sorry for the denglish) i’m not a fan of taking many supplements - eat clean and healthy, balanced hippie diet, add some fresh superfoods and be happy. but if you are constantly ill you could check your blood (make a list what you want to have checked) well sometimes when i’m about to get a cold i use to take multivitamin shot (called orthomol immun) it was created for people with low immune system illnesses like aids. that works well to bring the system up in that situation to fight the cold before it starts - but it is not working well after it already started. but now i’m preparing ginger shots in that case. or better drink spiced curcuma milk in the morning. so no if you are eating healthy and are not vegetarian or vegan i don’t think it’s very important - but you can always start with a better nutrition. this is about multivitamins... there is stuff like vit-d and k i would have a look into.
  15. was searching for music this morning and found this really interesting not really my taste music but i liked the madness and the lyric. When the world was travelling faster and faster Two colors became just a blur And the buildings were falling, plaster from plaster 'Til things just weren't what they were What could save mankind from man? When the blind the blind overran From this scene of confused devastation Came the great spontaneous apple creation And a speck in the sky grew to a cloud And fishes flew and laughed aloud And hamsters grew wings and flew on the doors And rich wine was sweated from every man's pores And 3,000 people ate one strawberry And the cloud grew green and pushed out a stalk And the chairs grew suede boots and started to walk And the strong silent ones began to talk And three million people told butter from stork And the cloud grew greener and greener and harder 'Til it reminded all those there of something from the larder And suddenly it was there and in each and every land Each man, beast, and creature had an apple in his hand And from that day came a new recreation The great spontaneous apple creation! What could save mankind from man? When the blind the blind overran From this scene of confused devastation Came the great spontaneous apple creation (apple creation)
  16. presento, hai: don’t listen to the devil cat - really good advice...
  17. yes of course! this was the best one i could find: without any second thoughts...just for the absurdity of it.
  18. @tsuki what is this about? why do i feel like a dressed chihuahua now? or was this about yourself?
  19. now you are getting interested in private stuff. well my family and i just are - i try to hold no grudges and be thankful for everything they gave to me that was good. sometimes even for some struggles. and i try to give back as far as they let me, what sometimes is struggling through. we are very close when we meet but i try to keep distance through frequency, because they are sometimes just too much especially when all together. but seriously it was not about the relationship to my family- more about the relationship of my family and i to the world. and the whole path, and some coincidences that turned out to be synchronicities. (and i guess that goes for every spongebubble here) well the spongebubble is that giant bmoydnid. did you not watch the sponge video?
  20. @tsuki oh mhhh - maybe we start at birth? you could thank this bubble sponge bodymind - how did you call it? found it: bmoidnyd. i really like new words, can you make one for sponge/bubble as well?
  21. @tsuki it’s not acausal. you think too much in coincidences.
  22. @tsuki oh that phase but no emotions? really, like also not the happy ones?
  23. what is called an illness is the root for most human development and selfregulatory processes in society. if you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed or overstep boundaries in your social life - of course you can find support or coaching - but if you do, i wouldn’t go to a psychiatrist first, but search for a good psychologist, you can still get medication from a pschatrist later if it’s really needed.
  24. @Chris White maybe you find this interesting - just as a connection. maybe you want to do something with your material. or engage further. don’t know. berlin has a new homeless newspaper - it’s really good! well your project, too.
  25. when i think closely about it, i think spiral dynamics doesn’t make sense, without disintegration. it is disintegration through integration and integration through disintegration. what‘s ultimatively disintegrated is the word „normal“ „always“ „must“ it is the disintegration of the imperativ. that doesn‘t mean there is nothing that needs to be done, on the contrary.