now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. @TheAvatarState there is a difference between the muh and the mu
  2. need to remember this, it’s about cake baking. the recipe might be everything. but every cake tastes different so it’s about the special ingredients. i wonder if the monster is a hamster or a rat. in the end we are all just cake chunkies.
  3. so christmas is over. phiuw, it is really the time of the year when my skin is thinner then anytime else. christmas symbolizes somehow everything that made my family different. the atheism the green lifestyle, the boycottism of my parents, the outsider feeling. this year i could enjoy the positive aspects of us being like we are. and more than that i changed reality not only for myself but for them as well, as i found the perfect solution - it made me also open to recive non material presents from them.
  4. eric what exactly is it about the law of unattraction you like so much? maybe you should not change yourself for the girls but for yourself. this whole thought is such a dead end how did you ever get there. you can approach girls and still maintain a mysterious aura if you want to, you don’t even have to talk to her directly for that. but antisocial is just not it - it won’t work out. just imagine when you finally have a girlfriend and then you don’t talk to her... how should that work out? you’d probably not just break her heart but yours as well.
  5. the dosage and frequency makes the poison. and sometimes the poison makes the poison.
  6. @kieranperez finding a new home away from your parents might be the most healthy thing you could do at the moment. solo retreat aside. i’d really prioritize that at the moment, a bird starts to fly by leaving the nest. i have experienced many shared housing situations along the way and can only recommend you trying to find a healthy shared housing - if i wouldn’t have had these, don’t know how i would have survived some situations. or why not find a green community for some months somewhere where you can work and live at the same time? i really think you need to be surrounded by loving people! if i would be your sibling i would tell you: get some distance from our parents asap - they are selfresponsible grown ups, their mess might have become our mess but you need some distance to sort it out for yourself, they won’t, as you can’t change them. don’t feel bad about leaving them in their mess, you are not ignorant about it, thats enough - be egoic for once and survive. ? love from your sis in crime wonder if they only accept people from abroad:
  7. yes mikael and we are watching, we are watching how they leave love die. we will maybe watch yet another genocide on the kurds. but does it change love? does it change anything to cry like a baby how bad and ignorant the world is?
  8. @Mikael89 there is no fantasy except the fantasy you live by. love/conciousness is like cleaning, you sometimes don‘t reach the darkest spots - but it certainly is worth reaching out for them. if you don’t want to invest love/time ok, don’t try. just give up and surrender to the content of conciousness, but don’t conflate both.
  9. it doesn’t matter how you call it - if you call it anything you are attributing it. if you neglect it as what it is you are just suffering more. accept it - conciousness is love.
  10. maybe you used the @ to often, now it’s sticking like glue? there where posts from you with now is forever @ now is forever (less confusing but still confusing) don‘t know about love as a dimension - yes, why not if time is a dimension love certainly would be one, too. given the rice would not be only one experiencable by humans but could be a real dimension. but then hate would have a dimension too. neglection would have a dimension (my plants don’t like that) about your experiment, how who compensates for what, don’t know or if it even is compensation - sounds plausible in a way, though. but for example if it is nervousness it certainly is a dimension of nervousness triggered by maybe a dimension of criticism before or a dimension of being shy? i mean psychology uses to just subtract or controll these dimensions if it’s not wished for the outcome of the experiment, there is no other way in quantifying them. so it would be possible to say these would be other dimensions to measure at the same time - the nervousness dimension then would be blocking the love dimension, if the hypothesis is right. or did you mean the compensation in another dimension maybe really different dimensions like the dimensions for example one has a high score in love and another one in time? or are they even separate maybe it’s about love/time.
  11. @Mikael89 the lake would also be duality. it also doesn’t depend on who says it if it’s duality or not.
  12. wonder how that works out with rainbow socks
  13. unfortunately that black and white thinking/looking is rather going in the direction of turquoise to orange. in this case you can’t choose what colour who is.
  14. @Hellspeed be careful the ice is thin there are other things to criticize than the possibility to walk over water.
  15. ok, so now we reached the maximal entropy ? still these lists seem to be a really good method to get aware about how spiral dynamics teachings/role models are represented in individuals of different gender - you will find that women teachings/role models are often more part of group teachings - and group teachings are often more holistic.
  16. if love is a lake, are we the drop or are we the lake?
  17. @Zigzag Idiot hahaha?? thanks funny as it is my dad yesterday told me: there is also the trinity of alexandre dumas.
  18. this is where christianity gets stuck in misinterpretation what god died for.
  19. if seen from a christian nondual standpoint the father is part of a trinity. from a non catholic point of view the trinity in the holy family - father/mother/child. doshin nelson roshi described the trinity problem as a problem of the interaction between rescuer, victim and scapegoat. a vicious circle. the statement/prayer: „father forgive them as they don’t know what they are doing“ includes all three - but it is also the perspective of the watcher. the video is a little off topic but he talked about the principle in this video:
  20. why isn’t it: mother forgive them for they do not know what they are doing? or mother forgive them as they know what they are doing? - there are other ways stepping into the reflection of this sentence in a nondual direction, but this is one that’s often not the next one to think about.
  21. a balanced list would include cultural and communal ethnological group teachings. the list is imbalanced, too, because it has a focus on individuals.
  22. the mountains don’t run away, they have been here for thousands of years.
  23. generally speaking diy material reuse or repurpose is still a really nice form of art getting people directly involved and i really like handmade tinkered stuff. so diy upcicling courses or maybe zero waste courses and events are some of the best methods to bring people from orange into more green. so if politics and industry are to slow it’s always possible to make people more aware of the topic on a significant concious level. it’s possible to make a buisness out of green upcicling courses or fab labs (also in brazil or any other country) like that. for me the direct contact with material is still the best experience. (maybe not with high explosives or uran, not only for spiritual reasons)
  24. @Zweistein mhhh diy upcicling is nice - but in the end it is just another hobby, it’s a nice starting point though, from orange to green and certainly can be fun - but it’s far away from real upcyicling. it’s a matter of circular production and upcycling/recycling like the cradle to cradle principle. but yeah back packs made of shreddered old bottle yarn or car wheels - stuff like that, there is a lot trash to get creative.
  25. today i moved between visual floating lines. but in reality i moved between grey clouds and landscape, flying by like a movie, small rivers and hills and villages that look like from a christmas carol - only the snow was missing what made it look less like christmas and more like moving into the past. some kind of melancholic german tristesse. but overall i was just tired.