now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. there is not something, as something is nothing. as everything speaks and everything suffers and everything is full of everything, is full of nothing. nothing is everything as everything is full of joy of being nothing and nothing just is love
  2. @SOUL what artists do you like today? did you ever like lyrics? i mean poems? @ivankiss what kind of music? do you also make music? i use to not draw lines between art and art or only very thin lines. the most beautiful one is the spontaneous one - the one where the line gets a connecting line.
  3. he‘s gone, too. it’s just pointless - he said that for a while already. but he also said you can heal kundalini with everything - or was it heal everything with kundalini. maybe we just all do some kriya.
  4. @Hellspeed
  5. @Rilles with sds you mean software defined storage? just asking
  6. is this spoken from a dual or non dual perspective?
  7. it’s quite interesting isn’t it - and how the teachings die every minute because the scholars won’t die a single death.
  8. about the pie division - maybe that’s why marie antoinette said: why don’t they eat cake - in reality she wanted to point towards a better sharing or organisation of resources. she was greatly underestimated for her time, for sure. poor soul.
  9. using the rest of the day and the next ones to channel everything about setting things up anew. day one is resetting time - so that accounts for: 1. what goals for 2019 understanding the chacras and kriya from the scratch/roots (would be muladhara) intense spiral work - setting up a dynamic spiral map my business idea - have to plan everything out and do it. following through with the life purpose course - (already started but then paused) - for longterm perspectives setting up inquiry and self inquiry practice - integrating questioning deeper in everyday life alternating yoga and meditation practice (setting up body/mind) implementing deconstruction/letting go practice maybe one hour in the evening - it‘s a sorting out practice, could be the sorting out of anything better pie division 2. my new laptop 3. what motto/brightstar to follow 2019 building roots/ foundation/ muladhara (for the first half at least) everything is connected within me
  10. then just unshaved?
  11. drop the e for ego
  12. it’s amazing how the standards dropp when he‘s not around - in the end it’s always on his cost - i wonder who’s ego death this really is! maybe he just wants to teach us that we don’t really know what suffering is - as we don’t understand the nonduality of suffering yet. i guess he really earned his new years solo retreat (just guessing) by talking agains walls of nothing all the time. guess it’s rather time to roll out the matt’s or set up the meditation cushion - time to recenter.
  13. @ivankiss yes it is and no it’s not the answer.
  14. @ivankiss what is the mirror?
  15. @ivankiss truth is a matter of reflection
  16. no don’t - it’s a matter of both. nothing is wholly if nothing is holy.
  17. i think partially it’s possible to find answers already in montessori education, but also in steiner pedagogy as he already integrated the idea of phylogenesis = onthogenisis in his development theory. guess it’s a matter of boiling these down to an open, free experimental concept and then integrating shadow etc. and the right rituals at the right time.
  18. i wonder if there are books about spiraldynamics in child development- would be really interesting to gather all the information - i think parallel to what colour we get educated by our parents, or in school, there are different development stages in children. i mean not to educate them in a special way, but to understand what content they are open to get in contact with. answers are not just found on the street, if no one presents us the questions at the right moment. writing a book like that could even be a temporary life purpose.
  19. why the bavarians? they don’t wear leather pants anymore you know but it’s still impossible to understand a word they are saying - and you mean a build-a-beer? you know i‘m geographically speaking on paper a born bavarian - and i don’t speak their language and still you see you can’t understand a word i‘m saying.
  20. yes we are all just waiting for godot - in the end it‘s just our own ignorance to not realize the difference between coincidence and synchronicity.
  21. mhh i‘m neither british nor american. so in german it would be something like a little miffed or so.
  22. it is exactly because you are the most funny character here joseph - you are so cute in being pissed ?
  23. @emind the guilt factor is a huge topic for the whole western societies, too. one of the greatest struggles that hold us from really changing anything with an impact - if you want to change something don’t only think about influencing others think about the methods and resources you need and start to build a green to turquoise buisness that makes a real difference in the poverty for even just some people. its sometimes a small detail that can make a difference in life quality for the poorest. if you still live there you have an advantage - direct access and contact to the problems. i know it’s easily said, but alone finding out what’s missing the most and what’s second etc. can help to understand the whole system and to find a point where help would be the most effective. it’s about that.
  24. yes absolutely as i wanted to recommend to just introduce the culture of bowing for a greeting instead of the handshake i mean it’s maybe more hygienic.