now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. yes you are right - seeing the mechanisms behind it and how symbols that where originally used as signs to show a direction, now selfrighteously used to support more than 1000 years old predominance claims over women shows how a lot of male in our society think - actually it doesn’t help male emancipation a bit, it just pushes them more and more into a corner - because the red pill is actually a blue one. it‘s like when you have to deactivate a bomb and you don’t know in advance if the colour of the wire was switched.
  2. while reflecting on clouds and visions, stumbled upon these pictures - funny how answers just apear by answering to others but are hidden when we search for ourselves sometimes. from time to time i wonder about the colour of these clouds - sometimes they are grey or for me reacently they where pink from sunrises and sunsets.
  3. try to see the seeing as a cloud itself. which appears on a blue sky. there are different layers of clouds and clouds hide clouds and clouds disappear - but what you ultimativeley want to see is the sun or the moon or the stars (even though cloud watching is nice, too) maybe that‘s not directly it. maybe more like this:
  4. can still read the time on a fake rolex - but believing it is a real one and showing it around is another thing, depends on what you bought it for. and maybe if you check for a second time, even the time might be weirdly off. just remembering what the red pill originally stood for, said the bunny. not every dealer is morpheus.
  5. @Arhattobe it was about eyehight... just wanted to say that it‘s not only about putting oneself above but also not below another - morality or not, i don’t care, as there are no situations involving more than one person where it’s not about either being above, below, or on same level. even though in some cases this is changing dynamically. maybe i just didn’t read everything from the last page... and we completely talk past each other. i was just tying my thought on your thought.
  6. @Arhattobe let’s say this is a bubble, a space where people meet, or how they said in the old rome, a forum. it was built by leo with his time and work and is even free, it is a cultural place where people talk about this and that in relative freedom after he gives out some speach, now there is this guy selling his watches, you can visualize that, i guess, he‘s kind of secretly parasiting because he never payed any fees... not only that, he also kind of tries to stir up the discussion - what is moralizing about telling him to go back to his own space? parasiting and smuggling in content with an agenda (trojanizing) - that’s how i understand what was happening. might be that some people say, hey but i wanted to buy that rolex...
  7. it is when we demonize ourselves and put us above or below them... comparison can only work if it’s about eye height. invasion, infiltration, parasiting and trojanism is not exactly eyehight. still you could say it’s about the moral behind it.
  8. so i finally made my way through the intro of the life purpose course and arrived at visions. it’s interesting as i thought i had a cloud like vision when i came here but it was not very concrete - guess i have to go into that very deeply. juggling again with so many different things... it’s not really easy to keep a track of all the narrative strings i try to follow. there is yoga/kriya/kundalini/tantra i try to understand with working my way up, starting by muladhara, finding out about what that means emotionally and conceptionally/philosophically. then there is bullet journaling and some other scheduling/organizational stuff i‘m working on. then i also try to organize my environment better while i constantly declutter. also try to start understanding the spiral. learn a lot of new stuff about medical herbs and inbetween i check where my position on the life curriculum map is. i still want to work on the selfinquiry and meditation more. oh man and now visions
  9. going on with abhyanga and muladhara yoga (smudge weather) - but also starting with basic kriya techniques. discarding practice works almost fine - yesterday was a little too much procrastination (with auroville) though. and i can’t take up strict timeframes yet as i even get lost in decluttering at the moment - but that‘s positive in a way as this means i‘m still sponging.
  10. found that kind of interesting - auroville doesn’t really sound like a cult but it has its issues obviously. the problem seems to be that there is always something like a homeostatic pressure on places like that - if you build utopia or any other bubble, it doesn’t mean the outside world disappears, so either open all channels or try to protect. but you will always have issues with visible or invisible boarders as boarders are made in the mind of the people. not understanding that these boarders exist, and openness of all boarders also makes vulnerable, is a boarder, too.
  11. in the flat underneath my last one lived: mrs mistergod - when i first read it, i thought: i new it i wondered how my life would have been until now if i would be in her shoes.
  12. am also interested in finding out about this... it sounds so much like a mixture of spiral and yoga...could also be breakfast yoga though. integral cereales... bought this really nice print of the matrimandir want to go there once
  13. found an answer here: it has both colours - it’s also interesting how this is linked to group belonging and health (the group teaches the individual how to survive) - yes that‘s the elephant definitely! the other deities are brahma and dakini. dakini is the one i know the lessest of these three as a symbol - i mean i don’t know a lot about the other both, they are an intuition though as i lived in environments with their presence and think i have a loose concept of what they mean in a healthy way. so i guess i need to figure out that dakini a little more. (hehe dakini is a dancer for complete freedom of everything conditional, why does that feel so autobiographic?)
  14. so i wonder about the chacras and the colour applied to them. a lot of people visualize red and say muladhara is read but on this one picture here it is yellow: i notice it has the elephant, too. aswell as the throat chacra. funny as it is, while visualizing red during the muladhara practice, i also had a vision of my ganesha figure covered with red powder, visualized the sun and a red powder tilak. i just love abhyanga - it’s my india/hindu/yoga connection and one of the gateless gates to spirituality for me.
  15. started with abhyanga today again - templeservice - i felt a little empty and unloved but abhyanga works wonders - the smell of warm medical oil or sesame oil and the touch of warmth of my hands that give love to my skin while the weather is completely umph. and then donating some nice muladhara yoga while still oily and sourrounded by that shakti protection - sounds slippery? yeah totally you certainly have to take the oil of the feet and hand thoroughly before.
  16. just go on picture search and i guess it’s partially selfexplaining. guess it has something to do with the temples there... for me if i would travel around in india now i would want to see the matrimandir in auroville. but i like architecture. (for india they are close by each other, so you could maybe do both)
  17. actually what would be now if it was a non refundable pre-paid thing... it rather feels like the tour is on ice for some time. the start into the new year seems to have been rough. so be pre-pared.
  18. interesting fashion suggestion. the nose or asspipe would be a tool, you could even construct them as water pipes and it would bubble you away. that makes me think about why no one already invented drug suppositories... who had the idea with the water solluable meditation ball...
  19. with smoking you get other problems with the lungs... maybe you could invent something for skin absorption... there are still the ears where you could put it in, or drops for the eyes? no i wouldn’t mess with the eyes...maybe you just don’t take anything it’s really too dangerous!!! and another thing... do you think smoking penicillin would have worked better?
  20. @Leo Gura so why do you take penicillin... i suppose it’s viral so it won’t even work.... buy yourself some sinupret bionoricas if available and flush the sinuses with salt water, when completely over do a sinus cleaning with ayurvedic nasya oil. the rest is rest.
  21. oh i found something interesting: it‘s about breeding rats that run.
  22. don’t trust a study you didn’t fake yourself! what does it anyways say? ok and then if you hold a gun in your hand it shows you even have a fast pull the trigger time don’t even need to think anymore. love you ♥️ peace. by the way - any suggestion on how to grow the nucleus accumbens? ah - yes the exploring rat! sorry didn’t read the whole article - it’s rather good though!