now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. @Highest this is not god - this is like a child who first time heard that there is something like god and thinks it must be him. god doesn’t have a hierarchy between i and you - i and you is melting like snow in the unlimited love of deep connectedness to everything and nothing - that’s the difference. if you have not seen that yet you have no idea what height you can rise to and what bliss really feels like. it is not about letting god swing like you want, it is about god inhabiting you and making you swing like god swings. you don’t have an ounce of an idea. it’s the difference of you playing a guitar and jimmy hendrix playing you as a guitar. the ego god does not know yet how that’s like.
  2. so i‘m still figuring out that vikshepa a little more and understand now that mastering vikshepa shakti is not only about the loose association and random popping up of vision - it is also about setting the vision into a context and in that lies the importance and the art. do we set it into context only to the egoic self agenda or do we have a higher goal with it where we can take the ego out of the game a little more - i guess that’s the relation of vikshepa shakti to visions. especially at the moment i lost that track as i was too much involved in struggle for a bit - and i also see that i still need to set up some basics, be it emotional or material, until i can really dream of these visions again.
  3. being wholly means you can’t separate the egg white from the yolk entirely - wholistically speaking you even need the shell for transportation. ? ?
  4. because it is the model and the endprouct in itself. the moment is infinite but not repeatable nor graspable.
  5. there are so many different understandings of what romance means - there are also so many ways in confusing the dick with the absolute. one is a jouth virginity i’m the first one wet dream the other one is a childlike grown up in his i‘m the greatest, i‘m the only one, super power dream - i don’t see any romance though... ps: maybe sometimes it’s better to have none pps: sorry for the discrimination just wanted to show a third perspective ppps: was that good enough?
  6. @Charlotte it’s because you said good bye to a sentient being not long ago, you are emotionally connected to the other side now. if there is a ghost realm or not, somewhere where the ghosts or souls of the death go to or not, i can’t say that as i don’t know and i don’t let myself get scared by it especially not from some fantasy movies, but if there is, we stay connected to those who are gone. mhhh and it’s not only about being overly empathetic, it’s also how you handle the situation with the raw egg that belongs to the other person. as they are, if open for it often more vulnerable than you might be. it’s a very intimate dream.
  7. it makes you vulnerable because you are feeling so deep with others you sometimes suffer their pain, suffering their pain connects you very deeply with another person, as the person and your shared emotions become a shared energy field - every relationship makes you vulnerable. the more feelings involved the more vulnerability, so if your relationship is built on trust, the other person will try to not hurt you, but if you open up to strangers you can’t really know. also if you are afraid of these insights because it’s too intense and others are too close to you the vulnerability lies in your own hands in building walls or shooting already in a preventive defense mode so it doesn’t get too intense - that’s a variation where you hurt yourself and the other. and then there is the possibility that you tell others of your vision and they feel overrun because they don’t believe in psychic abilities they then put a stamp on your forehead that says „weird“ and will treat you like a weirdo. or they feel vulnerable themselves because they are vulnerable with their emotions as well, so it could happen that they build up a wall very fast and reject your approach even though it was friendly. it really depends on the situation - in fact most of the time it is that you hold something emotional for another person in you, a raw egg, because you suffer with them and have a small insight, what makes the other person very vulnerable. but all in all it’s white magic, use it with care and open up to vulnerability.
  8. @Charlotte i think it’s visual psychic intuition i get those kind of dreams, too. sometimes even during the day ?. depending on how deep i trust into it, especially if i care for people or have a deep emotional relationship to them. well i still believe in some sort of paranormal activities. it showes how deep you connect emotional into relationships. that’s beautiful! be careful though this intensity also makes you vulnerable, as it is a very intimate vision. and don’t forget not everyone believes in witchery, some people even get offended. at least you won’t be burned for it
  9. it might be a little like when you get a tinitus - it’s either directly in the ear or something like an afterimage. if you perceive your brainwaves as a 3d or more dimensional field that constantly swings(time) and you influence that swinging and morphing through applying the binaural beats, you force the swinging into another oscillation - after you stop the application of different waves the physical part of your brain still works on uncramping, consolidating and restructuring and letting go of the input - it takes some time afterwards until these waves are finding back to a selfreliant state. of course that is another one than before.
  10. @Aaron p to understand synchronicity aside from the universal mind - there is one other phenomenon that sounds like it was the random of randomness, we overlook it but it is the most amazing thing especially if you think about the factor why you are exactly that unique person you are - i mean how you even ever where fusing into life. it’s the factor of coincidence the factor of: why exactly now this synchronicity. this is an enormous help if you are stuck in more negative synchronicity chains. this magic is outside of any logic though - i don’t see bad situations as fate anymore, i think they are mostly ego made, but i believe fate exists in synchronicity and it’s a matter of giving up control and surrender to the devine more and more to be completely present to the moment, reciving and distributing love, help trust and conciousness in all situations in life and meet the moment in itself. don‘t think synchronicity can be understood without the factor coincidence and coincidence is only understandable with the factor synchronicity. and this is not even about probability.
  11. there is one thing i realized by reading through the first introduction on kriya - it’s about this goldfish brain and focus. kriya doesn’t focus on focus it focuses on letting the mind flow being aware on awareness. what i really need is focusing practice - vikshepa shakti works really well already. so i need to root in focusing more. that also means focusing on the stuff that really matters - if i push it away there will be no change. so i need to train myself on focus - it’s only now that i understand repetitio est mater studiorum, but i understand it more in a practice repetition not in a repetition of empty words. well that might help at first, too. repeating decluttering repeating until the essence is left... like a sauce.
  12. he just explains dada i understand him perfectly, but i also only watched the first mind/glasses/mind dadaism. (do i have to explain that dada means therethere in german/english/denglish?) if dada means father in another language - dada/therethere is certainly the father of all language.
  13. @kieranperez ok - i guess you need to do the step by step work now. do that by facing me - we are on eye height, i‘ve been there. so are you taking any nootropics? why, for what, or why not? did you try rhodiola? i‘d do that for a starter! do you have someone to talk to like a therapist, who can be a helping guide if you don’t see the person as a god or a devil above you? (seeing that person as a coach more than a doctor) you need to leave that city - isn’t it obvious? find a city where you can afford a flat, and find a job there! or an education that offers shelter! stop with these long posts then! ask simple questions, how to questions. when you start walking it’s step by step. start doing lists, priority lists, find out what steps you need to reach your goals. start walking man, you can do it! send you a lot of love, i know you can do it - you will find your way out of that pit and if you have to crawl in the beginning! metamorphosis is a reboot from the start - you need to set up everything manually again. you always start with the start. you start now - sit down with a pen and a paper plan it out. thats how every genius starts to plan his life, with the basics. planing - research - planing - action
  14. everything means everything there is, infinitely that includes the all and the nothing, so yes even the nothing is a thing in everything but everything is nothing in the great nothing, in the greatness of that what is and is not.
  15. but god is not a thing conciousness is not a thing the self is not a thing reality is not a thing. thinking we are the controller of the forces within us, we still think we are the thing. but we still beg that thing to change, we still succumb to it because god in us is not selfrealized yet, as there is no nonduality yet. in a situation like @Highest is at the moment he might be really feeling like the highest - but that also means all that’s written here is only him talking to himself. and this self asks him: what kind of god are you little ego?
  16. oh sorry - i don’t know the devil very good yet, at least by name so sometimes i confuse him still for an ego. i mean an ego for a devil. while it’s not even that yet - it’s still just tempted.
  17. because this is not enlightenment - it is not real nonduality - this is the ego thinking in a wet dream of power encapsulated in itself entirely. the ego thinks it is god in its solipsistic life vision, because if it pushes a button the light will go on. that it has willpower in the appropriation of itself as a fetish making a cult of its body and mind. it is the pure devil speaking, there is no nothing in it. the answer is they don’t talk about it: because it is not the truth in that sense! there is truth in it though.
  18. so i also read vikshepa shakti is part of maya together in a trinity with avarana shakti and viveka shakti. as i understand it, vikshepa shakti is a moving energy and has something to do with dynamics and would be like the chi and the chi of the mind, that wanders from random to random - definitely an aspect of creativity.
  19. numbers or letters or symbols - all are only meanings of meanings.
  20. this is really getting interesting - i will miss the speculative and health threats/threads if everything is back to normal. 2019 had a good start though. any further prognosis? no apocalypses? maybe some epidemics? brexits?
  21. as long as you know you are in the cult all by yourself. hehe
  22. @Galyna what if they are not separate - infinity and meaning? what if they are in themselves infinite if not separate from themselves? that‘s what makes all the cruelty and all the beauty of the world and all it’s ugliness (ugliness in sense of the parts we don’t want to see, the parts we hide or look away from) is it then not only a misconception of meaning that makes the difference between meaning and meaninglessness? no one said there was infinity outside the moment (even though there is an infinity outside the moment) sorry - guess i‘m asking that myself.
  23. the meaningless is meaningful in itself or you could say meaning is meaningless in itself if there is no one to perceive it. but sometimes it’s really the meaningless that blooms the prettiest.
  24. sadhguru on obviousness. love you guys n girls