now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. yes and because you can work on this perspective you can always change the truth of your perspective if you stay open enough and remember the truth in the truth - it’s all about this one perspective we are eager to hold on to forever integrating truth until truth is only what we make of it.
  2. some of these things read themselves so nice on screen, not paper. but i guess most don’t know what an enormous amount of work it is to create a school like that - there are a ton of decisions to be made before hand touches a brick or signs a rental contract. at the moment the place we are meeting at is physically seen a screen and a network - the network allows only certain kind of information exchange - in a future real not virtual real world you‘d need to decide on a lot of things that set a frame for this - rules and ideas that are not thought yet and are not brought into reality yet. as leo said this would be a lifes work and this affords an enormous amount of passion and planning on how to materialize that because it would have to materialize in one or the other way - you would need a room at least in winter. this accounts also for how to medialize content and setting up social rules. there are already multiple examples on how people built schools like that like rudolph steiner or inge aicher scholl or maria montessori or even groups who were part of movement like the bauhaus that developed out of the werkbund. especially in art you can see that a lot. i think for now we can be happy that’s not an exclusive place we have to travel to - it’s much more accessible like that. because schools like that and places like that already exist - but do we actually use them? how many of us use the potential of learning facilities in their direct surrounding to the fullest? also wonder how manny could afford it or would it all be voluntary based? these are legitimate questions that want to be answered before you even would know where to start.
  3. @Zizzero you could see yourself like a matrioshka or like an atom model - youre identity is in the kernel, that’s mostly yellow, then you have your home, your business or way you earn money and then you have your standpoint in politics and social factors etc. and you can all give them different colours if you want. when you realize that you can work on your perspective and focus on these areas of application, watch your behavior and change it step by step. it’s not a how to change from orange to yellow plan but a method to get a personal colour map of how you assess yourself in various fields of life. with bringing some order into it you could work on it on a day to day basis.
  4. @Manjushri how far are the exams ahead? can you take a break for a week? trying to get a grip? trying to figure out a solution? what are you studying by the way? and why do you think it’s not the right purpose anymore? and how bad exactly would it be to change to another subject/purpose? you know it’s one of the most difficult decisions we face in our lifes, to have to choose what we want to be for the rest of our lifes without knowing what it entails really doing it then for the rest of it. our decision often gets influenced by the more „reasonable“ choice. it’s not bad to realize a wrong choice - it’s better realizing it early then late! so really think about it - would it be not a streangth to find out about it more than a weakness? also you know that the profession can be so different from what you learned in college, maybe you don’t even have to change the subject.
  5. @Girzo what do you think about toggles amount of data collection and sharing? i’ve checked it out and rather stick with another app called at work which is more serious about data safety. i‘m always pretty much torn, if an app is good, but then asks for your social media account to log in and uses super difficult description in their privacy policy so you don’t really understand what they do with your data. not saying it’s bad, just that it makes me suspicious and that i would wish apps like that would be more transparent.
  6. @Aakash i guess what is much more relevant than teaching curiosity is teaching love. because that’s what we are ultimately searching for - that’s what our first screams on this world are about and that’s what we search for while breathing our last breath. and that’s what we should learn to put into everything. that’s what we are ultimately curious about. but to know what love is we need to understand what it is and understand what it is not. so stay curious about the love in these structures and yes it is a ladder to infinity, the infinity we want to build every single infinite moment. funny as it is there was a guy called leo buscaglia who teached love at the university of southern california in the 70ies 80ies.
  7. i don’t think it’s for curiosity... curiosity must already be there to try it - 5meo is showing an answer, and opens up to find answers. it’s just a guess though as i generalize the use of psychedelics in this work a little. also i don’t think all of this is only about curiosity at all, if it where, we all would be super enlightened. @tsuki once said when i first came here: curiosity killed the cat. i don’t know if that was psychic or not, but there is something to it.
  8. the ego. actually that reminds me of a discussion we had last year - if that was a false belief. just guessing, that a word that is one directional pointing can’t be truth and always points towards the wrong direction.
  9. @George Fil i don’t know - if you can’t get leo it’s maybe difficult... i guess you would need a natural selfactualizer. maybe changing the teachers depending on their life knowledge. so maybe just having a workshop organizer who organizes speakers/teachers relevant/relative to topics. the teacher could be then also just a neighborhood mom who grows mushrooms or a street philosopher or a tai chi master, or a zen monk or a yellow entrepreneur. but the overall teaching style will vary a little bit depending on the person who guides all of that. it’s difficult to maneuver all those topics so they are connected. you need a personality for that. and as you can’t really create one you‘d need to search for someone and it’s not said that you‘ll find a person like that very easily. you could also try it with cloning!
  10. @George Fil i think i would make it more a seminar or an open workshop than a lecture... or a lecture accompanied by a seminar/workshop - although the room itself would maybe more be like a meditation/yoga space, with a library.
  11. sometimes i think of just as my favorite subject of the university of life - i guess we can be happy we’ve found such a good teacher and classroom, where the meaning of teacher student conflates to an integrative self actualization. because that’s what it already is. actualized academy sounds like a good idea to do brain loundry for ourselves - learning the basics, we can’t let others do that for us all the time and even making others responsible for making our white shirt pink or black... for now: it’s amazing it already exists.
  12. @Anton Rogachevski was it not? i wonder how we came this far... i just answered to truthaddict - so why are you thanking him and telling me it was not about self? is the self the ego or the ego the self - that depends only on the self's or the ego’s perspective. but if the self or the ego actualizes itself or if it is actualized by someone else well... that also depends on the ego‘s perspective.
  13. would it still be selfactualization then? i guess it would be more the foundation for a spiral university. self actualization would just happen as a byproduct or a subject or as the teaching method.
  14. question is: to whom does it matter? to whom does it not? the purpose hallows the means is very thin ice without distinction but it also is with distinction. the moment you know the belief is false, for a truth seeker it’s over. but you see then you would already need to know what belief is truth! so it depends on the truth in the false if you can apply wrong (untrue) means to a right (true) purpose. there is also: the way/path is the goal
  15. @Etherial Cat mh yes saw it... also i started to read about spiral dynamics, am still on a basic level though - what i find quite interesting is, that the theory says: it’s difficult to maintain a higher developed view, for example turquoise in an environment that is still lower developed. even if you already had glimpses into it. that’s why green still counterreacts to orange what makes it difficult to go into yellow. and orange wants to go into yellow without going through green. and that’s also why yellow still has such an orange touch in our society so often, because on society level we are still so much stuck in orange that there are no limitations for yellow, if amazon even is yellow? i don’t really know, is it? funny thing is, i speculate that if we start applying green regulation to orange business, yellow will automatically start moving into turquoise more, because the regulation would concern every super multi billionaire and therefore the organisation of business. if they don’t want to loose controll they would need to work on higher organisation.
  16. in this sense, yes i guess it’s more relevant to talk about how much money one ego should be able to own before talking about if it is righteous to share it with the life partner after parting ways. but that was not the topic.
  17. @Etherial Cat mhh i don’t know. i actually always thought i know why it doesn’t work out in so many cases - and also thought i know how it can work out, but now i know i only have an idea why it works out in some cases and what extra portion of luck it is to meet ends on both sides and also what extra portion of commitment. that’s actually the point where i have discriminating thoughts about men in relationships - i really try to have not. and i also know it’s not fair as i think it’s more the social structures and in this case maybe opportunities that makes a threesome out of a classic twosome. i really wouldn’t want to live in these environments, power is in the long run often toxic. but well i guess you are right, their ends just didn’t meet anymore.
  18. @Michael569 ah, ok good to know. thank you!
  19. that’s the problem with fame and money, or fame because of money - you really wash your dirty loundry openly and everyone has some kind of opinion about it. why does it seem that rich and famous people have more scandals? i don’t think they really have (well i do but only marginally, the scandal often is just a symptom) but then we don’t look in the direction of why some couples make it, loving each other until they die. we mostly forget the happy ever after and how much coworking that is. maybe it’s because we are so fixated on the happy in it and often don’t even know what that means apart from a hollywood fantasy.
  20. if possible don’t supplement with corticosteroids - it might be a fast fix but i got high blood pressure from it (what got cured with ayurveda) but corticosteroids are hormones and... you don’t want it! so if you can, let them not give you that shit. or only for a short period of time.
  21. yes this is dismissing the magic! but it doesn’t matter as magic is met in the moment.
  22. no not really, but as far as it concerns me, i didn’t miss your beautiful instructions on how to, either! sometimes it’s all about presence/openness what makes synchronicity possible, but being there is also not really a coincidence, it’s a follow up of coincidences, it’s a seemingly random meeting of coincidences and if there is synchronicity, there is a meetining of seemingly random will or unwill to meet. who searches/opens up to this magic, finds. (even though there is certainly more to it, than the obvious)
  23. it’s unbelievable, i read that!!! and i did the same. how is this even possible!
  24. if you are a multi millionaire it’s certainly a problem to share half of your millions and cut the empire of the king in half. after all bearing children and emotional support maybe even ideas are not worth a dime - i mean i guess he could also have created a home and just pay an interior designer, maybe he even did. and he could also have payed the supervisor and have a third woman just for the sex. he also could have had that completely on his own, i wonder why he even married, it’s so outdated maybe modern slavery would be an option - but you can’t do that, a scandal like that could also break one’s neck. i mean he even pays his employees, and pays taxes, does he?
  25. @Charlotte hope you are better soon! ♥️