now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. @RichardY why does this read itself like a horoscope
  2. @ajasatya because he believes in the law of unattraction. i‘m just playing to his rules.
  3. @Eric Tarpall why should stone melt under heat? stone is not glass while glass is stone. you even eat from baked stone plates with a melted sugar/glass glaze that was baked in an oven. that’s basically it or did you think you’re plate melted into being?
  4. @Michael569 oh, thanks! i don’t often meet people who completely understood that problem so it’s already like a mantra. sorry @Joseph Maynor - jumped to conclusions! there is so much yummy stuff with calcium. brokkoli ? for example or poppy seeds and almonds - you could even eat them all together...
  5. @Joseph Maynor hey, maybe you are interested in looking into calcium vitamin d3 and vitamin k mechanism - as calcium is suspected to build up in the vessels it is not so important to put a lot of calcium into the body but more important to resorp it. i don’t supplement with calcium only with d3 and vit k2 that should be enough if you don’t have extreme deficiency in calcium or osteoporosis - but even then it’s more important to secure the resorption.
  6. viveka shakti as the third phenomenon/power is the power of discernment. this is not weighing these three powers in anyway it is just the attempt to make an discernment of these powers in movement. it is also said that all three shaktis constitute maya - but maya is also not weighed originally, maya is within brahma.
  7. @Jordan94 in case of saltwater i‘d use a big syringe if you don’t have a neti pot or something similar - but be very careful while pushing it is better to use a neti as it will just flow on it‘s own. a pipette i‘d use only for the oil - as you don’t flush with the oil. the cleaning is very different in both cases. the only thing similar is that you put liquid in the nose. you can find descriptions and youtube videos on how much salt you need per lukewarm water. so you need to dissolve the saltwater in a small amount of hot water and then fill it up with colder water. or cook it in advance and let it cool down. you know your water quality better than i. think it was one teaspoon on half a liter. a little too much is better then not enough.
  8. even though they use some pretty nice pictures - well symbolically i get jellous - i have the feeling there is a little too much meaning in a little too thin a broth. if it was different it would turn from jellous to impressed. maybe that‘s just a taste but it could be a little more understatement. designwise there is a little too much visual distraction that is not really connected through a red thread. even though they have some really nice symbols... it reminds me of people who wear all their jewelry at once. maybe i‘m preoccupied... is it cultish? i must say i‘m not sure as they sell some nice things in their shop - but if it would go deep, they could also provide the information about where and how the products come from and where produced - information line is too shallow. i don’t buy anything i put inside of me without trust and trust is built on some transparency - and that it’s not - it’s not transparent. it’s not questionable, what makes it questionable.
  9. i wonder if there would be fear if we wouldn’t have images of what fear looks like in our head. is a child afraid of death if it doesn’t even know death exists? death is a concept until we make encounter with it. for me that means i am not afraid of death itself but about the circumstances death will arrive with. so fear without facing that preconceived situation of facing fear, is indeed somehow fear of the fear, of the fearful situation - while often in the situation itself it would be more pain and suffering than fear, or sometimes it’s not even the suffering of ourself (because we never experienced it) but our suffering watching the suffering that makes us visualize the amount of suffering and fear to arrive in the same situation as the being we experienced dying. but there is also another fear that sits so deep, like the barking of a man... i mean it’s so deep engraved that we can’t simply get rid of it by logic - it’s the instinctive fear that makes us draw back under certain circumstances - as i (as a woman) get a physical reaction on the skin in the neck, like a dog, when i cross a group of male - thats more intense when i can’t really discern how their mood is. so if it is fear concerning the body protection and not the mind protection i think fear is an instinct. funny as it is regarding the mind and soul protection that system does not work really well - as people tend to stay stuck in scary situations of physical and psychological abuse and get frozen or start to run away in situations where there is no real threat. so if someone wants to get rid of this kind of fear, it’s probably because fear then is creating suffering itself - the moment we want to get rid of it, the feeling is annoyance of fear (that’s what i would want to get rid of - by eliminating the fear you’d eliminate annoyance - what can lead to further problems if the annoyance is externalized) not understanding the annoyance within, i guess i would also say that‘s resistance.
  10. still a little confused with the cloud analogy for avarana shakti. as i‘m not really sure if the avarana shakti is the cloud that hides or if it also has a texture that is projected then or if it is that what we see despite the concealing cloud or if it is the whole picture fragmented or not fragmented. a little like in the sponge analogy - the bubble is part of a sponge but it is also a sponge itself. so for the cloud it would mean: the cloud is the whole view, even the clear sight, but it also is a cloud. and in the cloud are clouds that hide the view on the complete cloud. and i wonder if this hiding cloud is what we not focus on or if the cloud is what we focus on or maybe it is both the same - that what we focus on hides that what we don’t focus on. so the bubble of the sponge is not only a sponge it is also a cloud that contains clouds.
  11. @Jordan94 i‘d prefere one with a pipette. the spray will diffuse the oil too much for a cleaning. just a guess. but maybe you can order an additional pipette. if you are not sure - i‘d prefer to do the neti until it’s better, and don’t do nasya and neti on the same day, it’s too much for the nose.
  12. @Serotoninluv you know the problem about psychedelics i observed (well that goes also for other „soft“ drugs) is, that because of the overemphasis on negative sideffects, people who consume them for their positive effects tend to balance the libra with overglorification and tend to close their eyes a little - if that needs to be like that so there is a communicated balance, or if it is selfdeception, i can’t say. but most of the time everyone here tries to communicate that it is not a walk in the park, although in this specific bubble here the world of psychedelics is a little too white painted sometimes. (or because this world is a rorschachtest it‘s a little to black painted sometimes)
  13. what is immature about barking? i really wonder... did anyone get bitten? if someone got bitten please check if you are tetanus vaccinated!!!
  14. @iTommy most knowledge i have are from german not really in english. but sometimes the sellers of ajurvedic medicine give some advice on their pages. most knowledge i got through research and crossreading and experience and talking to ajurvedic doctors - and the puls reading method i got from observation of a documentary on arte. i was in small places in sri lanka and india after thorough research for seriousness of their medicin. just saw you are from germany - i‘d research documentaries. and have a look on the website of the university of essen.
  15. maybe he will never ever want to bark in his life again...
  16. @Serotoninluv yes, me too. we all share just observations.
  17. @Serotoninluv yes i find that, too. i was just answering to the original post and played the devil. if you feel triggered you might need to think about it, why. the term is a term drug users invented. in 2000 i experienced a whole summer in this state due to lsd. i spoke of codependency to reach enlightenment. an that it’s a thin ridge to walk this path.
  18. @Serotoninluv no i‘m not saying that - i just know people who where heavily addicted. and i have enough experiences with group dynamics in the drug field. it is about the ability to get happy with your life without drugs - if you can’t it’s a sign that points to the codependency to a substance. what makes a person controlled by the substance and not by conciousness. and i guess in terms of enlightenment that’s not really it, as the goal is to achieve something else than that. in terms of maya - it’s either way just a different maya. it doesn’t say anything about the grade of delusion. it just says something about religion/spirituality and how much we confuse a substance that is a pathopener with it. if you get a kink in the matrix you can still be aware of the kink - people who have it know often that they have it.
  19. well i‘m just trying to point to the problem of making psychedelics a cult as soon as people get swayed by them. the over use of drugs are always a cult if not an addiction. as holy as we want to make them, they have huge, enormous shadowsides - and it takes a lot of selfcontrol to use psychedelics in a responsible manner. let‘s pray to the big toad instead of the cow.
  20. in german there is a word for the state of mind that remains stuck in the altered state of a psychedelic awareness. „hängenbleiben“ it has a meaning like when the picture on a screen freezes. if the belief you engrave in your metaphysics interferes so much you can’t set it close to reality anymore. you are downloading or uploading behavioral elements that cloud your view - but as the mind is not able to take control without the substance - well... that‘s why there are a lot of gurus who teach enlightenment without substances. that’s also why psychedelics can’t be the holy grail. not saying that they are not mindopening for a wood head but i would also not mess around with these things, they are shamanic powerful tools and not for everyday. it‘s equally trying to play god to mess with god.
  21. @Aakash i guess i would recommend group snuggling
  22. how enlightened is this conversation anyways. i‘m enlightened. no i am. no i ... what the heck you seemed more enlightened before. no you did. you are a devil. no you are. no you. ok guys i‘m the devil are you happy ?
  23. i‘d not use chemistry to widen the nasal passages as it dries out the nasal mucus membrane even more. if the nose is constantly clogged i‘d rather experiment with salt water neti (can use a syringe) or with saltwater spray (holds the membrane damp) or if you don’t have an active infection do a nasya with special nasya oil (tri dosha if you don’t have an ayurvedic prescription) - to do a nasya you put the oil in the bottle into hot water - when it’s lukewarm you lie down overstretching the head so your nosetrills point into the air a little like in matsyasana but not that much. you drip around eight drops into one nosetrill and then you massage it a little bit and then in the other one. the moment you feel it tingling in the throat you start to spit it out - you have to bring everything out over the mouth. it’s disgusting and some people even throw up in the process as it is a deep cleansing. if you want to, you can prepare the lymphatic systems and the sinuses with a damp steam towel (alternatively a good wrung as hot as possible without burning fingers towel) pressing it for short time on the throat ears and forehead in an inward circular movement until you circle around the nose on the sinuses and closed eyes. have fun
  24. @iTommy it’s interesting how many autoimmune diseases are either related to the respiratory tract or the gut... i would say almost all of them profit of rebooting the bowel system. that’s why i‘m so impressed with ayurveda, they make the tissue cleansing and bowel reboot a foundation for the whole medicine. when i say ayurveda i talk about the medical one not the wellness shi shi (well you can maybe find a hybrid). i‘d tell to anyone with autoimmune disease to start searching there, even though that sounds like i was a total believer. well yes i am - i think if you find a good ayurvedic doctor you can get almost any autoimmune disease partially under control - but therefore you need to trust in it and make sure you have a trustworthy doctor in sense of medication purity control. just think of it from that perspective: would you rather know what you are allergic about and then skip these things or would you rather bring the system more in tune again? in the end maybe it’s both, but i would certainly get my priorities straight. what is knowledge regarding health anyways?
  25. @Cepzeu how does wood feel? like wooden texture? ah!