now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. @Joseph Maynor so you don’t think it exists - but you think it is? do you think it’s unrelevant to talk about what it is? i must say that huge parts of the video are congruent with what i believed for years in a boiled down simpler version.
  2. @Shin yes! we are the confusers that confuse the confused!
  3. @Sockrattes what would that say about you? don’t forget everything is relative.
  4. so you are criticizing that he said there is just one god? but what if that one god is all of them without exception - even in hindu believe, everything is within brahma. theoretically there is no problem. i don’t understand the problem...
  5. @TheAvatarState maybe he was just a little bit triggered by the mentioning of pulling off the socks... there was a phrase like that... sorry i’m talking to you in the third god form mister ? rattes
  6. @Sockrattes if he wouldn’t understand his own opinion could he transport his opinion? i think it’s easy to say he doesn’t take responsibility. as one of the main rules here is everyone should take responsibility for themselves - i mean where didn’t he take responsibility with the cult vids? i mean what is responsibility and who is responsible anyways? maybe our hands?
  7. @tecladocasio nice - i have the same so what? because you can’t feel your thoughts they are not there - so you can put out everything you’re hands want?
  8. @tecladocasio well if you are writing without thoughts where did you leave your head at? observation doesn’t work without your eyes.
  9. i guess the mentioning of god as not possible to be put in a concept or frame is due to the realization that people try to conceptualize it (me included). and the problem of that is that if we start to conceptualize it it runs through our fingers but still we want to get a hold on that what it is. it’s in some sense a demystification of what it is. i had the feeling that he tries to bring that to screen once and for all. i also must object to what @Sockrattes said - he clearly explicitly says at the end of the vid, that we should not trust in everything he says but research for ourselves - and he did that almost the hundredth time. i also think the last of the three parts was a little harsh sometimes.
  10. @billiesimon i think it’s possible through many activities - like experiencing mountains, or the sea and i think things like growing plants and working with soil can bring you closer to earth. you could plan your next holidays on a biological or biodynamical farm for example. or do a jungle survival trip (well survival with equipment) - you could bring that together with meditation or yoga... there are a lot of possibilities to be closer to nature and simultaneously learn from it. all you need is the attempt, a little preparation is also nice - don’t go into the joungle completely without preparation, it will eat you alive!!! but also don’t bring a cupboard of things with you. an experience to bring you closer to nature needs something primordial to it. you could also combine these things with working for aid organizations for free... there are lot of possibilities to dive deeper. many are more simple and closer than you think.
  11. @F A B hahaha well yeah grocery shopping could work out well for a cold-warm approach.
  12. @F A B better that. not without and then better not if she’s holding a coconut.
  13. @F A B hahaha, you italiens even know how to stand close without getting slapped huh?
  14. @F A B depends on if you share the same square meter or not, i guess. reaction unpredictable.
  15. just now i realized how hard it is to not have an health insurance for someone who is used to do work based on his/her hands - i sometimes forget how lucky i am to live in a country where that is taken care of for me.
  16. @billiesimon maybe that’s a lot of falls where it falls you know. they may look like a type to you and you look like a type to them. that might be the problem. did you ever try non categorization? as long as she’s a type she can’t be a person.
  17. @Leo Gura that’s so funny as if their own hotness would have something to do with how they evaluate their relationships or who they fall for. @billiesimon question is how do you evaluate? what is your top priority in women? obviously a huge part is, how you evaluate attractiveness. maybe you are doing exactly the same as these women.
  18. i’m always trying to not fall into this trap, as it sounds like people where responsible for their illness, in producing them willingly - what is certainly not the case. well in a sense it is and it’s good to go deeper into shadow work and so on, but... well in ayurveda they say diseases like that develop through the accumulation of ama and ama are toxins - these toxins rise in the body from external consumption and from internal psychic factors and are controlled mainly by agni the fire of digestion. so of course is inner stress a factor - but it’s never the sole factor. if the kundalini symptoms are this severe, i’d also try to find out what it is, first.
  19. @Just the mage listening to what you are saying it really sounds like not all of it is the kundalini - you need to understand that kundalini often arises during a disease but is not the disease. kundalini is in that sense the inner healer that arises - if you are not trained in working with these energies you might need some external help of some kind of doctor who helps your kundalini heal you through an application of medicin or removement of toxins from the outside. that’s the meaning of the rod of aesclepius.
  20. @cetus56 can only recommend you to try it with ayurveda better sooner than later. almost all autoimmun diseases profit from ayurvedic body cleaning and medication and food. it sounds so shallow as it is my standard recommendation but it’s based on experience. i read that it’s possible to have really good results with ms, too. well don’t expect miracles but be not surprised if you get them.
  21. @Girzo well but that’s the way a lot of girls make their decision, it’s the millisecond question. about me or about his dick? it’s more interesting when a little bit of intellect shines through. in germany cold approach on the streets is also really not common anymore - so if guys do it it’s usually because they really find you attractive more than average then. it’s a dream girl approach. and while talking about spirituality - a lot of women can sense if it’s fake. i wonder how much guys would like to go out with girls who go out with any guy who asks them, without discernment. alone that, should bring the quality of an approach up.
  22. @DrewNows that’s too sexistic - won’t work - brokkoli is asexual.
  23. @Emerald i wonder what i would find funny if approached in the grocery store - something like: i really like your brokkoli.
  24. @corndjorn are you? generally it was not about the psychedelics it was about the claims you made. am i? who knows?
  25. @Aquarius ? @corndjorn by the way i’m a girl, too. i wanted to tell you that before - but i was not sure if you would reflect anything anymore if i told you. maybe you really want to think about what non duality really means in a budhist way, before you criticize psychedelics or judge about how people use them. you where talking about attachment so i just wondered if you are attached to a position in society or special habits. but in this conversation you call a convoi (sounds like one that tries to bring manna to men) you where not able to open the door nor did you look outside the window.