now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. so after these little escapades into the realm of confused emotions - seems mr responsible stands in front of a ? door in my cloud space and knocks. „hello“ i am saying. it’s more a question than a word. „good morning miss! i was sent over from the realm of selforganization and wanted to tell you that the time is ticking. there is a bullet journal that waits for you, kriya yoga to learn and several organisational things to do for your journey into far far lands over the ocean.“ „ahaha, yes mister. how could i forget...i was so occupied watching clouds i totally forgot working on how to fly“ ⛅️ anyways this is about a new start, that will present answers in the world where dreams transform into a different shape, a more graspable now. where bubbles still burst and lemons still taste a little sour. did i say i love lemons? i love lemons ? if they where not sour, they wouldn‘t have the same effect if we bite them.
  2. who knows if it’s god or the devil who doesn’t like laziness! or do you think in the garden of eden there was no laziness? if so hammoks would not exist! what is laziness anyway? would there even be laziness without obligation/duty vs regeneration/consolidation/transformation or selfresponsibility?
  3. @ivankiss do you want some tea with the intestines
  4. i find it also very inspiring especially the entry of today. also liked a lot how you saved the wasp... i also always do that in summer trying to release all bugs into nature again - they love the light. today i came flying, so thanks ? well maybe i start flying tomorrow.
  5. @rounder yes, but if you know the same hand is connected in the head area you can even visualize/imagine feel that field. it is lokal and not - i must imagine the ears, fingers and eyes in that situation. what do you think happens when you touch skin? i mean there is skin conductivity so something happens if we touch other reality - doesn’t it - but it’s not that there is the same information exchange like when we build a shortcircuit. but still we share a field. and ‚this is local and not. so the field reaches as far as our perception reaches. in oneness our perception reaches out from emotion to emotion - that’s my experience, as every sign of emotion of other is exactly your own - like a mirror. (well there are different onenesses) so it‘s still a change of location attention - and attention not centered but expanded.
  6. maybe i forgot that - i don’t have much left to say it seams... but i still hang on and because i’m a chatter box i start to force myself on the conversations. writing one liners, being selfrighteous and a know it all. so maybe it’s self flaggelation day, too.
  7. as a world eating mantis i made myself a nice snack today to cover up my sadness and that was pure it was really fun. i hope the guy had humor. i mean i hope he has something clownish to him if he is in my belly, at least a little fun in the belly. kafka would be proud of me. but i also realized that i should not get triggered so much about what i belief - as beliefs are really something intimate - and maybe should/shoudledidud not be taken too seriously if they are not selfrighteous what somehow every belief is. that’s the inflection point of beliefs and that’s why this belief is no belief but a mystery what is a belief and so on and so forth. because there is no end to it said michel ende. his name showed him the way.
  8. @tecladocasio well maybe, but maybe it’s just a metaphor... and you actually wanted to be eaten. or not. who knows.
  9. @tecladocasio well that’s an interesting fantasy my friend. but it’s not mine you know!
  10. @tecladocasio definitely if you say so i mean i ate the world.
  11. @tecladocasio he didn’t accept himself. that’s why he deleted- because he realized. i hope that’s the cause - didn’t push him to delete. i’m accepting that there are people who can’t accept an all including religion, too. you try to bring the discussion to an inflection point god must die - godot god is dead ? hihi yes but who said he is not simultaneously alive...
  12. when did he do that? spiral dynamics integrates all perspectives - it’s about accepting all religions and beliefs even his. or did you think that would not be included? and what if he would pray to the devil - would you accept that? are you maybe talking to yourself? i guess he would be open to proove him wrong...
  13. it’s interesting how much and how little i managed to change - at least i don’t feel the urge to smoke anymore. that’s such a huge achievement already i’m really proud that i let the emotions manifest instead of pushing them away. it’s pain instead of stress and i just let it be.
  14. today is truthday with a capital B - and it’s not exactly a good one as there was this situation again where the emptyness of a cup feels the emptiest because it should be the fullest today. but actually now i now all this water comes from the clouds in front of my eyes. Love, love is a verb Love is a doing word Fearless on my breath Gentle impulsion Shakes me, makes me lighter Fearless on my breath Teardrop on the fire Fearless on my breath Night, night of matter Black flowers blossom Fearless on my breath Black flowers blossom Fearless on my breath Teardrop on the fire Fearless on my Water is my eye Most faithful mirror Fearless on my breath Teardrop on the fire Of a confession Fearless on my breath Most faithful mirror Fearless on my breath Teardrop on the fire Fearless on my breath
  15. if the mind is completely occupied with nothing, will it just eat everything that’s served? or maybe cook on it’s own?
  16. @nado today is my truth day. ego got carried away. just put an questionmark behind all sentences - they accidentally got lost in another dimension?
  17. @nado well as long as you don’t expect that to happen and force that onto others against their will - can everything reveal itself in revealing what that means in a direct consequence.
  18. what’s your measurement for limitation?
  19. @nado maybe you’re getting viral...
  20. @Leo Gura you said god was not chaotic but then you used the image of fractals. it’s a little confusing. also some very old archaic gods and godesses are the impersonification of chaos - it’s almost impossible to understand anything about brahman if not going deeper into the topic of chaos/chaos theory. even though that’s a huge topic on its own. also it would be interesting to think about the different entities of god, does it have structures levels systematic phenomenons? even though it is the shapeless shape, the formless form, the pathless path the gateless gate? also missed my favourite word: eternity of being - maybe you can smuggle it in.
  21. if i wanted to use any pua metric, then i’d use only this one. it’s interesting that there are more than one, isn’t it. well if we are talking about value systems...just thought i’d give you a recommendation. hilti imperial metric pua 56 if that’s of interest. and maybe you just check out libraries and bookstores and other literature events, if you like book addicts.