now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. the problem of selling copied art is the problem of mindlessly grabbing into the spiritual fruit bowl and making a joke of spirituality. we can‘t own all fruits and selling those fruits we just plugged from another tree without consent is bad karma. and karma sticks.
  2. @Seed i guess it was about selling plunder and profiting of a status like that. i mean it’s possible to sell medication in your name but then please be true to what it’s made of. of course is cult a selling proposition but what is the content of the sold? and if i sell spirituality, what is my own spirituality if i sell plunder? aside from that she is very good in what she’s doing, no doubt she is very spiritual! question is if the ego can handle fame in a spiritual way in not overestimating the limits of selling spirituality in every medium that is available to sell.
  3. i‘d bet that sometimes it‘s better to focus on the core values.(actually mtv is a very good example itself of rising and falling, the idea of a good music and youth culture channel is still out there though)
  4. i‘ve waited for that! warning it’s not a business idea!!!
  5. can you blow a mind more than once? ?????? does it grow back after blowing it?
  6. it was already a short set time frame, maybe a tour needs more preparation than that. also doing everything with the flow can work out fine, but then dealing with some health issues can throw a process back and then a project has to be taken up from the start and planed out a little more until you are in the flow of doing it again. i would also not do everything on my own it’s too much work i‘d let someone set up locations and stuff . it can be rough but some things are nice if prepared in advance. i‘m sure we all are still alive in 2020... and then maybe it could be a mixed continent tour?
  7. you are right - women often don’t do that but male don’t do it in the same way, in the mass even less. what is interesting about both male and female, is that both have a way to compare themselves and on both sides there is an unhealthy rivalry and competitiveness that can make us sick - unfortunately in male this rivalry is often more raw and brutal than between women (women can be really scheming on the other hand) - what leads also to hierarchical structures. but there are other male aspects that are closer to protection, to guiding, to helping, to nurturing, to create space instead of conquering it - and those are equally close to nature, those are the ones that are worth to nurture and then rivalry will be something that pushes friends among friend instead of two stags fighting for ground.
  8. @Daniell you could also ask him what he thinks death is and then ask further questions and then give the answer about the universe a little later or when he is older. depending on how much you want to interfere with the universe... it‘s maybe really interesting what he already has to say about it.
  9. it’s a little weird, because it sounds like you where talking about the reproduction organs. but if you talk about women being close to nature because they have a bodily cicle, then it has something to do with natural rhythms - like moon cycles... so what do you mean by men becoming closer to nature through sexual reproduction??? maybe want to fight in spring against potential rivals? it‘s a little weird as you would have to introduce a practice or ritual for that. masculinity and femininity is just a concept our culture forms. underneath is your true animus and anima and they are inseparable connected - you have both sides naturally within so if you get closer to the feminine side of yourself you automatically get closer to your masculine side.
  10. there is time, time so vast it can’t be squeezed in an hourglass there are things, things so many but some are worth not a penny there are eyes, eyes everywhere that we stopped to wonder and stopped to care there are skills, skills so hidden almost seems like they where forbidden there is thought, thought so much that we don’t even know what it means to touch and we go with the time and arrange but secretly hope for a change
  11. @nado was that discriminating europeans?
  12. is god a quarterpounder with cheese ?? or a falafel magali with peanut ? sauce? or could we say you are what you eat and so is god?
  13. It feels a bit like a maze. I like how you started the rhyming just a bit after the beginning and quit rhyming a somewhat before the end again. I'm gonna try to incorporate something like that. in the first one, the both first lines are somewhat „dirty“ rhymes but it’s still simple rhymed couplets. i like short sentences, with very traditional rhymed couplets or alternate rhymes - but i also like to have some rhythmical brakes, like in the second one. thanks for offering a space for this! it’s fun. i like your transparency poem it is light and mystic.
  14. @Igor82 what about the bullet points a bullet came flying my belly is dying all you need is time and some laughter you wondered how you made it there after
  15. at least someone brings the food to the table
  16. so i‘m trying to read myself through pranayama in the kria book and realize what they say is very different to what the wim hoff method does - both are very connected to oxygen intake though. well the book points out the importance of deep and long breathing for maximal oxygen intake in correlation to the effect of calmness to the breath. the wim hoff in comparison is maximal oxygen intake in a short period of time as an energy kick. if we feel that as animation of the kundalini energy, it means likewise the energy of the body has risen due to filling the prana body with prana what is an equivalent of life, the primary one. so pranayama is a healing or preventive method that is supposed to be modified to the need of the situation. as an ex smoker i understand how the substance of air influences my whole being in a better or worse way.
  17. so there is this thing about how emotions drive and direct us and and how we give in to emotions - in a sense: is there even thought? or are thoughts emotions? we differentiate thought and emotion after their quality/texture/ feeling and location. i had to think about this little euglena animal/algae/whatever that moves in reaction to light. are we moving in reaction to enlightenment? well people move in reaction to emotion. this is maybe a more soft or elegant explanation to the moth towards light analogy. it is more organic than a black hole analogy or a magnetism analogy. the moving towards the light and the sensory are inseparable connected. the seeking and the solution are inseparable connected.
  18. there are flowers that bloom and birds that sing in the night there are people who shine that bright like bread from the manna tree like milk from the ambrosian sea like a mirrored mirage of an inkblot collage wild sad mad free
  19. @Jordan94 ? if it still holds on - you maybe need to let a doctor see it. there can be problems with the polyps etc. that narrow the nosetrill passage. not saying it’s that, but if it holds on like that i would check.
  20. @ivankiss maybe lindenblossom it is really warming from the inside out and the leaf of the linden tree is shaped like a heart, it’s really made out of nothing but warmth. you can get it from the female tree - and you can get it for free in summer and dry it and drink it in winter - it’s summer/love in a jar. ?
  21. just because you can fly on a broom doesn’t mean gravity does not exist... you witcher’s how do you always do that?
  22. at least we know the water we drink is not always coming from the sky.
  23. once i realized that every relationship is intimate in the sense that it is only between two people always, even if there are three or four in a family/group/room we can give advice but what really is, is always between only these two people. so even if it might have unhealthy aspects it might be their challenge to resolve them in what way ever, but it’s their dynamic. @LaucherJunge just stay aware of your feelings and find out what’s healthy for you!
  24. a finger span a tap, then gone no thought is mine nor will it shine forever but deep engraved the trace of brave and liberating feeling above the head no ceiling together a wish, a wink, a trick a moment the clock says tick the lock says click a feather sticked.
  25. yes basically one that includes everything but it‘s difficult to swallow it all up, without discernment and digestion. just a reminder. hehe - i‘m not there yet.