now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. @tsuki hey, sorry i wasn‘t writing earlier - had some issues with logging in today and then my useless brain almost skipped’s not always this bad, both, my brain and tripping! i‘m sorry it cracked you up. do you want to tell something about what happened? the work now is the most important, may it be a good or bad experience! why do you say you look up to us including me? why does that not include you? you helped me a lot here, so i wonder why it should not include you? did we not agree that it’s on eye level? so translated it means you need us now - i‘m sorry i let you hang alone for so long!
  2. so i wonder if there are many bubbles in a soda can, what happens if the content of one bubble melts with another bubble. but in one bubble there might be more co2 and in the other there might be more o2. or what would happen if from square one all the bubbles in a soda can would contain only o2? or are there vacuum bubbles? bubbles that vacuumate the the whole soda?
  3. i like this one as a graphic very much!@oMarcos paul would be just a pointer. (or a christmas tree). so in any dream machine the questions is: what’s the dot.
  4. @Serotoninluv i guess you need to ask paul if he is awake then!
  5. so there are many different layers of reality in a big city and on top of that you have the dream machine. but underneath the dream machine is that what is real in a city, so if paul would be interested to see the dream machine and the city, paul would go maybe to see both... but therefore paul needs to explore the city first, maybe paul even is not so interested in the big big dream machine but more in the tiny ones. his friends would maybe live in brooklyn and that’s where he would start - but then manhattan and central park are also very interesting. maybe he would just fall right into the city out of the dream into the dream, inbetween just a yoga mat.
  6. @Aakash yes, but it’s alone a matter of success or failure to understand that failure and success are not bound only to intelligence that’s building.
  7. @Aakash what do you want a time machine for you are already one. your car is one a train is one a plane is one. it’s just one that usually transports you only into the future, a sooner future or a later future. one that‘s happening or not at all.
  8. but in a sense it is material/spirituality as it is not explainable without matter.
  9. it’s a matter of applying random pattern to a situation or not. understanding the conceptional beauty in a random pattern created by brahman and applying that beauty to another situation or intervening with that pattern in a not intrusive way is a form of infinite beauty recreation that is either voluntary or involuntary, random or not random brought forward to the eye, ear, nose, mouth, hand - seen or unseen. so random and beautiful design are of one and the same. you could say a teapot could not pour tea if it wouldn’t be able to be filled with it in advance. but then the shape of the teapot and the decision of what tea to pour is not the teapots alone. understanding the beauty of a random teapot that’s understanding beauty in discernment.
  10. i wondered how often a mind can blow, but i also wonder how often a heart can brake or how many deaths we can die - is this about aging, about growing up completely or is this only about questioning too much? expecting too much, dreaming too much, getting swayed too much by the sweetness of theoretical possibilities? some emotions in this world are too sad or too euphoric or too happy or too contradicting to be lived, at least openly - that’s why there is music and theatre and art and dance and even design - because every suffering in this world only exists because of love, if there would be no love there would be no suffering, because love exists - so why do we then not try to get rid of love, then we could also get rid of suffering? but that’s completely impossible, trying to rationalize it down or to controll it, or to kill it off will just lash back 10 fold as where that love had been before will be an inversion of being. so i decided just to „be“ right now the love issue is something i‘ll figure out while being.
  11. what is the metaphysical anatomy of running away? i asked myself today. even though sometimes we think we have a goal and we think we know and we think everything would be better if just there was this or that better in our life. do we really run away or do we just change location? it’s interesting to see that - or is it sometimes even worse, that we run into problems by focusing too much on things we want to change but are not really able to and in the long run it would be better to accept some issues? focusing on problems doesn’t always change the problem. it’s one of the big questions that seem to never get answered. is it the same as with stepping out of the matrix to step right into it? trying to step out of a problem to step right into it? so is it only the way we are coaping with the problem that makes the difference? is it only about the learning effect if we then face more problems than before? at one point we definitely have to make decisions and solve/face whatever problem has arisen, even if it is more problems/trouble than before. sometimes if we face running away realistically and think things will fall together „if i just believe“ we realize by approaching them that they fall further and further apart the closer we look. is this fear or is it discernment or is it for convenience?
  12. the ego is a size shifter, just realized that. it takes on the size of the perspective we take. if i feel like a child it is small and fragile, if i feel like a woman it is strong and soft if i feel like the world it is vast and protective. it takes on the size of what we swallowed indeed. i‘m not sure about it’s outside appearance though. maybe it looks different from the outside than from the inside. it’s the mirror problem - we try to see what’s there but it’s always just a mirrored image.
  13. if i like to climb trees and protect the ones who are less strong then me or are soft and fragile is that feminine or masculine. i guess i have a lot of masculine attributes, too. if that is not what can unify men and women.
  14. @thesmileyone i would be interested in what way a matriarchy is oppressive... to know in what way a matriarchy is oppressive it would be interesting to have an example of a matriarchy that is opressive. it is like with every theory that as long as it doesn’t exist you can’t really say what it is, as it doesn’t exist. so matriarchy is alone a concept that is a vague cloud in our minds. the same as democracies and patriarchies have different effects in different countries or on different people, in the same way a matriarchy would have. new feminism is much more healthy than it was some 40 years ago - but it would not be without the forefighters who created a path for it - so i believe if there really are voices who try to let the thought of matriarchy rise it is to streangthen female selfesteem in society and it is highly irrational to think women will try to take the sole rulership over the human race, it’s just absurd to give in to a „threat“ like that and just shows how low the male selfesteem in a patriarchal society really is. the beauty about matriarchy is that it can trigger a healthy male emancipation from patriarchy if properly integrated, as we all know it can’t equally stay a patriarchy as it is.
  15. @Krisena brahma can not be logically integrated as brahma holds everything that was and ever will be already from the beginning of time and creates itself out of itself out of pure nothingness. because brahma loves nothing and everything at the same time. brahma does not discern but holds discernment in itself and reveals discernment through itself.
  16. @Seed yes, i‘m playing word games in the same way you or anybody else plays, i‘m just so free to free myself to do so.
  17. @Seed no one is missing out on her! if you would read the posts without being so defensive you could see that. but is a person beyond questioning because the person is a gem? are you not a gem yourself? is not everyone here a gem, some more polished than others? you know in the end maybe the unpolished monkey is the better human - or the polished human is the worse monkey. no one is completely free of getting corrupted. if anybody thinks there are humans who don’t, didn’t realize how monkey that is.
  18. @ivankiss potato is still a nice little flower you know... and there are so many different kinds of potatoes ? they grow almost out of nothing. and they can feel like pure warm nothingness in a stomache, too.
  19. @hellojohnson go to berlin, berlin will get you in the long run and fuck you up if it’s that what you are after. berlin will just fuck you in another way if you are out for it. but be aware that everyone gets treated the same way, so maybe you need to leave your pants at the entrance and better not accidentally enter a dark room. that‘s not dirty talk it’s just that i think what every big city will do with you if guys are so weird taking videos with girls next to them to show their assholines and sell it as a dream on how to get the biggest asshole. i‘d just recommend shanghai - it’s really big and you can experience a lot there in sense of what is labeled as dating. you could make a sport out of not getting catched by a trickster!
  20. this is a little reflection on a reflection to another journal called moments written by serotoninlove as i was not sure how much to interfere with it - always wondering how many of the views on my view list are can’t be all 7000 can it? so i sometimes wonder if it would be nice if people just posted here or if i enjoy my „private“ writing space....that is already a coworking space as the thought already is that. so this is a reflection on the difference of yoga and meditation. i am wondering about that since some time, too. what is the difference? of course there is nothing similar to sitting quietly with a calm mind and watching clouds move to understand their substance and the emptiness in which clouds and all other phenomena appear and let them settle like the surface of a lake, clouds mirrored on them. but let’s think of an isolated brain without a body. this isolated brain without a body can dream of everything it wants it can dream of things that don’t exist it can dream of possibilities that are so vast they can never possibly brought into existence as they are so far from the earth like a star in another galaxy. it is nice watching stars and so on but let’s be honest - only watching stars does not bring us down to earth and if we walk head in the stars or head in the clouds we can just stumble over something lying around or we fall into the lake and drown... so let’s broaden the view of our universe and understand that the brain indeed is not isolated it spreads out into the body as a huge system containing of nerves and hormones these nerves bring information to the muscles and organs and skin and tell them to react and they also take information from the local cells (they also exist and are alive and may even contain information as everything contains information) and bring them to the huge organ that sits on the shoulders and makes up a lot of our individuality. well making up can be seen in more than one perspective. so what does a meditation that is aligned with body movement give us? and why can’t meditation alone not bring everything in tune with the body as well as bringing the body in tune with the brain. even though the primary level of all of it is energy. the answer is very simple.
  21. that’s what you call it. i usually just call it loundry.
  22. @Seed it’s just because if you buy into everything someone says, you think you can smell their pantsies.
  23. @Seed because i‘m giving thousands of posts of free content to people and my spirituality is creating products with value. because i know the difference because i know how. but i don’t try to sell myself as a spiritual teacher because i‘m not that. and i did not judge her spiritual teaching, what is her core value. if she want‘s to sell blunder i would recommend her to sell valuable blunder or none.
  24. at least he doesn’t sell the book and the author earns the money. reading all these books and deciding wether they are usable or not is his work, so why not?