now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. yeah there are many like you. it doesn’t matter you know, either you are a devil or you are a god. but both can have facettes. and you are still far from it - if you‘d understand nonduality really you‘d understand that. but you don’t. and thats why you are stuck. you think you already understood everything. while you just replaced your ego with god - but that’s selfdeception.
  2. yes and waste the world! polute it! trample it with feet! smoke weed and think you are green because you already smoked something more green than you are! you can‘t be the message while embodying something else because you are a message, a statement in every step you take. if you don’t even understand the conflict between becoming turquoise and still living in an orange world you didn’t even step into green yet. even though you got the last message right - you still did not understand what that entails when people try to live that, completely. and is it even your message? think of where you got it from and humble yourself.
  3. god does not have an individual experience. if you still discern between i and others you don’t even know what nonduality means. as there is nothing inside of you that is yours to begin with. but you don’t see that as you are really lost in the mirror of yourself - the question is why you think you are so special? what did you do for it except entering a world? maybe driving a big car, fucking girls, smoking weed? indeed it’s really special!!! i would start following your highhestness for that alone, you’re not even nothing because you already define yourself perfectly with shallowness. and sorry to say it it’s really just what 99% of all males do who think they are something. you‘re not even an orange ? as this orange has a red coloring and looks a lot like a pill. it’s just hidden.
  4. @Highest thinking you are already it - you’ve already lost in the intellect game. nonduality also means your woman picture tells much more about your spirituality than your belief that you are one - because that’s what you then really are. the way you treat women is only the way you treat yourself.
  5. i don’t know why i even spend time here reading the sadness after you have spent so much time here. actually i get disgusted by some of you guys just by the way you are talking. and it’s not changing a bit - that’s the real sadness. today some guy in a bus thought he could ask me if i wanted to go to his place with him - his shirt was dirty and he had a hairy back and it might wouldn’t have been a problem in a more nice conversation or even if i knew him for a while, but in this situation i just was disgusted. still told him i was honored even though he wouldn’t have understood the sarcasm anyways.
  6. yes why not kill somebody and then just go do some kriya? it will certainly help with spirituality!
  7. you just want to be/do what 99% of all male beings want to do/be - that might be nice if you reach it but it’s boring and inspirationless. yes go fuck as many girls as you want leave nothing but wasteland, do whatever your ego desires - but understand, that’s not god. that’s the devil wanting to play god. “and after me the flood”.
  8. mh your highhestness, for me it also sounds kind of empty. i don’t say you need to be a sage but completely inspirationless... you don’t have to be like that either.
  9. @Charlotte wanting to have children and wanting to help people are actually pretty much the same. you can’t do it half ways even if you love them so much. either you really care for them or you dream about it. dreaming and doing are very different, in both cases you have to handle some shit. and they don’t exclude each other. but if you don’t feel like having children then don’t. it’s better than not wanting to and still having them because society/culture/family/friends said so.
  10. have some friends and family who think like that, one even dislikes children. they either found a relationship where the guy is ok with that or living out their sex live in a free sense. even doing pick up how the guys here do it, works surprisingly well... that’s the positive thing about it - you could just go for that without having to always look out for the longterm perspective. if you manage to free yourself from these programmings. so the only thing i‘d make sure is that the person you won’t have them with shares your values.
  11. @tsuki no why sorry, it didn’t hurt me - in case of emotions girls are often much tougher than guys, regarding what they have to take from the opposite gender. how would you feel if your wife would have told you the same? in our society if girls behave exactly the same like guys - most guys can’t stand it - it’s un womanly. yeah but we take a lot, because men call it manly so don’t tell me who‘s the tougher gender. that’s what i wanted to say with it. and then they wonder why women are bickering... it’s so absurd... sorry tsuki for being this direct! that’s not only your portion. bickering is in reality something really feminine, better embrace that if your woman ever does it - it’s a free gift if you like ego death.
  12. @tsuki ? why not? after all maybe that’s the only thing that’s left isn’t it - sex is already everywhere if you look closely. even love is on the sale table everywhere - but there are things that are beyond talking. sorry tsuki but this post was actually in sympathy with your wife more than with you! does it matter if i‘m a guy or a girl or if i was gay or lesbian or hetero after all to give you a hint like that? why are you posting about it anyways if you know she’s jellous?
  13. @tsuki that’s really harsh to say to a woman so closely after the wedding - of course she wants to be the most special out of all women and she wants to be herself loved only for herself. regarding sex, tsuki did you ever have synchronicity of orgasm? well if not, that’s one of the most beautiful synchronicities as long as you both are genuinely in love! and no other sex with any stranger can give you that. please don’t answer to that!!! keep some things intimate tsuki. she’s also vulnerable even though she seems tougher than you. love must be protected, it is something that’s alive and you need to create a protective space for that, it is so innocent that it can easily be hurt. you can create tension though, as long as this space is protected.
  14. @Emerald yes, you are right - what people might think about as alpha couple in a wolves pack is in reality only a male and female wolve who take care of the pack and who take some leads in protection and, hahaha funny as it is, have the sole right to breed... well i guess it’s not really transferable, but still enormous helpful to study their behavior to understand how it could work better (except for the breeding and some other things) because free living wolves are extremely social animals.
  15. when we talk about alpha in general let’s think of where the concept stems of originally and what that entails - of course there could be some studies found in ethnology how and what a real alpha entails in a human sense. i suspect alpha is also influenced by kultural phenomena or cultural imprinting. so there might be a difference between a natural alpha and an indoctrinated alpha. if we assume that success alone is an alpha marker i guess we talk about an indoctrination. so let’s talk about the meaning of alpha in the sense of animal kingdom. the term alpha is mostly found in the research about wolves, because here you find a classical set of alpha male and female - it’s really interesting to watch some documentary about how alpha couples work together to keep their pack alive. you can find wolve packs that contain only of males though, males who left their pack. figuring out what a real alpha is, for me means to understand how these intelligent animals socially work together. and then also to understand - that for humans, we can adopt some of these rules but that there might be other solutions to humans as we are another species. maybe alpha depends more on the knowledge and leading capacities in a special field than on just habitual behavioral properties. so let’s say there are specialized alphas and generalized alphas and we need to decide what kind of alphas we want to be. but ultimateley in this world we need both to work together. i also think in group leading positions having a female male double head is in many ways a really good combination to set up any balanced system out of an alpha model. so i guess becoming a real alpha male entails the skill of communicating really good with women. ps: i‘ve never heard of an alpha wolve hunting for another alpha wolve... keep in mind that for alphas hunting is about food, not about their own kind. and they are animals.
  16. i know that i‘m an alpha girl because some dogs really love me i think they just smell it.
  17. so weird how synchronicity works sometimes, tonight two things broke, i‘ll fix them again but still they broke during the same night and the crack on one of them will remain. one was the stone of my necklace and another was a part of the kamera cover slider on my phone. there are many things we can fix/mend but some cracks stay visible.
  18. who is peter you might ask - and what is science anyways today except a religion? today religion is also the religionless religion the scienceless science and they are in opposition of the pathless path and the gateless gate. objectifying reality we already do it without noticing, most of us have never thought outside the box.
  19. @Wisebaxter yes. but regarding underpants... you know what i mean. maybe it could be interesting to reflect on neti neti regarding underpants.
  20. regarding underpants i guess being a skunk vs doing the change you can measure the conciousness in the activity. (if you are in access to a washing maschine or a sink and detergent)
  21. why is being opposed to doing ? i don’t get how that would look mathematically and also can’t really buy into the logic. but you know i just answered to a question that was about spontaneous laughter release. and well you can laugh during a funeral.