now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. the mind needs to learn to get embraced then - why does it reject coexistence?
  2. that’s not true, while i had heart opening , i had an experience in a meditation group, where except me being light flooded one other person was light flooded too i could see that with closed eyes. so there are enlightened beings. it’s easy to say that there are not - but how do you know - you don’t! likewise don’t conflate awakening with enlightenment - enlightenment only occures when you are free of any longings or any preconceptions - i doubt that many achieve being enlightened permanently. it’s a constant work that has ups and downs - you can walk a path and loose a path.
  3. yes exactly how are you sure your brain does happen in your dreams by the way? how do you know that it is your dreams?
  4. @SoonHei maybe when i laugh
  5. you mean it’s in my tummy
  6. @SoonHei if i‘m a ventriloquist then what would that mean
  7. @Rohit saluja did you ever try it with white noise? i know there is a cure where they try to find the exact tone the tinnitus makes in the ear and with that they somehow make the tinnitus disappear. but maybe white noise could also help. i know this is not about the question you asked, but as i can only tell you the answer to this i only tell you the answer to this - the answer to the other question, only you can answer to that by walking the path.
  8. @Highest how does your heart feel? are you going out to nature - i mean spring is here soon. how do you feel towards the people you meet? can you see it? do you listen to music?
  9. kanguru is back on 24. ?....................... . . . . . . . .
  10. haha, who says artist ever had money. despite one artist doesn’t pay another - they only keep each other good company and maybe share a känguru ?
  11. you are all such artists - it sometimes really blows my mind ?it’s just a concept
  12. @ivankiss ? you’re such an artist it always touches me beyond the words.
  13. @Charlotte cool your doing it!!! l-theanin worked like magic for me - but i also had these magic fermented cacao beans i threw in whenever the craving came up. also strong ginger tea is recommendable. have some alternative herbs at hand for the case you get tempted! pluto recommended mullein then, i like it’s sweet taste but also had some with damiana some weeks ago. these are just for the occasion and better than backlashing . you‘ll do it! if i could, you can, too! edit: i had to overdose with l-theanin for some days. it’s ok because you need to take a lot until it’s risky, but be aware that the other ingredients in your product might not.
  14. it fits in the palm of my hand.
  15. @Shaun so it’s true isn’t it? you are conciousnes experiencing itself all by itself? you are all there is!
  16. @FoxFoxFox i‘d look into how other countries handle these issues. i would probably set a minimum amount up to where a person has to go to prison and where they get a chance of paying the money back. i mean if someone pokers very high - i’d probably let them still go to prison. also i wonder what kind of company that was and why they where not in anyways secured by a limited or something comparable. it’s really not to say what happened behind the scenes there.
  17. @FoxFoxFox i‘d try to find a legal solution - maybe by finding an organisation with whom you can lounge a petition together to change that law - it depends on what democratic options you have, if we are talking about a democratic country.
  18. then who is saying what’s true? and who is saying what’s not? and what is the measurement for it? you really need to find that out.
  19. does that mean you are not lying to yourself? in what do you belief shaun?
  20. and what did you find out? are they nothing? did you say they are nothing? are they?