now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. @Vipassana so does it contain aluminium oxid or not? you‘ll feel that not directly - but aluminium is supposedly connected to dementia and alzheimer’s. that‘s why i‘m telling you! so don’t buy into things others tell you is good without researching what’s inside! alone the possibility would keep me away. it might contain from what you try to detox... you know you need to research that for yourself - hope for your family you do. - i mean i got asked by the dentist himself if i want an amalgam filling. it contains mercury. this guy is supposed to be a doctor. they also sell you cosmetics containing aluminium - so well i‘d research that thoroughly. if it’s used as a insecticide or pesticide...holy molly i‘d research thrice as deep before i’d put that into my body.
  2. understand incense - i guess. i used that to change the atmosphere for special occasions like learning new things. understand gemstones - i guess. well gemstones in sense of chacra meditation or to give you selfesteem (for example in the pocket of your jacket) some worn in the heart region or around the belly can also help reminding you of the chacra opening . but what do you mean with air pattern and reflections of light? would you explain the practice. i wonder if light reflection would include a christal ball ?
  3. what pluto says makes sense for me as i realized sometimes if i work with another medium in sense of material it is rather the tool that gives me the shape than i am giving shape to the object i force into reality. if i start learning cycling a bike, rather moving from a to be i learn balancing myself on two moving wheeles that would just tilt if it wasn’t me holding the balance. everyone who knows how free it feels to ride a bike down a hill knows how much riding a bike gives you a feeling of confidence. and some months ago i saw this chrazy hell bike rider without any security cycling in hellspeed through the cars no protection between him and the dangerous, everything body power - it was wild. and beautiful. and i was jealous. and he was hot.
  4. also spring is here and sun is coming out - love berlin when the sun is shining. it’s called fat B
  5. so i didn’t start with spring cleaning yet... instead i‘m focusing on consistency as i was loosing out on that a little bit due to some traveling i did. so i‘m back at yoga routine - especially muladhara yoga - (i’ll probably do the whole chacras step by step) and i‘ll take the kria book up again soon - also try to sprinkle in wim hof bullet journaling routine - where i put a list of routines i want to get a grip on and organise my day to day life - mixed with contemplations and note taking
  6. @tsuki what about t-ching
  7. materializing paterializing who knows still what is what? i would say there is no materialism it has been paterialized all the time ? for osho fosho
  8. there is no learning but unlearning there is no knowing but unknowing.
  9. @Shin is this a question about your profile picture? keep the osho! at least you can always say you are his reincarnation to get away with copyright infringement!
  10. @Shin you just don’t want to change your face - and i must confess: it’s dashing.
  11. a yes right - the next buddha to come is maitreya. and there are supposed to be bodhisattva on this earth.
  12. you could also say the light is only because there is darkness. and you only know darkness exists because there is light. i only know how i know nothing because there are so many lights around me. ?
  13. mhhh - as i see it and i can only speak of what i glimpsed until now, is awakening exactly what it says, you awaken from the dream into the dream - but what you’ve seen will forever change how you interact with the world. but enlightenment is dissolving all tensions all suffering into understanding, love and compassion - i don’t think it’s only about sweettalk though. and also not only dissolving into understanding but also into change resolving from understanding. conceptionally i mix spiritual enlightenment with intellectual and historical enlightenment into one unity - it’s something you give and recive rather than you achieve and sometimes you need more spirituality and sometimes more science or logic but together they bring light, enlightenment is in words and actions and in both combined. finding emptiness is only to find the light within and to grow it (saying only - but it is the hardest work probably)
  14. @mandyjw that’s your interpretation. am i a priest? are you a non believer? all i‘m saying is that it is always only in the now. and i‘m certainly not there yet.
  15. i belief thats a missbelief - of course does enlightenment exist, and of course you can seek it much more than awakening. awakening happens with you, enlightenment not naturally as enlightenment is a constant searching for the path.
  16. @Highest yeah lauryn hill is great
  17. you know what i mean, i can’t hold your expectations! better make your mind up and have none!
  18. would anybody even want to meet me? i think most people are scared to meet me regarding my face....
  19. hahaha you sure you don’t follow? so you think you can’t follow beyond the mind? ? you‘re sure? there is nothing beyond the mind in that sense, because there is no either or. if mind is a concept then let it be an all including all embracing one.