now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. what about stable side position literally? sleeppng on the back is not very good for oxigen intake, due to tongue falling back and snoring. and i want pictures of the mouth taping!
  2. the thing is it doesn’t work out because nothingness never implied nonexistence it implies only the absence of thingness. would you say space is inexistent because it’s empty? would you say chaos is inexistent because it’s logic?
  3. mhhh, the 1) conclusion is not quite right, as following the logic, there is no nonreality as there is no nonexistence - therefore there would be only reality, that would mean that what you perceive as nonreality is only a facet of reality. assumption 2) is right because if reality includes everything then there would be of course have been always reality even though this would have been nonexistence. so 2. is right as there must be nonexistence what would imply there is nonreality what make 1) right....where did i loose it the nothing.
  4. perfectionist in being very detailed/explicit or does the suppose mean you don’t see yourself as a perfectionist? i must say in accepting the chaos more as a natural order i can let go of perfectionism much more again and also funny as it is i start to handle the chaos better by accepting it. i‘m an aquarius so that fits. i can also see perfectionism in chaos and know i am able to use it to create magic in space until true chaos takes over. it’s still difficult to let go of the controller inside of me.
  5. @Zigzag Idiot thank you, you are flattering me with your comparisons. i‘m not that modest though perfectionism is hard to come by with a chaotic personality. especially with a chaotic demand to express oneself with words.
  6. that’s for toddlers ... today they don’t even have pedals anymore. i wonder if that’s the clue. either pedals or non.
  7. yes die trying and it might be yours. you forgot a k.
  8. yes but that doesn’t tell much about the impossibility about it - i like to try more than to fail, it makes me stand up again and start at 0.
  9. so i would change the sentence ...always dubbled up inside... to: always tripled up inside... we are chaos trying to figure out ourselves but all we really want is spending a better time on earth, we in sense of all of us chaos. so there are literally no chaots there is only chaos.
  10. just now a mantra formulated itself out of nowhere...(when i say nowhere i mean the nondual nowhere) it’s nothing special but it’s a good one to remember. try to know nothing but understand everything it’s a tripled up yes. you can’t turn it around to: try to understand everything but know nothing or to: try to know everything but understand nothing - that would be dumb it’s very mathematical this sentence if you’d want to write it differently you’d need ( ). i’m not a mathematician but if i’d need to find symbols for it i’d write it like this: try to know ±0 but understand ∞ it doesn’t say much though about the numbers or words or points of contacts/touches inbetween. it doesn’t say much about how much got substracted or added it doesn’t say much about how much got taken away or where gifted. although it says much about how difficult it is to start with a 0. (well because you are already ∞)
  11. if you don’t understand how could you know?
  12. only in language - mhhhhh is there body language, too? or is there only turning the head around and walking towards or away?
  13. isn’t it interesting how it disappears and reappears depending on how it has to respond...?
  14. but it doesn’t mean you have to watch that - be aware of it’s existence as far as you can. you don’t have to embrace it that way. there are things out there so cruel and nasty people get to jail for it and the cruelest thing is, some don’t. there are things out there only made for nightmares. you don’t want a nightmare, do you. so only ever go as far as you can handle - know it exists though, be aware. people do bad stuff they hurt others they betray, rape, kill, they mass murder with joy sometimes - that’s why you are a light that breaks the karma - we are the only ones ourselves who decide not to take part in it and work with light against it. can you embrace yourself for being a witness to it without being able to change it but only able to change yourself and shine light?
  15. @SQAAD now is forever if you look how long the path. now is forever if you feel pain. now is forever if you see mountains ahead. now is forever. but now is forever if you meet a friend, now is forever if you smell a familiar scent. now is forever where laughter meets. now is forever in a tree, in the sun, in the sea. now is forever yours to meet.
  16. huh do you learn a new language - sounds like it.
  17. @Vipassana so i did a little research on aluminium in different medicinal clays and found out it depends on the resorption ability of the silicate in the clay if the aluminium gets resorped or not - and there is definitely a difference in silica and silica and the diatomaceous seems not to be reliable in that sense because it is bound in a different form than other silica. 1.picture is silica earth 2.picture is diatomaceous so i’d go probably with bentonite. also i would certainly make sure to take magnesium during that time to minimize the probability further.
  18. no - you have just forgotten that you are not the only one. and that’s the true devil acting out. you are the person who either is disgusted by what you see in yourself or what you see in another person. but who showed that to you? who is showing that to you?
  19. cool you really changed it but i likead tea-ching, too. maybe it’s because from either direction it is difficult to understand the tea behind it. you guys seem to have a really good party going on. maybe you have an i-ching = you-ching = we-ching =t-ching party. i told you they forgot the t. is it itching?
  20. what do you mean? can you explain? is there still a discussion?
  21. if consciousness is an ocean then it's filled with a lot of bubbles and drops and in every drop lies an ocean. so how is the little ripple called you creating its ocean? isn’t it very self righteous with creating the devil and then saying the devil is not the creator itself.
  22. @OrpheusNovum bu said the man tis the artist who swallowed the world
  23. solipsism is normal - solipsism is actually always there when you are alone it always has been there and it returns over and over again. you just haven’t seen it that clearly ever before. and in a sense you can say it’s important to watch it very carefully - watch it’s mechanism see how solipsism works, how interesting that is, if you can observe the mechanism you can observe all the little tricks and devilries solipsism plays on you - there is only you! i’m just you talking to yourself.? find out if that’s true.