now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. regarding the news: i can only say that it might make sense to think about how to embed something like creative common information in all material that can still be shared - or develope some kind of code that people have to embed automatically maybe with a something like a signature but also a free sharing label - a filter can read only as much or as little information as is embedded. i guess it would be really a chance then for the small creatives if they don’t give a shit they get shared much more... fuck it - but there are ways. i see the problem in the long run more with the material that is not shared. they will get some problems as no one will use that anymore....i seee the problem it’s infinite. as sometimes these things have to be shared, too. how transparent will it get? how can i turn of hope? i really try it.
  2. @Zigzag Idiot yeah that did it for me but it took a while. i don’t know if that will work twice though. maybe i should turn on the news.
  3. was researching a bit and found out that the green shell of walnuts contain tyrosine what is often taken as supplementation with hypothyroidism - some people think it contains jodine but that’s wrong it contains a substance called juglon that smells similar. i also read the whole nut is supportive for hypothyroidism. @iTommy can’t you grinde it and make some tablets from it? or take half alkohol with same amount of nut shells. if you find studies, can you post them?
  4. @Zigzag Idiot the 3centered presence meditation is a really good recipe by the way. just did it and will certainly repeat it. but can someone tell me how to switch the heart off after reactivating it?
  5. catchup said mama tomato ? Presence Meditation.htm but i don’t think ketchup would go with the apple sauce so good - actually the potato pancakes are fried and greasy as hell - so it’s not really clean eating. i would post the recipe - but maybe better not.
  6. thank you @Zigzag Idiot especially for the 3centered awareness! and also especially for the kundabuffer i‘ll make them tomorrow for dinner maybe. all veggie. they call them heaven and hell because they are made of apples from the ground (potatoes) eaten with mashed apples from the sky.
  7. i don’t know ?‍♀️ but it might be - maybe you can catch one. i don’t eat animals or animal like creatures.
  8. @Zigzag Idiot the second post appeared out of nowhere - i must have overlooked it or you smuggled it in like a bunnyfishsquid
  9. @Zigzag Idiot how did you do the magic trick? or did i just look away...
  10. yes either you view it as energy that runs through you or you view it as energy playing itself rising out of itself taking up energy, transforming energy from the outside that is not an outside but has certainly different qualities to it.
  11. mhhh kundalini is thinking and feeling - so how can you balance something with itself. you can only balance it with vision. kundalini wants direction.
  12. maybe it’s a sign that i didn’t realize it completely as i think partially the kundalini awakening is letting the third eye wander through the chacras while having strong emotion so i guess what makes the third eye then a fixed third eye on the forehead might be combining the mental analytic functions with the visionary eye. that’s at least how i at the moment can discern the two qualities - i mean there are signs in free masonry that are combined signs - the eye might need to reach the prism first and stay there. but mine is free - it’s a wandering one. that’s because i’m chaotic.
  13. yes but i realized there are differences in this third eye and that third eye, so i’m still not sure - also i found some drawings witch show further partitioning - there are also differences in some yogic schools so i can’t say it yet, in my experience the ajna is the point where mental power is located and more connected to a jewel than an eye. - so what i call third eye here is a visionary tool - there is definitely a difference between them, i just don’t know what that is exactly - the ajna gets more activated regarding complex thought - what i talk about is real vision, as in seeing pictures 3d and from different perspective without having changed the physical position and connecting these with emotions and knowledge to an experienced vision experiencing even the different position in space.
  14. @Highest no - it’s more wandering vision i’m not yet sure if both third eyes are really connected. suppose what yo call third eye here is a phenomenon of kundalini awakening - had that last may/june. what i called third eye right now is more the psychic creative imaginative form of third eye. the one that made it even possible to experience the chacras openings - it sometimes wanders into the space and from there into imagination. i’m still not sure if the “ajna” that is also connected symbolically with the third eye and this third eye are really connected.
  15. @KP_Spirituality27 can you leave out milk products for a while, too? eggs and butter would be ok. just to see if it gets better? i’m not sure if the back not being part of it is indication enough for not being it. other undeclarable pains in joints? did you get eye infections or some of the other symptoms? sorry to bother you like this i’m getting alarmed because if i would not have sticked to my self diagnosis no one would have believed or treated me - i didn’t want to believe it myself in the first place (have or had it in the joints of my hands so it’s another arthritis) you need to exclude all possibilities first until you can say it’s def not that. so i can def connect to that symptom. if i was you i’d read a little bit about this illness and compare it to your experience, if it sounds familiar i’d go to a specialist. a lot of cases don’t get discovered because symptoms are case sensitive, means they vary in a certain range in different people.
  16. thank you, i just had a really interesting insight into internal external as i send my third eye to the boundaries of my physical world. would you say the boundary of the skin is the boundary of the body? and then where does the boundary begin? would you say the earth surface is the boundary of the earth and if, then what about the oxygen shield? and is there a boundary between water and earth or is it all just a big ball with oxygen and ends where the oxygen ends? and what about sending out a spaceship is that still part of the earth or is it part of the emptiness much more?
  17. yes of course you scamming yourself into a belief, like during hipnosis. if you repeat it for yourself it’s a form of self manipulation into the belief, you do that with science, too. even another language you repeat it as long until meaningless words are not meaningless anymore and you start to believe in them having meaning. so it’s all scam but the belief helps you to achieve what you want to and sometimes to relief tensions of the mind and negative patterns. so the scam is not a scam anymore.
  18. yes a quarter year and you’l be an alcoholic ? are there other forms of extracting what’s inside these shells? if that’s really working i guess there should be other preparations. or are there studies about the effect of wodka on thyroid problems? there was this thread about taking kodein or drinking before cold showering wimhof style - maybe it helps with everything.
  19. so is it the sternum and the sacrum? i’m just asking because on the german wikipedia they explicitly also have the sternum as a symptom - and i know a guy with ankilosing spondylitis who has mainly the shoulders affected. so the symptoms might be not clearly enough described in some descriptions. what can be confusing. morning pain and stiffness is a strong sign for the rheumatic diseases.
  20. @KP_Spirituality27 don’t get shocked if you read about it - it might not be. well but some parts really sound like it and the doctor is an idiot - you’d need to find a good specialist for arthritis, i tell you now it’s one of the hardest things. and if it’s that they will give you a lot of shitty medication. but you can also do a lot with diet and alternative medication. so i tried to find a good symptom resource but the german wikipedia says different symptoms than the english one...
  21. @KP_Spirituality27 mhhh - ok so is it every morning or only if you have done sports? is there a stiffness in the back? sorry i just realized in english it would be ankylosing spondylitis but what you describe it maybe not.
  22. @KP_Spirituality27 for how long does the pain last in the morning? just asking because it could be bechterew. it’s a symptom. if it doesn’t show in the blood it doesn’t mean anything, could be serum negative. if it’s that you’d need to try vegan diet and maybe need a good doc. i’d try to find out - it’s really worth it because if it’s that and you don’t react it’s no joke.