now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. the answer to this is yes and no. you know that - there can’t be another answer. as form and illusion coexist in endless meaning and meaninglessness. meaning/nothingness and form are interconnected in an endless conversation.
  2. yeah that sounds about right in a really brofound way. the apsolute, no one knows b
  3. well using the metaphor of accessing enlightenment through psychedelics compared to using a tool - there is still one comparison left: to fly a rocket you need to attain the ability to fly the rocket first what also takes some years of training to know what precautions you need to take. to use a forklifter you need some training... it’s a splatter. so don’t watch if you’re sensitive to film blood.
  4. H: everyone only looks at q while no one knows b
  5. @Aakash thank you for making masterbating out of masturbating ?
  6. uiiii and the unicorn ? did you all see that, did you see it?
  7. it even got longer ? and the shirt is white.....uiiiiiii internal change = external change? @Leo Gura if it’s getting longer you can use it as a rope to help people mount your tower. like all the great wizards did.
  8. hehe for it?
  9. this song for me is related to the kingdom of the children - i love this song, it’s also related to becoming an adult for me and it really is in a sense the perfect match/link to it. for me it was always addressed to the grown ups.
  10. @MsNobody never again without disturbance also there is a lot to say about children being ego and children wanting to be ego - there is a difference, children understand that if they are taught. it’s not because they are still formable, it’s because they feel very deeply and they can understand what it means to be hurt for others, they overcome their ego regularly. they might be little devils if they are completely left alone but with the right guidance of course they shine devine light! sometimes so pure that you don’t even need to talk so much but rather listen. what would someone expect else from a being that is constantly morphing and shapeshifting into reality, starting out in a universe that hasn’t been settled yet - with some million more stars to begin with that haven’t collapsed yet. the devil indeed is the grown ups world, who destroy their kingdom. (it’s not about destroying it, it’s about setting it right)
  11. the tulsi looks really nice, too. i like how they are knotted and the colour of the thread shows
  12. ebony is on the red list of disappearing plants. either you contribute to it’s disappearance or not. i‘d just buy some sandalwood beads or something else. sandalwood smells really nice and you can hang it into your cupboard against moths
  13. there is no home there is only shelter for those who wander restless there is no place to go but a door that’s open wide it seems like darkness there but it’s warm and where it’s warm there is light go there it beats for you
  14. hahaha no, he actually says he is a religious fanatic... maybe we need a video about irony?
  15. it’s difficult to separate zen from buddhism as there is not only one zen and there is not only one buddhism. zen is indeed a form of buddhism that developed in certain countries of asia but as well as you can’t separate zen completely from their cultures you can’t separate zen completely from buddhism. so i‘d be careful while separating the yolk from the white - the proteins that nourish the chicken are in the white. edit: @Serotoninluv hehe that seems to be the case for most spiritual groups/schools/communities. it’s basically like trying to exchange the yolk of two different eggs and still expect the egg to breed a chicken or better put two yolks together and expect them to melt to one and this to develope into a chicken.
  16. it’s glas, oh it’s glas, oh it’s glas, oh it’s glas...oh it’s glas...blub
  17. i also realize that i always only tried to understand the small numbers and i also always saw a set of bigger numbers as a unity, it’s not. there are big numbers and round numbers and lazy numbers and understanding numbers and not understanding numbers and dreaming numbers....
  18. regarding my non/mathematical excursion some days ago to understand the mantra of try to know nothing but understand everything i wanted to hold on to these links, too. because they are really interesting i‘m still in the process of understanding. so thank you ? i wonder if this mantra is a vacuous mantra for some people. well it must be, partially but it also can’t be because it never was empty in the first place.
  19. but with wheels or without, you are: that witch is everything!
  20. @Shakazulu ebony, shame on you! why not ivory? ah ok it’s just a tree. i see you already wanted to start with some bad karma points so you could meditate them away.
  21. hehe, partially you are right but in my case it’s certainly not a mans dream and i can understand why spiritual teachers say, life is not a mans dream! they are so right - but as i am a woman i certainly see how it also can’t be completely a woman’s dream as mostly it’s really acted out as a mans dream, thats the true problem of solipsism it has always been there all along! you play to get a hold unto it - if you make it happen to find the godly in you, your true self, solipsism will change and you‘ll find that it was god/ess all along.
  22. today i start with spring cleaning - also i‘ll start to set up my working space - hehe that will be fun as - there will be nice new tools i‘m exited to use them and set them up!