now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. no, that’s all an illusion.... it’s quite dark in here.
  2. who is most people? do you have someone in your cupboard?
  3. where is here? asked the display and exited into the infinite wire jungle.
  4. We're not ads. It may or may not work. mhh i mean it doesn’t matter how much you explain or how loud you are advertising your point of view - another person can understand what you are saying and still have another perception of a situation, it’s not even a standpoint, its more an understanding on how things or nothings work. and also you always understand the other the way you are able to, or want to - it’s not only that, another person can’t 100% understand what you are saying, it’s impossible. if we describe something we are always only approximating towards the truth. and another person might have understood you to a point and is integrating what you have said, (to a point) even though the other person is not telling you: i understand. when we are convinced about our own interpretation it’s even more so. try to see communication as intertwining threads that ad up to a yarn.
  5. communication has always been a challenge, some people even think if they scream what they want to convey it will reach somewhere.
  6. left right? more up or down the stomache? if you push into the left side on the same hight and release quickly does it hurt on the right side? just asking, if it is onesided on the right it could be the appendix.
  7. stomache ache can have a lot of causes - maybe it’s a chacra blockage? did you ever look into that? is it more lower or upper stomache?
  8. always back to zero infinitely. from minus to plus to minus to plus but the essence never changes.
  9. didn’t you know, there is beauty in timelessness and neutrality.
  10. yeah the room could need some cleaning - i guess the light energy would even be better ✨ if we put some energy into the objects in a room they start to vibrate in a higher frequency and you don’t need incense anymore. it‘s certainly less fun and takes longer to achieve - but once done, really brings the light quality up. you can even burn an incense while cleaning - of course not that fast, but slowly.
  11. well there should be plenty of opportunities to create fair trade clothing - but the problem are indeed the clothes dumping companies and i confess there is still a fashion problem with fair clothes as they often also look „fair“ what has a hippie image and is nothing for oranges - and as much as i don’t like labels i don’t want to be submissive to a style i don’t like - that’s my fashion ego. i will not leave that behind or transcend it, i love that too much. but if there is good fair fashion i‘m the first to buy. there has been some greenwashing by bigger companies during recent years but sometimes only for a short while. so i think fair or green fashion is still a fashion responsibility and a challenge i hope a lot of fashion designers will take on in the future. it’s also good to get more aware of the companies who already do fair fashion. it’s still a broad enough niche. actually i‘ll use this to check out the fair fashion stores in my city. i‘m sure leo could find a nice black fair/organic shirt if he wanted... let’s face the whitewashing. actuality is quite transparent. whitewashing won’t change if we don’t change.
  12. good is, when it fits the content and when people get interested by the title - something like a teaser, but not too something.
  13. are you sure? maybe better to not put too much weight into that... not everything is worth copying. depends on what you want to copy of yourself.
  14. no there is not - but you need to differentiate between pain and suffering . suffering can’t happen without pain, but pain can happen without suffering. the question though is if all pain is nessessary! well if it is it seems to arise from somewhere.
  15. yeah, that’s why i‘m off now and by the way @Aakash what‘s important sometimes changes but there is only one real importance that’s truely infinite. ?
  16. that might be true for some bubbles. if we talk about transcending and not transcending, it‘s not about clinging to pain though. but transcending the pain of the past, heavy like stone to react to the pain of the now more accurately.
  17. where we talking about transcending the mind or transcending suffering? you also don’t understand - it’s a paradox. because how can you transcend suffering?
  18. there are people who don’t feel physical pain, they just don’t and they don’t learn to keep away from heat so they burn themselves severely and they bump into various kinds of objects permanently - they often die at a young age. every pain and suffering is there to keep the system alive or to strive to survive. it’s there to keep a balance. but if too much suffering happens - it’s a sign of imbalance of a system - you could say a system is out of balance if it doesn’t listen to the pain anymore. but it is also out of balance if there is only pain. suffering can tell us a lot about a system.
  19. last two days where full of battles. funny as it is, they always show when i‘m already aware of the problem and already want to change these things - do i need someone to tell me what i neglected for too long by treating me like worthless shit? obviously it’s a sign of another person being overchallenged by my challenges.
  20. that’s a paradox - you‘d need to redefine design then. and redefine what’s good design.
  21. why can i still get so hurt being treated like a -0. sometimes i wonder how drops exiting my eyes can be so big and so salty.
  22. @tsuki sorry tsuki, commented on the solarplexus chacra without reading the previous post - it sounds a little strange now. sorry to post such unreflected bullshit in this context.