now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. so what happens in it? from your perspective? kundalini awakening? prana body? mu? all simultaneously? isn’t it still only a glimpse of the ox yet? yes - go into it with your life purpose, i hope you have seen the mu. it’s not easy to go into a life purpose with mu but you can always sell a cow on the marketplace.
  2. i maybe don’t get it. you are somehow out of my radar. difficult to detect what exactly you mean with “it”. are we still talking about somebody else’s delusions?
  3. mhhh - i don’t get you. maybe i take the glasses off? are we not talking about 5meo - did you try it? so how do you know. riding the ox backwards - does it mean the ox is walking backwards? i have another image of it.
  4. yes clinging to the past or to past lifes is tricky - at one point we have to let go of everything, we can’t take anything with us except a memory, a shadow or a spark of light. clinging is no clinging if we can give the clinging up and still watch the stars. a past sunny day can’t give us warmth on a rainy day but the memory of it lets us remember that there is a sun behind the clouds - what would we do if the sun wouldn’t rise every day? i don’t know about 5meo but i guess it has a similar effect, it’s probably very bright light. you might need sunglasses ? for it. or maybe it’s like an eclipse- but how can we know. for those who haven’t tried it, it’s not part of our experience, only left for imagination.
  5. i don’t know but i guess enlightenment might just be something to repeat over and over again. it’s difficult not wanting to i guess if it’s really good. i mean if there are levels of love i guess we all want to experience the highest level of love we are aiming for. people do almost anything for it. some people tattoo themselves, others sit on needles, some ask their loved ones to tell them over and over again, and leo asks an orakle called 5meo giving him direct source connection to the whole universe because he is aiming for universal love, without limits.
  6. muladhara itself is grounding into earth - for me that also means grounding into matter/s not talking about getting materialistic but still materializing or dematerializing some things and also to grasp situations more accurately. so until now i was very much grounded in chaos - means the outside world, by reacting to it, and the moment that fell away i was overpowered by how much i was always running pretty much in reaction to my surrounding. i know i’ll have to do that again, but this time i want to be more aware and more self determined - i so hope that bullet journaling will help me with this and not reinvolve me in always running from a to b and back to a. so muladhara entails being a 0 with a better overview of 1 2 3 4 and maybe only sometimes ♾.
  7. as a reminder:so reflecting on muladhara i realize that the roots already contain all the other chacras as an idea. so even if i put the year under root construction i also need to work on all the other chacras step by step. because it’s also a part of it to get rooted in understanding the chacras and kundalini energy through rooting into practice.
  8. well, there are plenty of things that can get confused not only minds. for example you could confuse your mind with yourself.
  9. no, i’m not, you are confusing darkness and emptiness. you are confusing nothingness with darkness.
  10. no, you can’t recognize light without darkness and you wouldn’t recognize darkness if you have never seen light. light is despite darkness.
  11. yeah i know - it’s not literally spoken. and yet there is a really old track that has been walked before, by thousands and thousands of people - and they all just had a spark of light guiding them.
  12. have been there, done that - didn’t work. if you are a universal juggler it’s difficult to hold track without goals.
  13. well some people are obsessed over time, i use it a little to freely. should get obsessed a little more. how about you? scheduling is juggling on a rope 10 meters above the ground. would be nice if it would work without a safety net. a goal is a vision.
  14. i realize every obsession should have it’s time, so i’m still in the movie where i try to schedule them all at the same time so they can develope to their best performance, it’s maybe more like the movie “fame”. even though the title is not the goal.
  15. i wonder who ate all the popcorn?
  16. oh i love that movie, too ?
  17. i‘m only realizing i‘m back in monkeymind because i started to smoke a mullein+damiana mixture. i realize that the habit of smoking gets through because my mind is absent and unaware of what is important to my survival. this is muladhara projection - i already said i put this year under muladhara theme. so figuring out what really are my needs and setting everything up so i can fulfill these needs. well in a sense my survival is safe but not my spiritual survival as i want to contribute something meaningful to society in form of creating some values. and yes i already try to do that on a day to day basis but not yet in a way this could support my survival needs.
  18. yeah and sometimes projection can be a nice tool even. i‘m a little obsessed about it since i found out about it - but it’s like a weapon. and sometimes i realize i don’t have a projektion-arms-license! it just goes ratatatatuille
  19. well, i never said that... i just said that kundalini and tantric practices are not necessarily counterproductive.
  20. it’s romanesco not as healthy as brokkoli ? but also pretty nice - it is an idea of cabbages. and even though it’s quite new on international markets, in italy it existed since some hundred of years. so it’s not some new invention.
  21. @Leo Gura what about tantra? sorry to ask but as far as i know kundalini and tantric practice doesn’t have to be separated. aren’t there even ways to use masturbation in a tantric sense - i also wonder if there is a difference between women and men. as i don’t think tantra can happen without a good connection to the own body and women often have a selfesteem problem (men sometimes, too, without knowing) about their body in relation to sexuality. or is this only recommendable in higher stages of mastery? so i could understand if it is a distraction of raising kundalini energy - although this might only be a lilith in an eves dress offering an apple.
  22. yeah exactly. but i asked you how much of an idea it is.
  23. @How to be wise how much of an idea is this? i could eat it?