now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. yeah, i wonder if you go for the shell or for the soft parts
  2. what is there not to understand about: It's a fire These dreams they pass me by This salvation I desire Keeps getting me down 'Cause we need to Recognise mistakes For time and again So let it be known for what we believe in I can see no reason for it to fail... 'Cause this life is a farce I can't breathe through this mask Like a fool So breathe on, sister breathe on From this oneself Testify or tell Its fooling us now So let it be known for what we believe in I can see no reason for it to fail... 'Cause this life is a farce I can't breathe through this mask Like a fool So breathe on, little sister, breathe on Ohh so breathe on, little sister, like a fool try to read it from a woman’s perspective, once. that’s the part you don’t understand isn’t it? actually it was one of my favorite songs once, too. i loved the whole album, i listened to it back and forth a thousand times. that’s what macy referred to with the pain body - i think guys have it, too. but this one is especially for women. it’s not very long ago that my mom talked to me about it, it’s connected to our families as well as it is a huge pain body, the painbody feminism is rooted in. most women neglect being part of it openly - they go on with the farce.
  3. that’s harsh - well maybe then i stop the jabber so you don’t even notice anymore that i‘m feeling bad sometimes. it will be emotionless empty space no emotion what so ever, you could talk to a wall or a black screen or your facepalm. i‘m talking to myself anyways so don’t think any of it was meant for you it’s all exceptionally for myself, that’s exactly why it’s not easy to leave the shell we built around us! someone walks along the beach and thinks: oh it’s mine i found it, sometimes there is even some animal inside but you could just cut that out and keep the shell decorating your toilet.
  4. don’t confuse nothing with nothingness you can see nothing without seeing nothingness. deep realisation of nothingness comes before the realization of nothing though. you can also meditate on dependent arising and letting go. you only need to ask one question deep enough, well you don’t even need to ask it, if you become the question.
  5. @tsuki i don’t understand the link between portishead and your situation especially because she’s singing: breathe on sister , because of the cold? are you disillusioned and sad about life? but actually i guess that’s what the massage was for/against! but the massage was not the trigger for the fight was it? it was because she felt guilty for quarreling. and she wants to be close to you. she maybe just wanted you to listen to her problems understanding her being attentive. every woman is different. there is no instruction manual. we want to be read. just ask her yourself what the problem really was she will tell you if she knows it herself. a lot of these problems/answers are: you don’t understand. of course, because it’s a lot of emotional stuff. being close, hugging and being cute sensitive and understanding helps us to sort it out.
  6. well what someone calls themselves is not always the fact - sorry i got triggered by calling the nazis socialists, thats a farce. look at my name or my avatar! do i look like that? no. i‘m from germany so i know a little bit about political history here. the nazis invented something that’s called national socialism what is nothing else than what italy did with fascism. but it has not anything to do with socialism it’s a sort of fascism, as the socialists communists where an international thing from the start and closer to french revolution, comune de paris, where it’s about equality and in that national socialism is a controversal name, it’s a sort of mimikri. you have to understand what communism means to understand it never happened. nowhere except in our minds. and even communists fight against each other about what it can or can not be. what really happened was an attempt to replace one dictatorship with another while implementing socialism - see how rough and hard times where, too. also try to see everything what happened then in regards to industrialization. what happened in russia and the udssr was very dogmatic and in that sense it was blue or even red. in europe you can find communist and socialist parties in many countries, they also have different approaches they are not all blue! politically it is interesting to some point what exactly of communist theory is the thought of communism as well as we have to think about what exactly of democracy is the thought of democracy and also understand what exactly of dictatorship is the thought of dictatorship.
  7. i see, you love her really much - but you can’t fix what doesn’t want to be fixed and it’s also not your responsibility. you can help her make a decision, can help her overcome her addiction of being drawn to abusive people, btw. help her to outgrow her own masochism. if it’s really bad, why staying with an abusive guy beyond change? we all have the choice of walking away, we put the dog leash onto ourselves - it’s difficult to ask the leash to become the dog. so maybe for your friend it’s about dropping the leash. and in your case it’s maybe about letting the leash loose a little i guess the tree hugged you back. they are so loving aren’t they, they murmur love in the winds.
  8. @Zigzag Idiot well i try to be biodynamic. thank you for bugging me.
  9. @Zigzag Idiot uhhh no it’s not to find in the words. it‘s probably a drinking song, they actually sing about doing nothing much constructive. blödsinn = dumbsense, nonsense stumpfsinn = dullsense so they just proclaim how they do nothing but killing their brain cells in comparison to what they usually do. but it also makes sense on another layer. as the godsspark is a reaction to the dullsense. another nice word in that context: „müßiggang“ it’s a little bit like the „toilettengang“ you search for a place where you can get rid of all obligations or burdens, but it’s not about the place it’s about what you are doing there.
  10. @Zigzag Idiot german language makes a lot possible, as you can just make new words by melting words together. götterfunken is made of gods and spark - it’s GODSSPARK the spark of the gods. the text says: joy/happiness pretty/beautiful godsspark daughter from/off elysium. sounds funny in english it‘s a poem from schiller.
  11. hehe, thats the shadow side, to laugh you have to go to the basement. (it’s practical selfflaggelation under many circumstances, high pressure from the self, functioning etc. it’s ironic)
  12. @Zigzag Idiot ah thank you i don’t know what it is about germans having this strong longing to declare the world... “freude schöner götter funken, tochter aus elysium“
  13. @Zigzag Idiot yes. it’s about transformations. it‘s interesting.
  14. @mandyjw just go with the flow. try to manage what’s important - leave the rest for a while, you can catch up with it later or find someone to help you with that. figure out what is essential and where your priorities are.
  15. @mandyjw i don’t know what you mean. for me the devil has two faces, but jesus wasn’t one of them to begin with. maybe he has three. it‘s devilish to call someone devil - as you give the devil a face, while the devil comes faceless through the back door. i‘d maybe more agree if you‘d call him other names (the guy, not the devil)
  16. to understand and evaluate a situation you have to see the whole situation in a broader sense - in a very close timeframe the same guy unleashed some pretty controversial comments related to race and skin colour. to be triggered by a persons ignorance is sometimes multifactorial.
  17. @Shadowraix language exists to point towards phenomena, symbols are language - i don’t agree with you on one point: there is a need to understand, but understanding comes only by trial and error.
  18. who is the devil? what are you going to do - strip it all off and dance naked in the moonlight?
  19. in my case it would be paradise goes on my right hand because it’s well controlled and clarity goes on my left hand because it’s not, it cuts through creatively. i like that a new ego is born. maybe time to change sides?
  20. @Rilles mhhh is it ok to turn around the b into a p or d or q - maybe we can find some more cute words. like deli or pie or pee actually you forgot the bee there is nothing that can stop the bee from beeing.
  21. who? i had a fabulous afternoon in the sun. want to chase me out? you want your privacy you both? ? it’s no fun if mommy is around is it?
  22. i guess i‘m not silly . well it unspirals something. @tsuki i rearrange my cutlery every time, but i can’t draw with the left hand. my mom always thought she could keep us doing everything with two hands - knife and fork sticked the wrong way, we do it both, my sister and me.
  23. @mandyjw i‘ll pm you. have to go now, weather is fantastic. city is calling.
  24. don’t get it... who is the unspiral. and are they in-spirals or out- spirals?
  25. @mandyjw i don’t wear earrings - and pearls don’t look good on me i‘d love to co create something with you though!