now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. try dissolving it! if you can design pearls you can do that, too. at least for yourself. you can’t go back to paradise, though - but you can get a little comfier in hell that‘s something you can’t transcend only in your mind.
  2. sounds like a smoothie...are you sure you can mix that all together? going vegan could help you not putting too much meat inside. it‘s really interesting how i use fake not for news.
  3. haha yeah but i‘m not the world you know, i just mimikri around it...
  4. huh, no now i don’t get you... i mean you where talking about the money african americans who’s forefathers where brought to the us as slaves should recive, but th problems in poor towns exist now and they might only see that they get money for something they didn’t do. i‘m just saying that to win poor people over it’s really about general social equality, don’t let them go empty.
  5. it’s good that he does that for you i‘m not so sure about the world though...
  6. a poor person in a rich country will get jellous if others get money, especially under the aspect of racism.
  7. yes but that’s the human aspect, too. if you live in a poor country in a poor city you might be more happy than to live in a poor city in a rich country. how can the country justify to make you unhappy? or how do you justify to be unhappy in a rich country?
  8. well we were talking about poor towns. does it matter where they are? i mean we have some poor communities in the east of germany but they still get support. it’s always relative isn’t it? for me it was the most logic answer to the dynamic that was not considered. it was rethorical...
  9. maybe that the town was in honduras? and not the us? i mean at what rank of the richest countries is the us?
  10. yeah well maybe the word is different in english it’s more about a sense of shame and shamelessness i‘m really drawing back from like a hand from fire. it leaves me speechless sometimes. it’s not about shaming it’s more about not being able to take responsibility for something you didn’t do, well more even about taking responsibility for something you even did - because then it was not love, well then it was love and it seems to prevail it can’t take responsibility it can only love. it cannot be at fault.
  11. well that they obviously don’t teach you what racism and social darwinism sounds like, maybe because out of guilt. it’s definitely better to feel guilty than not at all. guilt has at least the mechanism to learn. if there is no shame people don’t stop mistreating others. not knowing is only as long an excuse as there is no knowledge about it.
  12. ok it was not about shaming you, or telling you weather i think you are racist or not - it was about trying to tell you what you don’t understand in a language you might understand. because i was not so sure what you might understand or not. although i’m not so sure if your friend might not be in a serious situation of alien abduction. maybe you need to rescue her! seriously why don’t they teach this in school? it’s unbelievable for me.
  13. i wonder where the emotional ranking of the us would be if there wouldn’t be the emotional quotient of jazz, blues, funk and hip hop - if intelligence is measurable by invention i would say you can see how the bunny walks.
  14. are you sure you are still the owner of your mind - it sounds a little bit like someone from outa space got a hold on it. can you check if it is still there please. it‘s called social darwinism by the way and was invented by the one who’s name we don’t want to say. A**** H*****. spiderman told me his followers built a colony on mars, maybe you just check if it is them.
  15. what about the satellites? are they also the computers or are they the internet? what about the electrons? are they the satellites or are they the computers or are they the internet? what about the waves? are they the internet? are they in my brain or are they in the sea that separates two continents not physically but by foot uncrossable, or are they there to cross the sky in milliseconds? am i the internet? can i get highspeed please?
  16. @Andreas
  17. @Andreas would you talk to me with some basic respect? i just asked you a question....your highness? you don’t even see how you are aggressive towards me. i‘m a woman by the way. do you have a problem with that? for me rationalism is irrational if it’s hypocritical.
  18. well some of the biggest wars where started by atheists... i‘m not sure where you learned political history but they where not updated since atheism exists... i guess. so if you are not an atheist, can you name your relation to the existence or non existence of god? do you have any idea about what or what not it could be or are you simply not interested?
  19. @DocHoliday there are some physical issues that seem to change ones perspective to the world enourmously. especially regarding identity. face reconstruction is thanks to the beauty industry kind of developed right now, but face implantation is still very difficult and still not state of the really good art. so once lost it’s gone, how to coap with that? as well as people really have to struggle that out with the world if they are born hermaphrodite - there was a time when they all grew up as girls, because it was the easiest surgical intervention. how beautiful is it that they can live both identities without being ashamed. same goes for transsexuals. especially under the aspect that even though they are born like that, identity forms through growing up/aging. what happens if identity gets lost. what happens if parts of identity where suppressed. what happens if identity is gifted/allowed?
  20. it’s like this enormous cloud of dreams you can enter it at the bakery at the cafe around the corner the yoga studio the organic food market, it’s a smile a hand that is still full of flour a hand that gives you a flower. it’s everywhere it’s you if you open your eye and ask the right questions. it‘s also a tree, an ant and a stone.
  21. shit is shit, if bullshit or horseshit doesn’t concern a fly
  22. yeah but you show it in every single post, how you are. you are not invisible. rationality happens in your mind but you don’t act rational because, you are not a rational being. you have emotions. and a lot of them are about protection, hiding, and wooden horses that shit.
  23. @Andreas do i need to use the word horse to discuss a horse? do i need to say that i can see wooden horses even if they are not made of wood? for it being a discussion about horses. a wooden horse doesn’t shit.
  24. yeah but i was discussing religion. you don’t see that. i also triggered you because you hide in a belief system. i‘m an atheist, well i‘m a pantheist. i am not a fan of religion or dogma but i‘m also not a fan of science or rationalism as an empty shell, selfrefering in a closed mathematical system, treated like a religion. if you would give up what you think is rationality, you wouldn’t need to protect yourself so much anymore. it’s your fear of loosing control that lets you keep up the facade. and you like to hide behind it trying to make your opponent shut up. but that‘s not how it works. religion will not just vanish as science will not just vanish - it might change like it always changed in its practice but it won’t vanish - you need to accept that.
  25. well then have a look at turquoise again. and realize this is not your journal... so it is not YOUR thread, this is a very open community, but the attempt to controll a conversation to a direction of your preferred outcome is not open - you asked a question, there was conversation and as long as people don’t hurt the rules... this thread belongs not to any i. you can‘t own a conversation. who is sitting in a house made of glass should not throw with stones.