now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. @mandyjw we hold predators as friends and love them because we are predators ourselves.
  2. @mandyjw for some people your dog is only food. it doesn’t concern them that it is a dog that’s loved. would you eat your dog if you‘d run out of food? how would you feel if someone served your dog on a tablet, with some lemonjuice on top? see how sneaky this selfdeception is - do you really love unconditionally?
  3. there is vegetarian dog food. when i was a child i met the most loving vegan dog - he loved cucumbers. and it was not even a time when vegan dog food existed.
  4. well you said people get health problems from vegan diet, well they get health problems from eating dairy and meat, too. so what’s you point in pointing it out one dimensional? vegan is unhealthy? yes but every diet is unhealthy if it’s not balanced. veganism is a mixture of health and spirituality. eating meat and dairy, too. i feel better with veganism.
  5. well you probably love animals for the condition of them being food! that’s unconditional - really you might have to kill an animal because it’s suffering, so people put them into suffering circumstances to have an excuse to kill them faster. that’s unconditional love! no conditions involved what so ever. if they don’t taste good we don‘t eat them that’s also love without condition.
  6. yes it’s a good starting point because it‘s really not killing by design, to eat meat. at least it can be redesigned the eating and killing process. kill the brokkoli ? (long live the brokkoli)
  7. the thing is, you can’t do so much, it’s killing by design. if that’s something that can be changed or not is something else. changing the car for the insects is difficult. changing a recycling process well that‘s something that could be done.
  8. if you enter your car and you know you will kill insects is it still an accident? if you buy and throw away your electronic devices and you know it will kill people, is it still an accident?
  9. @Mikael89 maybe it’s not about the direct killing. but for example not protecting animal rights is killing more animal than protecting them. for example not protecting the rainforest is killing animals. driving a car is killing insects and sometimes other animals by accident. did you ever step onto a snail, by accident? how about if you have mice in your house? living in a city is occuping space that once belonged to nature. and so on... our computers and electronic waste is killing people.
  10. if i don’t cook for myself i have to ask everywhere to leave out the non vegan stuff - sometimes you don’t even know if there is milk in the bread, or in a sauce because it’s not listed. sometimes people just don’t get it or i am so absorbed of where i am that the next vegan spot is not close by. there are countries where it’s very difficult to get anything decent without meat at all, let alone dairy like a lot of south american countries and at some places in asia you‘ll have a huge language problem to find out what is veg or to even tell them. if you book cheap flights it’s sometimes difficult to order vegan flight meals or you order it and then you don’t get it because something in the system went wrong. if i am hungry i sometimes choose the vegetarian option. also i had situations where i was with other people and i then just ate meat because we where gathered and i couldn’t ask them to go to the length in another country to find a vegetarian friendly spot. it can get very difficult. you have to be very organized, and straight forward and it’s a little like with sweets, i like interesting new tastes and sometimes a quesadilla is just awesome and irresistible.
  11. well but you are so biased that you can’t see what the true cause is. it’s not the religion, it’s what people do with it. you don’t see, that without religion, you would probably still sit in front of a fire in a cave. ask yourself: why is my body so hary!?
  12. a lot more people get health problems because of an overexcess of meat and dairy. just because you think it works for you doesn’t make it healthier. people who get health problems from vegan diet have not supplemented good enough. it’s not from the food but because they didn’t get what they need. and it’s because of a mixture of mal information and laziness. buddhist monks are vegetarians not vegans - it just happens that some of them live in asia and therefore don’t include dairy into their food plan, as countries like vietnam, kambodia, laos, thailand, china, korea traditionally didn’t eat milk products. it’s perfectly possible to live a healthy life on a vegetarian diet. but milk products can still be a cause of illnesses.
  13. no milk produkts, too. i can only eat eggs and butter. it’s animal proteins. but usually i say i‘m vegan - people get easily confused otherwise. i learn a lot - eat a lot of new food. so it’s not so bad, and i feel spiritually clean. it’s as if my body made a decision for my soul.
  14. well it is problematic to be flexible for me, as it really hurts my body. so it’s not a spiritual reason even though it became a spiritual reason. i still make exceptions, sometimes. the cultural aspect is probably what is interesting to consider in regards of templequisine and buddhist diet. japanese monks for example eat meat.
  15. looked it up and he eats meat on the roads if he recives it. but vegetarian at home. tibetan quisine seems to contain milk - japanese vegetarian doesn’t.
  16. i wonder how the dalai lamas survived... tibet is very cold in winter isn‘t it. must give some slack, it’s very difficult for people far up in the north to eat simultaneously mostly vegetarian and regional and cultural authentic food. regarding veganism, i could understand how that is in practice almost impossible to maintain. culturally, i realize very often how difficult it is when i leave my vegan friendly city. here i don’t need to care and can move freely, because there is always something available or at least they understand what vegan means. but when i travel people often don’t even understand that fish is not vegetarian and they don’t know what vegan means exactly. eating without dairy products is almost impossible in many places. so either i need to be prepared or make small exceptions. living in india could help, but even there they cook with cream and cheese.
  17. well it has. a lot. because you try to build a theory on religion being the cause for all war’s and bad. it certainly is not! hitler for example was not religious he had his own weird spiritual beliefs. it‘s just not an argument to point at religion. it’s not religion what’s the problem even though it is in some cases, it’s not spirituality even though it is in some cases and it’s not atheism/agnosticism even though it is in some cases.
  18. but agnostics are atheists per definition, and communists, too. i mean agnostics are not communists per definition, but communists are atheists or agnostics. not to be confused. so not having a religion does not save one from having an ideology.
  19. @Andreas but you know that sri lanka was in a civil war led by atheists before, don’t you? - if you really look into it you would realize, it doesn’t matter if it’s religion or non religion - it’s about making an ideology out of any belief system.
  20. @whoareyou you are falling into the trap of social injustice victimhood. ask yourself who plays the victim to what kind of injustice? it’s really liberating and eye opening! yes enough with victimhood, put a lign under it, pay what the forefathers owe and close the books with it. and then have a look if there are really no victims and no offenders anymore.
  21. well upload, download everything infinite intelligence. but directly? i‘m downloading air for example. and love, can download that, too. if someone loads it up... maybe it’s not so much about the download at all it’s maybe more about the upload? if a tree uploads itself to infinite intelligence or if it’s not uploading itself might have massive impact on the potential upload quality of air to my lungs.
  22. so there it is the ajna and ardhanarishvara at the end of the episode. the integration of dualities and the transcendence of dualities. to burn and to heal through the fire with life’s energy. love for life prevails. healing energy prevails.
  23. yes, what happened happened. the question is if you get feared by it or if you find out about the content of your fear and then understand it’s not really about you - it’s about what you have seen. it’s not your pain it’s theirs. question is will you take it or reject it or will you sooth it?
  24. yes, there is more to it than meets the eye. there is a struggle everyone would go through if it happened to them.
  25. mhhh what was i referring to? if you want to answer to something i‘d ask you: what is identity? are there aspects to identity that are more about identity than others? for example if you loose your eyesight, you loose your eyesight and the ability to move freely but loosing identity would then only be a byproduct, identity will remain in most parts. but loosing a face is mostly about loosing identity. that’s why it’s so shocking - is it still me if i don’t recognize myself? that would be the question.