now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. more a tea table today
  2. @Serotoninluv well yes, but absolute potential stretches limitless into the absolute - with a capital B. never mind. of course it’s all thought story until it is not.
  3. @Serotoninluv i wonder how you manipulated this text into being... do you tipe with your nose sometimes? maybe then it would be nosed into being... maybe you just dictate it into being that’s a nice option, with cell phones they don’t have hands anymore.
  4. @Serotoninluv it was not about vs. it was more about them being forces that dualistically interact if you think about them or not, they are present as an idea. what i tried to outline here was how isness either is or is manipulated, but decision already is manipulation, even not doing is manipulation of isness - it was about showing that absolute potential is always present, whatever point you are starting from. potential is only limited by decision, decision is made upon potential and potential is also either perfect imperfect or imperfect perfect. absolute potential is preconditioned.
  5. @Truth Addict it’s very hard to break out of selfreliant systems.
  6. why does it unmatter if spiritual subjects are not alive? see what i did there
  7. @Serotoninluv is absolute perfection and absolute imperfection not relative to absolute potential? isness is absolute potential and is after potential has transformed to absolute potential. isness is the intersection between the forces of absolute perfection and absolute imperfection or it just is. there is the perfect imperfect and the imperfect perfect as a duality.
  8. because life is a paradox. it’s another catch 22. being enlightened means to transform, not to survive. but in transformation the old remains as a part of the new, the true self remains, so the current form needs to look out for it’s true form, to let the old die and rebirth itself. the only way to stop rebirthing is stepping out of society - completely, but even then it can’t be helped life still needs a form. form is not random.
  9. if you get hung up at times don’t stick too much with the step by step, you can always come back to that. before you procrastinate with something else, procrastinate with proofreading or a small mindmap. if you get hung up use the time creatively on the topic. if you get stuck you have a bottleneck situation, use some creative methods to loosen not only the face muscles, but also the topic. you’ll do it! ? ?
  10. i miss her too. naked iceskating
  11. @ikust zweistein probably would tease you now.
  12. @ivankiss yes, i see, there is a difference between acquaintances and friendship. friendship developes better with soul connection i‘m sure if you put some effort in it to network you can find new friends at the next home. for myself i know, i could have made so many friends who where just random acquaintances if i‘d have put some time and effort into it. next time you meet someone you feel a soul connection to. try to spend time with them - it’s pretty much like dating, with friends, too. until then there is the spongebubble. full of soulmates. even stray dogs and cats are roaming around.
  13. @ivankiss oh i love geoffrey bawa - and his scholars, love string hoppers and coconut sambol and especially love sri lankan ayurveda. have been two times already. i know it’s not easy for sure. sri lankan dogs are the cutest, my favorite. if i‘d ever want to have a dog i‘d take a sri lankan pariha mix street dog ?. how can you not have friends there? sorry... but i only met really nice people there. maybe because i met them in my leisure time. also sri lankan buddhism bears an obvious key element other schools use to forget.
  14. ? it does, doesn’t it? even if it doesn’t. what country are you living in? sounds pretty interesting and wild. i realized it takes around half a year to get to know someone - friendship starts after one year or so. real friendship goes on for a lifetime, even though you might have overestimated a person, real friendship can forgive differences can forgive the touch of time. he remains in your heart doesn’t he.
  15. yes ?
  16. watched the 3. part of understanding duality. if i was a cacado i‘d take my phone to the universe now and say: thank you, i love you, all of you ?
  17. someone took my invisibility cape...who was it? nobody can hide, nothing surrenders.
  18. no, while i read it, i really imagined the book, the page and the turning of the page and the sound appeared as a sound inside of me. so you are talking not only about yourself because i am you and you are me. why is it a difference if you hear the sound coming from a book or coming from a person? it’s all resonance and the sound going on forever.
  19. if that goes on the next 4 days you know what that‘l mean for logistics? get the truck rolling dude how much of the load is still missing? maybe start with a checklist? and staple some less heavy topics inbetween.
  20. don’t know about saturn but mars will be a flowerlover in the future definitely