now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. hahah - nothing wrong with me i just didn’t want to ask if he called me dumb...
  2. hey did you just call me fat?
  3. says the one with the power tower
  4. life is the prison we make of it. it’s an endless prison break.
  5. joseph everyone is sometimes harsh, love sometimes means taking a shot at someone, you are saying that yourself... i don’t know why you get so defensive- everyone loves you, too. it’s just that not everyone agrees with what you are saying! you have to coap with that or you integrate it and realize it is not about love. or maybe it is, maybe it’s the love and respect you‘d like to have but didn’t build a forum for yet. you have a lack of scholars for the teacher you want and probably could be. but be aware that they‘ll run from you when you demand their attention or respect. people in this forum are here because they want to, even if they don’t. it’s not a prison like your lsd trip told you. you are your own prison.
  6. what kind of should is this? there is a difference between a proposition and a demand.
  7. it was just a proposition. i mean you also tell us what we should be concerned about. just because you don’t use the word doesn’t make it a non should.
  8. yeah but leo is not the president... maybe you should be concerned about that much more...
  9. yeah and it’s exactly this argument that gives you the right to shit on a plate. just make a life performance of it.
  10. no clue about what? everything? nothing? you can‘t say that! do you have a clue about it? it doesn’t mean he has a clue about everything that’s yet to come, as it does not exist yet. would you have any clue without him? ingratitude is not very enlightened - people here tend to integrate the good stuff and critique about the shadow sides, while not getting their ass to start progressing on their own. a lot of people here focus more on others than on themselves, me included. it’s so easy to fingerpoint towards the own black hole. bitching and moaning about the food after it’s eaten. the thing is learning to cook is completely different to just eating what’s on the plate.
  11. where in sri lanka do you live? there should be some places where you can do yoga or have ayurvedic accompanied support, too. i can give you the address of the place i went to although unfortunately magic hands was a woman... and treatment for guys is done by guys. i also don’t know if it would be the right place for you. for me it was because i’m all about architecture and design and so on so it was already magic for me because it all came together there, with the art of ayurveda. if you are in colombo you could also go to the mountains for some days. so many spiritual seekers there.
  12. well the quran, the bible, the tora, the bhagavad gita, the vedas, the edda. there is no difference, there is no problem in mixing them up unless you do it for your own supremacy beliefs. no book alone can be the word of god. god doesn’t speak in words she is the words. all gods are equal because they all are one. and that’s where the bible is right, there should not be a god above that.
  13. oh no ? you didn’t shave the poodle, did you?
  14. you could also trim it... also depends on back or front...
  15. well that was just quick and dirty, love would be overexaggerated. but yeah maybe i’ll stay for the night. ?
  16. sorry i killed the romance
  17. uhh shin - did you give up on girls?
  18. is it because of the colonoscopy? or despite?
  19. squeeze? you know, with a fork.
  20. ring his bell of course
  21. yeah muh means mooo or however you spell the sound a cow makes in english. it’s not exactly what they ask during final exams
  22. i love loriot
  23. more projection
  24. holy muh
  25. actually if you want to understand michael ende you need to understand his perception of time, too. you can’t understand the never ending story without understanding momo. all stories are only part of this one story. and the ivory tower is the center of it’s power.