now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. @Zweistein whaaaa thank you!!! the eight in 3d, and a butterfly ?, too.
  2. @Zweistein @tsuki about nihilism in general and why nihilism is important and a strength in my perspective (took me some time to bring that into a thought): i think nihilism is indeed the power of rejection. people who go on this path, reject the inherent meaning of the way everything around them is organized. so they start deconstructing it, until they see it’s all just chaos, but also am able to see how society constructs this chaos. a true nihilist is also saying more no to the world than a positivist. nihilism maybe is also more often a male energy, so nihilists often work also more with the mind tool. learning to think like that, they are able to deconstruct reality for others - because they know to ask the deconstructing questions. positivistic thinking people always seem to find meaning in everything, sometimes without asking questions. they just take it for granted. i see myself as a yes sayer so if i meet with nihilists they trigger me to rethink my world construction. so i have to align with truth to not loose myself - some people might counterreact, because they don’t have a lot true ideals to cling to. but with an open mind it’s all about learning. so @Zweistein yes selfactualizers are all some kind of seekers - but some are more and some are less seekers of truth. it’s not better or worse it’s just the will to make a difference.
  3. @Zweistein hope it is also growing luck dragons! or transforming the dragon into a luck dragon! the orbitals - it’s an interesting picture! i’ll try to integrate that, too. we are talking about possibilities here, aren’t we? (bought two books: “ becoming super natural” from joe dispensa and “der weltgeist” from roger d. nelson)
  4. have weird experiences with animals these days - maybe because i see them more conscious now. even see their traces - and dogs seem to love me (runs in the family). saw a really nice dragonfly the other day it sat on a tree, it had one wing broken, but could still fly - but it didn’t too much so i could face it. tried to see it’s face and it looked almost like it was communicating, it’s head was moving while watching i guess. really amazing. it didn’t have a special colour but it was one of the bigger ones. i remembered how my mother has this small pond behind her house, where dragonflies put their eggs - so in late summer there where always some around our house - even saw one with a red corral colour once - it looked like a flying coral. one of the most beautiful things i’ve ever seen. yesterday i got visited by three bats - they were flying around in the living/bedroom in circles. why did they come? for the light? or the warmth? it blew my mind of - i was scared i might hurt them or they might hurt themselves - but then i realized they can navigate in the dark, and also fly in caves and i put the light of and left the room. and they disappeared one after the other. aren’t they cute? since i’m here i always interpreted something into nature. and i still do, but on the second thought - i just say: come on, and have to lough about my ignorance. i can’t prove something that doesn’t want to be proved.
  5. @Viking so you are an existentialist? maybe you need to know what is your position in the world, by proving it against the theory of others. found this, written against the toilet walls in a berlin toilet:
  6. @Viking you want to catch air with a butterfly net.
  7. @Viking yes but why, just why does it matter? before you knew that, did you know what will come after death? or the next day? so why do you want to know what is outside of the now? because someone or some substance had the idea to mindfuck you? because we think we are already at the end of knowledge? but it’s easy to prove drug reality agains everyday reality. especially if you had some really bad trips.
  8. @Viking there is no exploration without an explorer. truth is what remains when you explore until it is shaken to be not true anymore. if you experienced both under exploration you at least know what is your truth.
  9. @Viking you never know anything until you know, and even then you might not know - but you know at least more or less than before “i don’t know” is just a comfort zone.
  10. mhhh - basically i think it’s not a conspiracy, it’s just that artists learn to think in pictures. during education in product design (in sens of industrial design) we used to say you can’t reinvent the wheel, we used that to get less fixated on doing something really new, because then we could let go a little bit. if you try to take the perspective of the artist, you maybe can understand, that they need some kind of foundation - they need it more, if they are talking of something that does not exist - how can you show something that does not exist physically? the meaning of the underlying story has to be translated somehow - and it also should be perceived by the audience. they also work in different teams on the movie - so costumes may play a big role etc. they think about how to translate the story. you have different directors and people who all work together to make that happen. that brings about the depth of picture alignment. but it doesn’t make the movie automatically a good one. a lot of movies are flatliners even though they have deep pictures. why because they don’t get the essence of what they are talking about out there. or the story was already not it. it’s open for interpretation. so it’s certainly about the glases you are wearing, to understand them in a certain way - leo’s video about recontextualisation is supposedly about that, too. and don’t forget how difficult it is to throw a movie out there. you already mostly only see the ones that had potential initially. the ones that are worth spending money, to earn some more money. but sometimes you don’t get to see the really good ones. because no one wants to make them - it’s like baking bread - you can bake a bread that’s really healthy but fear not to sell enough or you can let it look healthy but the colour is made with sugar couleur. in that sense, you can always learn something from a bad movie, too. may that be visually or content poor if you set that into some kind of context. then of course, you are the director of the movie you are watching. kopf kino - head cinema. so it’s about how aware you are about the underlying content and the content of reality, if you get it right and at the same time about how aware you are about the pictures, to get hidden meanings right. might look like a pretty bad movie but on the second schell it is not and one level deeper it’s still hollow ? (something else than empty) - i usually ask for the intention to make it, to begin with, to decide if it’s hollow or not. there we are already at the question about nihilism... i thought that through some day. what i kept was the last part of the thought, too: a no to a no is still a yes. a yes to a yes is also a yes. but in some cases a yes to a no can also be felt as a no but said as a yes. so in the end it is a matter of how aligned one is to his/her own yes’s and no’s. but nihilism as a philosophy and way of interacting turns to the yes at one point. while negativism may keep the no to the point of selfdestruction. so it’s very important to separate negativity from the nihilism. as well as the false yes from the positivism. - think i’m still learning to do that, saying no more often. so a yes to a yes is only a yes if the yes seems to be very important. maybe because it is a no to a no.
  11. @tsuki how did you like it? went to a lake side - mostly i liked the plasticity of the moon when the shadow was moving on. also liked the plasticity of the space during the eclipse - the stars made it look 3d. has been a long time since i’ve watched the night sky in a remote place with that kind of attention. all in all something too be repeated without eclipse maybe during new moon. might also go to a observatory to watch mars. you were right, choosing a topic of interest randomly is very tempting, too.
  12. mh - difficult - now i also need a translation to what you are saying. i’m talking in symbols. and talking about how holism reappears in a lot of cultures - especially in religions. all these cultures are producers of art. in the art you can find symbols these symbols stand for something - if you try to align them with medicine politics etc you get some kind of code. and this code is a step closer to infinite intelligence. because you just have to follow the code. to understand the hidden meaning of unwritten knowledge. if you’ve found it you can embody it into every space or system. and then experiment upon that. but you are good in nihilism- so that’s your strength. so you are already good in saying no - why should you say yes, you are already saying yes to no. disconstruction is your power, it’s good without changing something about it! it‘s still good to understand the symbols. sorry i can‘t explain it better! it‘s about the meaning of the body parts what they do etc. what is a body when you talk about the ego, if systems are ego‘s etc. the ego sits inside another ego inside another ego - like a matrioshka. the space in the middle is yourself. the house represents the shells ? it‘s a spiral, isn‘t it.
  13. @tsuki it‘s a matter of construction and a matter of returning to the center fast enough. i recommend wheel throwing class for yogic experience in flexibility. ? we all carry our house on our shoulders it’s a matter of learning to fit us into the house and the house to fit us, when we are gone all that remains is an empty shell. it’s nice to know, with growing, we already grow into a bigger house. here and where we really are.
  14. bauhaus philosophy of education, basically you wander through all phenomena, experiencing it, in the end you meet at the experimentation space together to create. that‘s bauhaus networking. if you finally understand the emptyness off a cup - you understand zen.
  15. found this yesterday the darker ones are related to the outside material world - the light gray to the inner spiritual work. i hope i don’t reveal too many secrets here... please delete if that‘s the case. to find love 2. how to keep love alive 3. sticking with it or going 4. how to develop potential in creating something (here it‘s related to career) 5. how to develop self-confidence 6. how to fail 7. how to develop selfawareness 8. how to interact/deal with others 9. how to be serene/composed 10. how culture can change your life 11. how to enjoy life 12. the meaning of life
  16. if you let a materialistic worldview in sense of political philosophy with an utopian outcome run it’s tracks through the symbolism of religious systems in a childlike open mind, it will cut a track into existential survival, understanding where humanity has always wanted to go, leaving the controversials behind. it’s a matter of possibilities to act uppon them or the wanting to act uppon them that makes you one with everyone else. if you then reflect on the symbols and decide witch one are fake and witch one overlap in meaning you‘ll get a clear hint to the survival outcome of humanity on this planet. the path maybe smeared but the vision is not. survival is the ability to find something positive in life and something to cling to.
  17. but the money makes the opportunity and the trade, and the quality and the drugwar as well as the non legalization. it’s multiple factors.
  18. if we skip the responsibility part - i‘m certainly a long bleader.
  19. wrote this oneliner with 16 - looking back i think i was smart back then: „träumst du deinen traum denn nich, wie jeder hier auf erden?“ don‘t you dream your dream, as everyone on earth?
  20. @Crystalous most psychedelics influence emotions more than the thinking. over the time they remodulate your emotional system. a lot of psychedelics influence the serotonin and dopamine process - they mimic emotions. the body thinks: overload and stops producing them for a while. or starts destroying the ones that are already there.depends on the substance. for longterm users, it’s more difficult - sometimes they need substitutes, because the body get‘s used to underproduction . that’s the short version. the body doesn’t really produce negative emotions... it‘s in that sense the absence of emotion. or remodulation of emotion with some emotion missing. so the system counterreacts, that’s also why counterreacting from outside with psychiatrical drugs again is controversial - because you start manipulating the system again. that’s why adaptogens are an alternative, they overall balance the system more holistically.
  21. yeah that’s a huge system, too. state supported... doctors as dealers. in germany we have a lot of alternative practitioners though. but a lot of them fall of the insurance system. it’s slowly changing. but still some money needed for the individual at the moment and some consciousness, too. and antibiotics safe life sometimes, at least that those kind of drugs are also standardized and come with an explanation on how to use them. i know psychiatrical drugs over the counter in the us it‘s more of a problem... huge topic!
  22. @Leo Gura you almost sound like a dealer here what about the money made with drugs? that‘s a huge topic. i know all the explanations about legalization and how that would help etc. but the so called hard drugs will still supposedly stay illegal even if they ever change the system. would be interesting to talk about conscious dealing and a conscious mafia... i suppose that’s difficult. some parts will always stay criminal. well, money... from flat to round.
  23. hahaha - i also have to tame a dragon? flower growing is something else ?
  24. hope the song is not too sad, it doesn’t really fit. maybe this one: @Zweisteini‘m really bad in saying goodbyes