now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. @SFRL all stories are part of the never ending story. even the ones from tolkien if there are two towers and the ivory tower doesn’t appear in the story witch tower is witch? speaking of recontextualisation, that changed the plot:
  2. @tsuki teasers turn out to be spoilers sometimes
  3. in europe tonight, who’s going to watch the blood moon and moon eclipse? great cinema, absolutely recommendable!
  4. @DnoReally might be you have an ambivalent relation to your first language, too. despite the logical/philosophical/mechanical understanding in different languages. i also feel more positive in english (mostly connected to travel and music and openmindedness) - maybe it’s about memories. english feels more free, because you can free yourself of your identity, partly. and it is in general a language that feels more lightweight (might be because i just developed it until a certain level, its still a not perfectly grown up language) but sometimes transferring it, can also change the relationship to your mother language. did you know, your mother language is „stored“ in a different area than all the other languages? means language until the age of three. in that sense your ego or selfesteem might be different in different languages. and there is one language that is very good in translation - but per definition, it’s not a language.
  5. @Viking as i understand it, the body is also external in that sense. and the individual is absolutely dependent on physical reality. even belief. so it‘s a matter of the turning point. if you belief in oneness there is no difference between internal external matter and energy. but in existentialism there is. it‘s only external.
  6. @Viking you have to read sartre then... wikipedia sometimes doesn’t get it right. at least the english interpretation here.
  7. @Viking no, existentialism says at least as i understand it, there is only external conditions. at least i got it right - you might be interested in philosophy
  8. @Viking yes partly... maybe not, maybe we can know things and experience them without having experiences before. so for me that would do the trick. existentialism is basically a materialistic worldview. so in a wider sense it would still be existentialism - but it‘s a matter of definition and floating boarders.
  9. @Viking those are classical existentialistic approaches to a worldview. it‘s not my place to answer that.
  10. @Viking sorry i edited. if you don‘t know anything else, doesn’t make you that an existentialist? somehow.
  11. „can exist, i don’t know“ and „the only thing i know for sure, is i exist“
  12. @Viking but what stands behind a label? isn‘t it a concept and a belief? so isn’t it worthwhile to check others concepts for relevance and grow on it? at least for truth? you can always agree to disagree.
  13. while most people love their chairs, i love the eamsen‘s. more dimensional than this. it‘s from 1977 , might contain spoilers:
  14. unintended recontextualisation the sign says: stop the hate stop afd (new rightwing party in germany, known for their nazi like paroles)
  15. the hamster wheel looks from the inside like a career ladder
  16. maybe this one... but it‘s more a: make it happen, for me, something recommendable for every dreamer out there. could also post pink floyd’s the wall now but i‘m not against education in general so it‘s more the „anybody out there?“ track (more a rethorical question) and i promised: silence
  17. sometimes i don‘t know what’s better, the courency has always been heartblead - so i do both, sometimes. and try to do the second one for now here. because it‘s now or never. unfortunately no fitting song for it to be found.
  18. ? sooo funny. i love it - will never exchange my canvas bags. and turquoise has also green elements ?. in berlin they use back packs more often. i don‘t agree that it is impossible to remain partly in one stage and enter another at the same time. it’s just a question where your pride sits in in the end. and @Zweistein ... i love your drawings - be it ice skating or writing or paintings or installations. especially the nude ones. for both of us it’s just a matter of skills and performance and decision making - that’s the dragon. think you need some silence around here now.
  19. whaaaa @tsuki that’s a mindfuck more over a soul fuck for a conscious designer. i prefer seeing what you see as furniture as stars - some are dark stars and some are shiny ones. you can look at them when you need inspiration. but still remain on earth. or sometimes visit them if you need to. but you can refurbish your house and throw the stuff you don’t like out and even give some stuff a new function. (not talking about people as stuff, well sometimes) you can‘t change being influenced, but you can chose who or what influences you.
  20. ? bought myself some dandelion salad, when i felt like that - you are observing yourself. that’s normal - and it’s openly. so sometimes it might feel like others see right through you. maybe even conversing with them in your mind. i don’t know what others see, but i can only see what i know for myself, so they still see themselves in you somehow - so you are only as open as you let others read you. and most people are so interested in themselves they don’t bother reading anyways. that’s the good thing and the sad thing ? just think of naked drawing, it’s the same thing. your doing an naked self portrait writing here, the others, too. that’s all.
  21. @Zweistein i feel sorry you feel like that right now. and hope it will be fine again very soon! you are such a strong woman - thank you for creating a creating space here, for synchronized ice skating. i think it’s just spinning a little bit after some pirouettes.
  22. @Zweistein maybe but you won’t loose the content, it’s just recontextualisation. @tsuki maybe you are a nihilist - but already one who turned to the yes? and it’s certainly not all you are... there is also a difference between nihilism and zen, even if they fit into each other - korean zen for example is different from japanese zen - but we know the japanese better. it’s not the theory that makes the person, it’s the prove against life that makes the theory and especially life that makes the person.